Turning Off Auto Voice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFamilyGhost, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. TheFamilyGhost

    I have good enough SA to know what you are doing, especially if you are doing it to me.

    Good SA is the mark of a good team. When the computer creates SA for you, then the team does not need to generate their own SA to be good.

    Who says that you or your team are entitled to good SA without having to do anything to achieve it? Your passion is commendable, but it doesn't hide the fact that you want a good team without having to work for it.
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  2. Littleman

    SA? Sound audio? I don't care how good it is for you, and I don't trust your word, you WILL hear "I'm healing/repairing you!" regardless of your beliefs (not a good reason to turn it off.) If you don't, you certainly won't miss my C4. I WILL end a danger to the team, like it or not. Even if you ARE always aware, someone else will not be and turn it off anyway.

    NO. An option wouldn't do anyone any favors. If you're offended by the game performing audio for you, get over it. This helps everyone in the long run. That's why it's in other games. That's why it's in Planetside.

    P.S. SA isn't something to achieve. Good communication over a mic is something worth working on, but no everyone has a mic or cares to use the one they do have. Auto-call outs are a good substitute.
  3. KnightCole

    Battlefield Barbie...thats a new one Lolz.
  4. TheFamilyGhost

    You want a poor team to be turned into a good team without any effort on the players' part.

    20 years ago, I told friends that the microwave making instant dinners for us would ruin society...make us think we would get things with no effort. Now, here we are. I told them so.
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  5. Phazaar

    Though it's been removed for being offensive, the calculator thing actually highlighted 100% of why this is a ridiculous mechanic.

    I love having a calculator. I love using it. It's incredibly helpful when I need to do something I can't do on my own. On the other hand, if EVERY SINGLE TIME I saw a couple of numbers it automatically read out in exactly the same obnoxious tone, 'TWO ADD TWO EQUALS FOUR' (and probably some kind of jeer at the end of it, given the quality of our ingame voice macros so far...), 'ONE MINUS THREE EQUALS MINUS TWO' that would be ******* annoying...

    But that's not actually the half of it. To complete the analogy, when I now looked at 'y=142.58^31/0.045+(156627/33228)', it wouldn't say anything. Why? Because moments ago it saw the first two characters of that and said 'ONE ADD FOUR IS FIVE' and went on an arbitrary 'I'm done helping' break.

    It's a -terrible- system. There is no reason on earth that these commands should not be player triggered, and most definitely no reason that they shouldn't be toggle-able.
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  6. Littleman

    Wow! Really!? The microwave ruined society!?

    No. The lack of these vocals being automatic would not be a team building exercise, anymore than people used the hold-Q feature on allies to say "Wait up, let me heal you!" This feature has existed since closed beta. No one used it. I'd rather a team be made passively better than remain actively bad at everything they do. Massive multiplayer game. 100% PvP. TTKs in the sub-second range. I don't want people fumbling with V commands before they start repairing me. The auto call outs skip that step and provide useful information to the player.

    Know your facts. Know your audience. The enemy can't hear these call outs, it's just another way of letting others know of what's happening around them without information overload all over their screen. If you don't like it, there's always CoD. I'm sure you'll find plenty of silent team play over there.
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  7. Cirevam

    I use it all the time, even with the new auto-callouts :(

    I don't know why more people don't do the same. It's not a big deal to hold Q, flick the mouse up, and let go of Q. And that works at range, unlike the auto-callouts which only work when you're within knifing distance (talking about ammo, repair, heals, etc.), and in that case I already know that I'm being healed or whatnot because my healthbar starts glowing or ammo starts clicking into my gun.

    I use teamspeak, in game coms of both Platoon, Squad, Leader and Proxy. I do not need to hear MORE voice chatter that's automated. I already have enough voice chatter to deal with, this adding more in is not an advantage because it obscures important details that people are telling me about, actual living breathing people.
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  9. Crackulous

    I'm disappointed by the fact that my character doesn't swear profusely when he's hit by enemy fire. I expected excess profanity.
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  10. Wafflepancake

    Tonight I had the "privilege" of having -all- call outs to not work. It was oddly quiet and well...[IMG]
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  11. TheBloodEagle

    I'm honestly digging the auto-voices. The battlefield seems much more hectic and alive.
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  12. TheMudster

    This thread is one entire self important, entitled, elitist whine against something that benefits everyone. Gratz on pressing buttons dude.
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  13. TheMudster

    Game already automatically reloads your gun when you are empty...
  14. TheMudster

    Does dampening affect in game call outs?
  15. Phazaar


    Amended: 'Your weapon is now 0/214. This means you have used a whole magazine and have 214 shots remaining. In future, should you require a full magazine before emptying the previous one you can press 'Reload' so as to load a new magazine and prepare your weapon for firing. This time, I'll do it for you.'
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  16. TheMudster

    The voice call outs do not announce that you are walking forward, turning left, jumping, crouching etc.

    So no it's not the best analogy.
  17. TheMudster

    I can't find the post atm but I remember SOE stating that the voice call outs were going to be improved and tweaked over time to make them better/more useful. My understanding is that this will make it less spammy and more intelligent (such as repairing a phalanx)
  18. Phazaar

    No, but they do needlessly inform me, and only me, when I've killed something that I just watched myself kill... And then if I do that same thing again within X seconds, they don't tell me, even though by now someone may have turned up that it might actually be providing useful information to do the callout.

    EDIT: Also, I see no reason that your criticism is logical. My imaginary vocal calculator tells me whenever I do something number-related, arbitrarily, and annoyingly. It doesn't try to spell words for me, nor does it tell me what the weather is. The auto-voice thing tells me, equally arbitrarily (more arbitrarily, in fact) and annoyingly, every time I do something kill-related, reload-related, utility-related etc. Your requirement for the system to cover walking forward, turning left, jumping, crouching etc. is wholly irrelevant to the success or failure of the analogy.

    Lovely. They're very welcome to improve the system as much as they want. The only improvement that's required though, is the ability to turn it off. Simple. One toggle switch, a few lines of code, and blam. Perfect system. After all, all the proponents are adamant it's the best thing since sliced bread, and all the opponents are already sick of it. No reason not to let both sides have their way. I might even try it again after a few years of AI improvement on the system... But not likely, because as has been consistently noted, I'm playing with -actual- -people- who are themselves capable of communicating all of the information I require, and being told to **** if they're going on and on about reloading...
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  19. TheMudster

    I would agree to that if by you turning it off, others would still hear your character's call outs although you wouldn't hear yourself. Between the music spammers, the static, the dampening, the accents, etc. I find many people who use mics are unable to reliably relay information. These call outs are a significantly useful feature for the game, if a bit unpolished.
  20. LordCreepy

    Tank driving got so much more fun.
    Enemy spotted
    Enemy down
    I am an Engineer ! (you don't say...)

    and so on and so on -.-
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