Turning Off Auto Voice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFamilyGhost, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Phazaar

    Reading comprehension is not strong in this one... Maybe you could do with something that automatically explains things for you too?

    'Your weapon is now 0/214. This means you have used a whole magazine and have 214 shots remaining. You should now press 'Reload' so as to load a new magazine and prepare your weapon for firing. Press 'R' to reload.'

    'Your weapon is now 0/190. This means you have...'

    I bet it'll help more than the automatic callouts...
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  2. Jac70

    All we're asking for is control - a proper voice macro system so we can decide and trigger all these call outs if we wish to do so. Even the 'contextual' target down ones. All we need is a 'target down' option in the voice macro that is intelligent enough to know what we shot down a second ago.
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  3. Pondera

    You don't want the game helping you with things?

    Oh..... okay then....

    Report for training tomorrow morning. The training will persist over the next few months until you learn the steps and methods involved in the service and care of your main battle tank.

    While we're at it, let's schedule some courses so you learn how to take apart your rifle, clean it, and reassemble it for proper maintenance.

    Add a few biology and triage (it doesn't mean what the game says it does) courses so you understand how and what the medical applicator actually does, trig courses so you can accurately predict the arcing path of rockets and projectiles in the air, care and maintenance of your launcher, extreme condition sniper training, classes on how to deploy mines without blowing your own leg off... *keeps going like this for another 10 minutes* and all of this will be paid for by you, seeing as how you don't want any help.


    You can let the game help you on certain issues, especially when it's providing a genuinely helpful and useful service.
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  4. Jac70

    So when your character calls out 'I'm an engineer, I can repair that every five seconds that is the game helping. When it calls out when you are repairing an empty turret it's just trying to be friendly. When it calls out as you repair your own fekkin vehicle - helpin'.

    Does helping = dumbing down? Maybe the game can 'help' me aim my weapon too!
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  5. Pondera

    What about the fact that, before this new patch, no one used those voice commands? You'd never know if a medic was nearby, so you kept spamming V-2 over and over again. Same thing with engineers and MAXs.

    Look, part of any good war fighting unit is communication and proper flow of information. You can ask any army veteran about this. If you're cut off from the flow of information, you're proper screwed. Call it dumbing down if you want, but I see it as the game improving the overall flow of battle by doing something for the players that they didn't have the presence of mind to do themselves.
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  6. Hicksimus

    I simply turned off in game voice and set in game dialogue volume to 0. Anybody I give a damn about is on TS3 and we are communicating. I don't need and I don't want to hear SoE's cheesy phoned in automatic dialogue or somebody playing what does the fox say.

    Simple fix really.....I just hope enemies can't hear my Battlefield Barbie announcing stupid things when it's obvious that the enemy is 5 feet away and I'm hiding.
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  7. Brainlaag

    Good god, enemies cannot hear the automated VOs.
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  8. Flapatax

    I showed this to my coworkers and they all laughed. I would've written a longer reply, but I had to finish my book report on proto stars.
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  9. Pondera

    Well, as someone pointed out, enemies can't hear that. And honestly, this new system, while not intended for such purposes, is great for people with disabilities.

    I was born mute because of birth complications, so I'm kinda grateful for SOE making me type less and get shot in the head by opportunistic snipers as a result.
  10. Hicksimus

    I didn't say they could, but thanks for playing.
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  11. Brainlaag

    You should structure your sentences better.

    Quoting this for the sake of truth:

  12. Sock

    I don't fight in future space wars.

    Why does my avatar fight in future space wars?
  13. TheFamilyGhost

    You want a computer to play for you. Congratulations...I guess.
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  14. TheFamilyGhost

    Planck Stars now. You need to catch up, but you're so addicted to video games that you've lost sight of real life.
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  15. TheFamilyGhost

    I have been online PvP since the early 90s, and yes, I have seen the downfall. I have also opposed it.

    As always, the single-player scripted win games that you all pay for, coupled with the socialist entitlement programs where Peter is paid from Paul's toils, have severely setback player evolution. The gratification blinds you to the facts.
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  16. TheFamilyGhost

    The computer making a poor team good. I'm so proud of my team.
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  17. NovaAustralis

    and here's the temporary fix:
  18. AFK1


    I can't find the option
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  19. AFK1

    lmao I remember that
  20. Littleman

    I hope there is never an option to turn off these little auto-voice call outs, especially since in no way are they harmful to you. When I start repairing someone, that little audio cue is much more noticeable than a little name popping up in the corner of their screen, especially considering everyone's eyes should be towards the center or towards where hostiles might pop up. Audio just flows into One's ear drums regardless of the direction it's coming from. Like farts tipping One off to the presence of an infiltrator in the area.

    To be more particular as to why I don't want YOU tuning ME out because you're too immature to appreciate a good mechanic, let me spell it out for you: I don't want you to run me over because you turned off my "repairing you" call out and are too busy shooting softies for easy EXP while ignoring or avoiding enemy tanks to notice someone fixing your paint job.
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