Turning Off Auto Voice

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFamilyGhost, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. TheFamilyGhost

    Anyone figure out how to do it?

    I'm not a juvenile. I want need to hear it.
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  2. Chipay

    You can't.

    And to be honest there's no real reason why you'd want to turn off viable information
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  3. Hatesphere

    you can turn off the call outs completely, but then I dont think you can hear anything call outs, not even player triggered ones. I like some of them honestly, the auto triggered "let me heal you" / "let me fix this" seems to get peoples attention better then the little heal notification, and tells them what direction I am in so they dont run me over with their tank :p
  4. Dragonblood

    uuuuuh, I want a "right behind ya"-call out as inf.
  5. Hatesphere

    you do know that the enemy cant hear the auto call outs right?
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  6. TheFamilyGhost

    Its not viable information. It is juvenile spam that I should be able to (and I am fully capable of) trigger(ing) myself.

    I do not want the computer to play my game for me, I want to play it. I speak when I want to, not when my cut-scene is due.
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  7. Cirevam

    It gets ridiculous at some points. Last night I was driving my Flash through Mao Tech Plant and I wanted to repair some damage. I got into the rumble seat and began repairing. My character promptly exclaimed "I'm an engineer, I'll repair you." So either my Flash is a sentient being that needs to know when I'm repairing it, or my character is not right in the head. Too many headshots from snipers probably messed up his brain.
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  8. Dragonblood

    Good to know. Can we haz more taunt-call outs that the enemys can hear? Something like "DIE, DIE DIEEEEEEE"
  9. MarkAntony

    I'd love more taunts. Probably gonna cost us SC though if it gets done.
  10. AMARDA

    Turned em all off til we get an option
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  11. TheFamilyGhost

    Me too.
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  12. Brainlaag

    I profited vastly from most of the VOs. Especially in packed groups with randoms, grenade call outs, heals and ammo catch the players attention and make them more aware of the situation.
  13. Flapatax

    Turning off voices would be contrived and arbitrary. People talk in war, Ghost. Stop trying to force your personal preference on my game.
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  14. TheFamilyGhost

    Can't you do it yourself? Why have your computer do it for you when you are fully capable?
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  15. dBMachine

    It is annoying.

    But I think the reload call out is interesting. If the enemy can hear you it gives them an opportunity to rush you.

    Sort of like the WW2 story of Germans rushing the Americans when the M1 Garand would 'ping' after going empty.
  16. DrPapaPenguin

    How exactly does turning off voices on his side affects you and your game?
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  17. ManualReplica

    Enemies can't hear the new auto call outs, at all.
    But they can still hear the manual ones as far as I could tell.
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  18. Brainlaag

    You don't get the point. I said I profited from OTHERS shouting things out. I heard the dude dropping ammo behind me ( a random smurf), which usually I would have missed out. I heard a guy yell grenade (random smurf again) as I was charging a door and stopped, saving me from unnecessary damage or even death. I heard an engi repairing behind me while I was enveloped in flames and stuck with tunnel vision on enemies, which preevented me from driving him over.

    I hope they add a way to disable them for people that are annoyed by it but for me and others, they are a huge plus, not only in terms of immersion but also usefulness. Don't get at me with "They should press the commands themselves". Sometimes in the heat of battle you don't have time to scroll through all VO options and few people have mics, even less use them.

    I honestly don't see the problematic here, especially since the enemies can't hear them. I seems like I should go ******** about how constant explosions are loud and annoying but guess what, I tuned them down to a level that I can still hear them, without turning deaf or overhearing valuable feed from others. Talking about holding the players hand, right?
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  19. TheFamilyGhost

    I got your point exactly. I was using "you" as third person plural.

    You say you benefited from automatic voice call outs. So, instead of your team being good enough to communicate effectively, the computer made your team automatically good enough to communicate effectively.

    I prefer that my team be good by their own actions, not a computer program.

    I appreciate your sentiments. However, this is the 2000s, and we should all know video games well enough by now to do things for ourselves, and accept that players make good teams, not computers.
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  20. TheFamilyGhost

    Don't feed the troll. I've pwnt this person utterly in other threads, and now this person is my groupie.