TTK is too short, make it longer SOE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackweb, May 3, 2013.

  1. Blackweb

    If all you can do is mindlessly insult other posters, please stop posting in this thread:rolleyes:
  2. Blackweb

    I never excluded vehicles. To me a vehicle is another suit of armor with more powerful weapons.
  3. Posse

    Nope, but you're simply saying false statements, there's no instagib with Rifles/SMG/LMG, if you feel that you can be instagibbed with those weapons then you're doing something wrong, instagib means having no chance to react, you always have a chance to react against those weapons. Thus, if you can't react it's either because you don't have reflexes or your internet connection is terrible.
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  4. Wasdie

    I really don't feel it's too high at all. You're rewarded for flanking your enemy, keeping your enemy at range and having superior aiming skills, and working as a team to keep your own flanks protected.

    At close range people often bring the wrong gun to the fight and expect to be on the same level with somebody with a shotgun or SMG when they are at point blank. This isn't a fault of the TTK. You've brought the wrong gun.

    Two people having to slug at each other for 5+ seconds just to kill them isn't somehow more "tactical". Infact it's less. You don't need to worry about positioning or covering your flanks, you just need to worry about who can with the circle strafe battle or who brought more people to the fight.

    Two people spamming ADADDADADA is not somehow more skillful nor more tactical. I have no idea where that mentality crept in from but it's not true.
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  5. Wasdie

    Not always. I found myself getting 2 hit killed by headshots quite a bit last night. I don't know if it was bad luck or aimbots but it was definitely annoying.
  6. WycliffSlim

    That's literally not possible with carbines, LMG's, AR's,BR's, Non-revolver pistols and even some scout rifles I believe.
    You could be 2 hit killed from headshots with: Any sniper rifle, Any shotgun, Commsioner, MAYBE the semi-auto scout rifle(I don't remember for sure). As far as I'm aware, no other infantry guns in the game have damage values high enough to 2 shot headshot.

    Edit: Also, aimbotting doesn't change how much damage a weapon does.
  7. Posse

    Probably aimbots or another strange hack because it's statistically impossible to kill someone with only 2 headshots (even a 200 dmg weapon would deal 800 dmg with 2 headshots if I remember my stats correctly, which isn't enough to kill), I can count those situations happening to me in these 5 months (when I said WTF JUST HAPPENED?!?) with my fingers.
  8. Wasdie

    Well it was happening last night. I would hear that headshot thing and then just drop dead.

    It would usually be preceded by a quick burst up my character and a headshot that finished me off. I felt that no shot would miss. There was no way to react to that.
  9. WycliffSlim

    But you don't know how many times you were hit... I know what you mean though, it's happened to me before where you only hear one or two of the sounds... I think it's just that the rounds are hitting faster than the soundtrack plays lol.
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  10. maxkeiser

    TTK is fine as it is. About right, imo.
  11. Wasdie

    It was probably lag. They got the shots off on their end and then on my end I was indicated all at once. Oh well. It's very annoying.

    That said, I've gotten some good bursts in with the EM6 that have brought people down faster than they could react. Feels a bit cheap.
  12. Liquid23

    apparently a lot of these people DO consider circle strafe battles and ADADADA spamming fights "tactical" and also think it requires high levels of skill... I could see saying they required a high level of skill if everyone playing was Michael J. Fox or something...
  13. WycliffSlim

    That would be my guess. Really the only time this happens to me is when I'm an idiot and too close to a spawn room and get shot from inside it. That's another reason why I'd support removing the ability to fire out of spawn rooms. Right now, there's so many players that just farm kills from behind shields(I've done it too) without pushing out to try to make a contribution. I do that when it's clear that we've lost, but many player refuse to push out even when there's a chance of winning. I've found a good tactic is to fill up the spawn room with smoke and flash grenades.... that usually gets them to move out. :)
  14. crazyoldfart

    TTK is perfect the way it is. Any longer and it makes your weapons feel like a joke. FYI, I'm not from the COD/Halo/BF crowded.
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  15. twitch_uk

    TTK is fine.
  16. xluryan


    So damn tired of seeing threads where people tell SOE to change something as if they know better. This game is good! Get off the ******* forums and just play. Or stop playing, I couldn't care less. But stop posting s**t like this.
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  17. CHDT65

    What a stupid idea: longer TTK means at first "skillzzzz" at close fighting, what mainly resumes at CS-like stupid kids nervous gaming, with all the usual tricks making a fight looking at some kind of mad breakdance.
    No, shorter TTK = art of positioning and aiming at middle-long distance, military way of moving etc...
  18. Jex =TE=

    Perhaps if you moved slower and more tactical and worked as a squad you would live longer.
  19. Zan_Aus

    Higher TTK trades one skill (positioning) for another skill (reflexes and aim). They are both skills but cater to quite different skill sets.

    If we doubled TTK the whines about being insta-gibbed would be replaced by whines about bunny-hoppers and other FPS tropes about how the game favours that fat Korean kid pumped on Dr Pepper. Higher TTK is not the panacea you think it is.

    Personally I find positioning to be the more enjoyable skill because it does not favour someone who is naturally gifted with a high level of eye-hand coordination and speed of reflexes, it is more of a learned skill.
  20. Primarkka

    lol, ADADADA is all the tactics I'm going to need. EVER.
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