TTK creates a disparity between classes, should be lowered.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sturmwaffles, May 5, 2013.

  1. h00n

    Bullet damage is what I was referencing, yes.

    It compresses the gunfights and makes everyone get close.

    Add deviation per shot (stupid), bullet speeds that are half of that of a modern weapon (stupid), and the asinine first shot recoil aped from BF3 (unspeakably stupid), and you've got a cqb spam fest where more health + getting closer = win.
  2. Thentar

    Well if it was all about killing people in the same situation they I'd agree ... but it is not.
    Engineers don't need more armour because they don't have the fire power of a heavy. We aren't supposed to be front line killers. Same goes for medics, tho with their ability they have some great survivability power. LA can get to places HAs can't. Infils can do work their magic. Hell some of my best kill streaks as a ground pounder is as an Infil because I can dart in, take out 2-3 enemies and dart away before anyone can respond.

    The TTK on this game is already pretty quick. What you are asking is effectively OHK on every weapon which, while it might be more realistic, is not a good idea because of the nature of the game. Between lag and everything else you'd spend more time respawning then playing.