True Patriots of Amerisha

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Sirez, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Sirez

    You're probably expecting some sort of long-winded bravado laden statement about how our outfit is the best of the best and what have you, but frankly I don't feel the need to soapbox it.

    What the outfit is ultimately about is not taking the game too seriously and remembering to have a good time while still being able to work together. My biggest goal with the outfit is to have organization, something to break up the zerg that frequently has me pounding my head against the wall due to the rather bizarre lack of coordination some squad leaders seem to have.

    We're going to need members for our infantry, armor, and air squads to round them out, and from there those will likely be splintered into specialist groups. A Teamspeak channel will be set up in the future, but for now we are using Ventrilo (I would rather not utilize the rather terrible in-game voice service).

    So, if you're willing to listen and be a part of something with some organization while not being treated like you're in some sort of internet military - send either Sirez or Motivator a tell ingame (or you can send me a private message here on the forums) and let us know you're interested. It would also help if you give us an idea of what your strengths and weaknesses as a player are so we can work off of those accordingly (Occasionally put you into groups that tailor to skills you aren't as strong with so the other players that are can help you, and vice versa).

    And no, we aren't going to be exclusive to Amerish, but in order to be a true patriot you have to salute the Amerishan flag while crying with a bald space eagle perching on your shoulder.
  2. Admiral_Wolfen

    Hey, my PS2 name is AdmiralWolfen and I would love to join a cooperative organization. I am great at infiltrating, vehicles, and allround that area. My weakness... well flying. NC doesn't get very much land in Jaegar so I hop me and us can try to turn the tide.

    Hope to join the Patroits sounds very promising, and yes, it would be awesome if you have a teamspeak :)