So I found that Video wich did explain to me what is wrong with Supressors The First thing he says is; it is called Suprressor and NOT Silencer. because a Silencer would make it... Silent? it just suppresses the sonicwave of the shot. Second, he did show how a Suppressor does actually INCREASE the Velocity of a bullet, the reason for this is that the threaded Barrel itself is longer + the Suppressor itself does add again. Also inside of the Suppressor is a mechanic that does reuse the recoil of the bullet (the air which is pushed inside the suppressor) and does use it to give the Bullet a heavier acceleration. so the bullet should come further. The third aspect is that the Suppressor does DECREASE the Recoil. The Suppressor adds weight in front of the Pistol. It does decrease the throw-up of the Gun. Also the Suppresor does feature a mechanic with a suspension...which does compenaste the recoil even more. The last Fact is that the Suppressor should add MORE damage to a Weapon. He made an Argument that the Acceleration of the Gun is Higher, also the would really be more devastating. but the developers of Planetside would never add such advantages into the would break the balance
Yup. As you wouldn't want to not have one, as length, price or weight isn't an issue in PS2 after all.
Its called gameballance .. you get a specific advantage using a specific item but to keep gameplay fair disadvantages are added if a item only has advantages as in higher bulletvelocity increased minimum dmgrange along with the supressing effect and decreased recoil of the supressor why would anyone use anything else? and ballancing it through " well everyone has access to it" is not ballancing it is instead monotone onesided gameplay ...
1) Suppressor reduces sound to the point of being able to shoot the weapon without ear protection. Without subsonic ammunition suppressed weapons can still be heard from far away. So, in games they have subsonic ammo, hence the velocity reduction. 2) Lower velocity (while having the same mass) = more bullet drop. 3) Now, the damage part is comlex. In fact, sometimes if the bullet has a very high velocity and piercing potential it should do less damage to a person, if the bullet flies through the body and leaves it. HAving a bullet stuck in your organs is a worse scenario. Expansive (or should I say hollow point) ammo would make the wounds even worse, while having less piercing power.
Let's be fair, a lot of things are *** backwards in planetside, tank shells slower than pistol bullets, sniper rifles with less muzzle velocity than carbines, vehicles exploding when flipped, infantry surviving a tank shell and not a grenade, surviving a headshot with a sniper rifle as a heavy, all sorts of wonky things that don't make sense. I'd like to actually use a suppressor once in awhile on at least one of my guns without instantly regretting it and then removing it but making suppressors fun isn't on the devs todo list yet, so eh.
I hear they can be OK on at least some of the VS no-drop weapons but otherwise I find them only worth it (essential, even) on infill ES pistol and Emissary where range/drop is not much of an issue.
And they also think this "Combined Arms Initiative" is a combined arms initiative. Lack of specific types of knowledge does not preclude game coding or playing.
It brings in the max damage range as well, unless you are point blank you're just at a severe disadvantage in almost any other scenario that isn't shooting them in the back.
Also the fact that heavier weapons have worse hip fire. FPSRussia mentions in one of his videos that the machine gun he fires is so heavy that he barely feels any recoil when shooting from the hip. Hip fire: LMG>AR>Carbine
According to wikipedia the best supressor reduces the weapon to only 117db. That's still louder than a gas powered lawn mower. Not very effective for stealth. Also unless reducing the speed of the projectile below 343m/s it will still cause a sonic boom while above 343m/s. Think of a whip cracking. That's a sonic boom. Making a weapon as silent as they can be in planetside2 would require significantly worse velocity reduction than the in game suppressors cause. Reality makes for pretty ****** video games sometimes. The in game supressors are fine.
The best one I noticed lately. The Skyguard (40mm) does 200 pts of damage. So does a few NC long guns. Are those long guns 40mm?
IIRC the guy who invented the silencer called as such in the patent application. Source: Hiram Percy Maxim's patent application. So Silencer is okay.
As someone who has spent literally days in a Skyguard I feel this sentiment so much, it's still a good anti-infantry weapon but it should have better-stopping power than a carbine, comparable to s sniper rifle IMO.
As accurate as any hip firing I bet. He is standing still. Speaking of firing machine guns from the hip... try shooting an heavy machine gun. 38kg Also real life MCG.