TRJP Best Pilots In The Game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlChestBreach, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. KoRneY

    Clearly posting a bunch of pictures that have a moderate amount of 'zing' in an e-dick thread over the course of over a day has merit.
  2. askull

    Maybe game crash and he freeze? lol
  3. zaspacer

    I'm just illustrating what I feel to be the weak points of their statements. And to me yes, that clearly has merit. (or enough merit relative)

    Since you apparently don't appreciate the pictures and either don't get or don't appreciate their messages, I've skipped pictures for my response to you. But if you want, I can find some pictures that criticize your statements where I see weak points in them.
  4. KoRneY

    Hey, I said they had a moderate amount of zing. Don't go full e-**** man. Never go full e-****.
  5. Demigan

    Howtojapanese might disagree, his name is clearly visible. The other Mozzy apparently has it's owner jump out in time as his name isn't visible in the top right as his mozzy dies so he might not be part of TRJIP.
  6. Antillie

    Never said it was meaningful. Just said it was a purpose. For some people it has meaning. For some people it doesn't. Both positions are valid. Everyone has to pay the bills somehow.

    I am a bit lost here. Is possibly murdering someone a sport to you? Or are you saying that what he might have done later in his life somehow invalidated what he did earlier in his life.

    Because PS2 isn't something 99.9999999% of society cares about or has even heard about. We could have the next Gandhi in our midst and the world would never know.

    I agree with the money thing to a point. But some people make great use of their billions to create positive change in the world. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is directly responsible for millions upon millions of people having clean water, food, shelter, and basic medical care who otherwise wouldn't have these things. I think millions of people being able to talk about the weather or politics rather than how to find food or the fact that someone they knew just died of Cholera is a pretty meaningful impact on the day-to-day interactions of those people.

    Excesses of money and social impact do have meaning if they impact the day-to-day interactions of a large number of people in a positive way. And more often than not, they do. Even if only as a form of mild entertainment. Maybe said mountain of money or capacity for social impact could have been used differently to impact more people or to have a more profound impact than a minute or two of amusement. But now we are just talking about an efficient use of resources, not the basic principle of impacting people in a positive way.
  7. Antillie

    Oh hey. We seem to have managed to turn a thread that made probably little or no positive impact on anyone's day into one about consequentialist ethics that actually might make people think about how to make the world a better place. How very fitting.