TRJP Best Pilots In The Game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AlChestBreach, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. AlChestBreach

  2. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    Kek none of them are even top 10
  3. Demigan

    That's the point, you see two mozzies ramming the ground in quick succesion. This is meant as a nasty jab to that outfit.

    Basically we should report this for being completely unconstructive and nothing more than an insult at the outfit, true or not. A single clip can't prove it.
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  4. fusion322

  5. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    No, i know, its just funny because alot of people say they are top pilots, but they go 2/3 vs 1 by real top pilots and lose.
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  6. Eskel3

    Who cares?
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  7. 1Tap2Tap

    People that justify their pointless existence and lack of real life competence by having "success" in a game, I guess.

    That´s truly serious business, dude.
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    This is valid because once I have my aa spitfires THERE WILL BE NO PILOTS
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  9. TheRealNattyIcePS4

  10. zaspacer

    "pointless existence and lack of real life competence by having 'success' in a game"

  11. Antillie

    Let me know when winning in PS2 gets you multi million dollar product endorsement deals.
  12. zaspacer

    So games/sports only have value relative to the money the athlete/competitor makes?

    Sorry Jesse Owens, no multi million dollar product endorsement deal for you. Apparently, you were just another case of "pointless existence and lack of real life competence by having 'success' in a game."


    I think that throws just about most non-Pro athlete or competitor under the bus. Even many Pros if we're setting the cut-off for "meaningful existence" at the multi million dollar product endorsement deal level.

    Pointless Existence: Confirmed

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  13. HomicideJack

    TRJP aren't really good at anything, to be honest. Every time I see them they're just spamming maxed out repair Sundies around a pair of tanks. I say this as a TR player, who primarily drives an ammo Sundy.
  14. Wizdomtooth

    It should, most gamers are in their underwear anyway.
  15. Antillie

    If you aren't making some sort of contribution to society, measurable by money or societal change then yeah, its pretty pointless past self improvement. Anyone who can actually pay their bills or break down racial/international barriers via a sport is clearly contributing to society. I doubt this can be done by playing PS2.
  16. fusion322

    "I'm jealous of other people's skill so I'm just gonna use the excuse that games don't matter"
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  17. BedCat

    It's humorous, and anyone from the actual aircraft "elite" on Ps4 can confirm this, although they do a great job of showing unexperienced players that their Gank Squads look amazingly powerful and "skilled"---Somehow making them good pilots, anyway, ps4 drama.
  18. Demigan

    It doesn't matter if it's supposedly humorous. Sure it's fun to see people who claim to be awesome fail, but these forums are not the place to do this. Naming and shaming is an offense for a reason, and the OP is naming and shaming people here. For once it's not about cheating or stat padding, but it's naming and shaming nonetheless.
  19. fusion322

    No name was given.
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  20. zaspacer

    I don't share your "multi million dollar product endorsement deals = meaningful existence" thing.


    ... but maybe Jared's into your idea.



    Why not? Do you play in a vacuum?

    I don't find excesses of money or social impact to necessarily have merit. And I don't find the day-to-day interactions of people to be negligible or meaningless. Cult of personality is not my divinization.