Tricked with false advertisement to buy an item, customer service refuses to give money back.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Strikejk, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. Strikejk

    Good evening fellow Planetmans,

    last week I got tricked to buy an item with false advertisement in the cert-tree. It was shown to be buy-able via certs which was false so I ended up buying it with cash. This was a cheap method of false advertising and click bating, they offered the item big with certs and changed that to "cash only" in the next little confirmation box. This method is illegal in my country as mentioned here:

    Section 263
    (1) Whosoever with the intent of obtaining for himself or a third person an unlawful material benefit damages the property of another by causing or maintaining an error by pretending false facts or by distorting or suppressing true facts shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding five years or a fine.

    I tried to contact the customer service but they refuse the give me my money back. I hope that someone else can look into this issue. I seriously do not want to file a lawsuit because of 14€ but that behavior of the customer service is insane. I do have a lawsuit protection so it is free but I hope it is not necessary.

    Reference number: 151029-000393
  2. user101

    The last guy that did what your doing they just banned him from the game forever...! Did your read there terms & conditions no matter who's at fault they don't have to give you your money back.
  3. Stormsinger

    True, but if Strik wants to make a serious issue of it, and this practice is illegal in his country, it could get the game banned from the entire region, that's probably something that Daybreak doesn't want to have to deal with. They may not have to give his money back as per the ToS, but I'm guessing they may not want to loose a country's worth of customers.
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  4. user101

    I will agree with you on this.

    But the burdon of proof is on the person filing the claim. And he would need a USA lawyer also to file that claim and a lawyer in his country. International law is quite complicated and does not go quite how you would think. Assuming he has FREE legal advice and is willing to wait, in maybe 2 years or so the case would come to a legal court. It's quite a wait in most legal battles to get court time.

    I think the issue would be over by the time it comes to a court.
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  5. Benton582

    I see this and I am thinking, where is the proof? And it should not show a advert if you are buying with certs, what in hell are you talking about?
  6. Strikejk

  7. Pandora's Lunchbox

    For future reference, it should be worth noting that all EU customers have the right of full payment(s) withdrawal within fourteen days of purchasing digital goods (encompassing both in-game items and All Access accounting). If it applies to you, I mean.