Trick with C4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by krokolop, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. krokolop

    How can I do a trick with C4 which consists on sticking C4 to the other player? Ive done it twice and its really funny.
  2. FateJH

    Didn't they remove that?

    Edit: Found it. Under Bug Fixes (first section of second post).
  3. krokolop

    They could not, they were like walking bombs. I could blow them up in any moment.
  4. Commander Beanbag

    New meta is pizza delivery, sadly not the same though. Especially on TR :(
  5. Bazmatties

    If it was removed it should be re implemented.
  6. Kidou

    Agreed, it was fun and funny. Though it had a lot of potential for abuse.
  7. Problem Officer

    Dangit this was my favorite meta thing ever.
    Abuse though? Heck no. Can still do that with vehicles, namely wraith flashes, far more effectively I might add.
  8. krokolop

    I did it 2 times today, so its not removed, its just not easy to do that.
  9. Alarox

    Not sure if this joke was intended or not, but made me laugh IRL.
  10. Icedude94

    I miss the old days of breaking point holds being done by those MLG outfits by sticking a couple c4 on the back of a MAX and having him charge into the room they're all holed up in.

    Of course nowadays you can just turbo a flash up the stairs to do that.
  11. Selrahc4040

    Not sure if it can still be done, but you have to make sure you plant it on their gun, preferably their primary. Anything else won't stick. It's super funny to do it to infiltrators.
  12. DFDelta

    If you do it right they will explode as soon as they fire their weapon.
    I've managed to do it to a few enemy snipers with the situational awareness of a grounded sloth.

    My god, the rage.
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  13. Foxirus

    The new game is secretly sticking C4 bricks to the bottom of a valk getting ready to take off, Then message the pilot that you want to play a game. Tell him he has a choice, Eject all his passengers in midflight and save himself, Or sacrifice himself by jumping out of the ship saving his comrades. Give them 15 seconds to decide or everybody dies.

    This is of course a joke. I do not condone such behavior in any way or form :p
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  14. Kubin

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  15. FieldMarshall

    Lets hope, in the future, that you can stick C4 to your frag grenades or rockets.
  16. MajiinBuu

    C4 on a Phoenix rocket :eek:
    A camera-guided weapon that kills anything in 1 hit!
  17. SpartanPsycho

    If you dare to do that in avalk I'm in I will jack your body into space.
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  18. Foxirus

    For you, I may make an exception.
  19. Dieter Perras

    If you somehow managed to stick C4 to a pheonix rocket as it is fired you deserve the kill.
  20. Kubin

    Conclusion of this thread:

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