I was not in Beta. I heard it was nerfed and used to be awesome for racking up EXP. This cert is very expensive. If it is vehicle based, then how often am I gonna load up a truck full of wounded soldiers? Seems unlikely.
I play with a full squad during ops consistantly, and from my perspective it's not really going to be too noticeable after you get it unless you spend plenty of time in vehicles. And as the enclave is infantry based, we do not outside of transportation. I would worry about getting pretty much everything else first. Seems a bit too expensive to be worth it in it's current state. So, and as with most certs, it's pretty situational.
Not really nerfed, it was obviously a bug, or at least unintended. You see, for some reason PS2 awards you for time spent healing instead of HP healed, and L1 triage heals really,really slowly. So if a fellow squad mate as much as stubbed his toe before getting into your sunderer, you would have a good chance of gaining a BR before arriving at your next target. As it is not it doesn't really seem useful, I think you would have a better effect with just triggering your healing aura as the squad disembarks. The healing effect needs to extend outside the vehicle.
Lvl 1is slow but I tested it at full lvl in beta and it rocks if you have more then one medic with it you will get xp when you both heal.
Used it in beta, agree with the above, was pretty OP and racked up a lot of exp. I picked up Rank 1 yesterday, to passively heal the co-rider in my Mag and yet to have it tick... Am assuming it isn't just broken (I'll try test today), but unless you're guaranteed to be spending a lot of time in vehicles with other folk (armour outfit or such) then there's better things to spend the 100 certs on. I've no intention whatsoever at present to progress it beyond the first Rank.
What really killed triage usefulness is the passive health regeneration. On the past we could get a crap ton of xp because there wasn't such BS feature but now people will regenerate health by itself while sitting on a vehicle and at most you will get like maybe 1 or 2 ticks of XP with it.
We tested it, my triage is at lvl 4. I get 1 heal tic every 15 seconds. I don't mind not getting a bunch of EXP for it but the description lies. It says you get a healing tic every 1 second.
I agree w/ Highguard on this one. You should get everything prior to this. I have my medic maxed out on all medic related certs triage included. It is just to situational to worry about imo.