Figured I would throw this up here. Triage currently in game, debate about effectiveness aside, isn't exactly in accordance with the real-life definition of Triage. The real life application of Triage is pretty dark though. Triage is the practice where the more injured squad mates are ignored so the Medic can use his valuable time getting the less injured soldiers back up to operational capacity. This, sadly, tends to result in the more injured soldiers being left to die. Anywho, as unfortunate as Triage really is, current PS2 Triage is kinda weird. Turns any vehicle into a health dispenser? Doesn't really make much sense or exactly mesh with Medic style (At least I feel that way). So I suggest changing Triage to a passive AOE heal, but it only heals teammates that are above 80% health. Certifications of Triage could increase range, or decrease the % health needed for the passive to start healing. I think this would feel a little more 'Triage-y", and have a bit more use.
Really like this idea. It could also be used as a utility similar to medkits but when you pop it anyone with over XX% health get filled instantly.
My problem with triage is that it is painfully slow to heal.. Triage sunderer.. I'm standing there.. waiting.. waiting.. screw it switch to medic self heal, lol.
Hm... How about instead it only heals nearby friendlies who have their shields up (or even down? who knows!)
At the current triage's stats, II wouldnt even bother getting it, 100 certs is cheap but its probably the worse upgrade that i could ever buy. Everyone packs regen implants and / or you have medics running around with AoE heals on.
It becomes worth it when there's not really much else to buy - especially when maxes hop in your sundy / galaxy to escape fire. The health boost is always awesome. I use it most frequently when manning / defending sundies under fire, Triage + shield bubble under the sundy keeps up repairing engies much longer then they otherwise would have lived. it does need quite a bit of a buff to become worth it over almost any other class ability cert, though.
I like this idea. Each rank could lower the percentage needed to begin healing. The current triage is sort of useful in the Valkyrie, for keeping the engineers alive
Whatever you do, increase healing rate by at least 100%. Only healing those above 80% sounds too limited. How about 50%.
1-Buy triage 2-Get a flash 3-Heal MAXes 4-?????? 5-Profit What I dislike is the xp reward, it's very low, same as amount healed.
I feel that the in-vehicle triage heal rate should be much higher than it is. (There's limited space in the vehicle, triage should heal those inside the vehicle with you at the same speed that the AOE medic ability at the same rank would, considering how rare it is to actually be in a situation to benefit from the investment put into Triage.)
I'm with OP on the actual definition of the word triage. It'd be marginally better if they just changed the current mechanic's name to something more fitting. However I like the original suggestion more.
I have discovered in the last couple of days that triage is cert generator when used right (along with some other things). I would prefer it to remain as is.... or else it is going to get a flat out nerf.
Mmm, I'd like to add some polish to your definition. It's not a wrong definition, but triage is even more specific. Triage comes from French, and it refers to categorizing injured people into three categories: Those most likely to live with or without care Those for whom care will most likely result in a positive outcome Those most likely to die with or without care The purpose of triage is to focus limited medical assets and personnel in situations where there isn't enough assets and personnel to provide the maximum amount of care and survivability for all casualties. Those who are most likely to live with or without care are set aside, while those for whom care will most likely result in a positive outcome are prioritized. Those most likely to die with or without care are also set aside. Triage works like this: After treating those for whom care will most likely have a positive outcome, you move to those most likely to die with or without care. Lastly, those most likely to survive with or without care are seen to. The rationale is that those most likely to live will not have their chances improved much with care, and are seen last because they are likely to live. Those most likely to die, however, will have their chances slightly improved with care, and so will be cared for when those for whom care will have the greatest impact are treated first. I hope this helps sort things out a little.