TRay tweets: New incoming AA?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BlueSkies, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. BlueSkies

    "@planetside2 aircraft?!" -TRay

    Disclaimer: I own dual bursters, and the specialized G2G and G2A launchers. I do not own the Anni.

    Personally, I am fairly happy with where AA is currently. Good pilots are successful (tricky bastards) and bad pilots still try to hover directly in-front of AA and die in a fire. In terms of AA effectiveness (and this may seem unusual to some) but if I actually want to kill an ESF i get out my dual burster max. I find it more effective for killing than the G2A launcher. But, as I said, I am fairly happy with the current balance.

    Not sure what this (apparently new AA turret) is going to do to that balance...

  2. MadGelo

    yes, more AA is exactly what this game needs!!!

    btw, want to sell a very used Mossie and slighty used Lib
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  3. Sapare

    Admititly, by the looks of it it will replace the normal burster turets with G2A rocket turrets(at least some of them). I dont think that should really change balance as you are replacing one AA with another AA. It looks more like it isbeing put in for varity(which I would never ***** bout),but we will see.
  4. jdono67894

    Looks great, if that is a missile launcher I hope the velocity on the missiles is fast enough to be useful or a lock on system.
    Lock on SAM style turrets would be a God send.
  5. Grayson

    Just proves that SOE doesn't even know what to do....
    Oh well more >>>>>no skill<<<<< weapons for the casual players on lockonside!
  6. Rusky

    Yay more anti vehicle stuff, soon we can all just run around boasting about our no scope, bunny hopping kill streaks like the true pros.... woooo....
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  7. Cowabunga

  8. Xasapis

    This looks like a stationary turret, only instead of guns it has missiles.

    I'm not entirely sold on missiles on stationary guns, it depends on how long the lock on will be and how obstructed the pads will be from the land around the base.

    What would be interesting is if the engineers could upgrade the stationary turrets into one or either or both.
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  9. Nyscha

    Actually its a rocket launcher which will probably be on the bastion fleet carrier, if I remember looking at the concept art for it there was turrets like this all over it.
  10. Goretzu

    I wouldn't mind being able to have a proper AA turrent ON my engi.
  11. Nyscha

  12. Redshift

    it looks like a replacement turret, so it's not going to effect air balance too much, i imagine they're planning to give engies the ability to switch out turrets or something
  13. irishroy

  14. ShockATC

    Multi-Annihilator-Launcher? 20 Lock on Missles so aircraft cant do ANYTHING anymore?
    I hate rocketpod-lamers but honestly, why do we need more AA ?
  15. Rhinzual

  16. LoveJuices





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  17. Jex =TE=

    It's an Anni on a turret?

    How about before they spend time on developing this stuff

    THEY FIX MY ******* SKYGUARD?????
  18. Zaik

    Reskin AA turret -> Pilots cry.
  19. Linedan

    He's just trying to throw you off. That's the NC's new anti-infantry MAX shotgun.
  20. Tasogie

    Amazing, more ******** on planes, as if they were not weak enough already. lol. All we needed was ******* Fixed SAM sites....
    jesus SOE, you learned nothing from SWG :(.
  21. Xasapis

    SAM sites will be decent against liberators but overall worse against ESF.