I is a TR mid-range infil enthusiast, and really enjoy using the SOAS, HSR-1 and KSR-35. I'm looking to expand my inventory of scout rifles, and am wondering which would be more effective/fun out of the TRAP-M1 and the Nanite Systems scout rifle. I really like the idea of a scout/sniper with an interchangeable burst-fire mode, but have heard quite a few negative opinions of the TRAP. Looking at the stats its vertical recoil is really strong, but the decrease and first-shot multiplier are crazy-low. Muzzle velocity is decent, and damage for a bursting weapon is pretty decent too. I don't generally like using NS gear, as I prefer faction-specific flavours of weapons. However the Vandal's .75x ADS is mighty tempting, as I do like to go CQ with scout rifles with a 1x sight, and suspect the Vandal would be great at this (KSR and HSR aren't half bad with it). Muzzle velocity could be better, but the marginally-better hip accuracy and 15-round mag would come in handy for tight situations. Has anyone used both, and got some experiences/opinions to share on how they compare? I kind of have this image of using the TRAP-M1 like a harder-hitting SABR-13; don't know how well this would work in practice. Thanks in advance!
I don't have the TRAP experience to give you a really informed recommendation, but don't feel bad about using NS gear for infiltrator. Remember, the vast majority of our so-called ES weaponry is actually just common pool guns reskinned for each faction. Admittedly, the TRAP is one of the few exceptions.
I'd go with the Vandal especially if you already know you like the HSR. Vandal works decently well at mid range and you can pop off some two shot headshots at longer ranges which gives it a reasonable amount of versatility. Compared to the HSR the .75x movespeed also makes it somewhat more useful at closer range since your ability to strafe faster adds a sometimes surprising amount of survivability. The TRAP doesn't do as much damage as the vandal up close and the recoil really makes long range borderline impossible. Even the outer edges of mid range will see the variance in the TRAPs recoil causing significant problems. In the 20-40m where it performs the best, it's still relatively terrible compared to other weapons. as _itg said don't feel bad about using the NS gear. Literally everything except for the ES SMGs and TRAP, Railjack and Phaseshift are copy paste across factions. Some of the VS weapons don't have bullet drop and slightly slower muzzle velocities, but otherwise they're also identical. The HSR for example is the same as the Shadow and Nyx. The SOAS is the same as the Stalker/Artemis. The KSR is the same as the Impetus/Phantom etc.
Vandal, just because it's actually usable. Right now the TRAP need a HUGE buff because it's role and mechanics don't play nice together.
i really hated to auraxium the trap and i loved the vandal but some guys say the trap is there favorite weapon, it depends on your play style in the end you have to find out for yourself the only good tip here is try them out in VR, it's not realistic but you will have the feeling for them
Thanks for the input guys. I'm still uhm-ing and ah-ing I wish they'd let you use attachments on weapons when you trial them. Just 30 mins with each of them in-game (as opposed to VR) would give me an idea of which feels more comfortable.
I think they meant moreso like, all of the bolt actions, NC/TR semi-autos, NC/TR battle rifles/scout rifles. VS ones are different only in velocity and no drop (not to downplay it).
Vandal, the Trap is just awful it tries to be a mix between an smg and an assault rifle but sucks at both roles.
The Trap, as it's namesake... Is a TRAP! Don't get it. It can't decide on what it wants to be, and therefore is not great at anything. The Vandal is a good gun, i'd reccomend buying it with SC so you can get it on all 3 factions.
if you are the sneaky type then the TRAP whit a suppressor is good. or if you are the run and gun type then the VANDAL is what you want.
Those 3 have a common "frame", but their specific recoil patterns are quite significantly apart from one another in ads (in hipfire, it's not noticeable). For instance without grip the H-V45 is probably the most stable, buth with grip the GR-22 becomes better, while the TAR clearly lags behind whatever the circumstances. You can't compare them to those mirror guns (bolt sniper rifles, scout rifles, shotguns) at all.
I like them both. The trap is a bit harder to use, a suppressor is pretty much necessary due to how loud it is so that makes it a bit more difficult to use, the vandal however is a but quieter. I still use a suppressor on the Vandal though. I typically do a run and gun type tactic with both. I tend to use both in closer quarters.
I have both guns and I think they are great, basically its all about your play style. Trap: More aggressive, better at CQC due to its 3-round burst. I wouldn't recommend a suppressor due to the already low bullet velocity. Because it's so good at CQC you can carry something like a crossbow or the new NS-44L Blackhand. Vandal: Has more range and will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. But can quickly get out of hand especially in CQC. So you're probably going to have to rely on your secondary for close range defense. ( I personally use the T4 AMP) I can fire of a few shots and do some damage before my enemy gets on top of me, then finish them off with the T4 AMP or maybe even a Commissioner.
Thanks for the tips everyone. I decided on the TRAP-M1 eventually. A burst-firing scout rifle seemed too interesting to pass up! Loving it so far, using it with foregrip and 2x sight, if I'm doing serious flanking I use a suppressor too, as it does have a rather prominent sound profile.
Don't read all this **** trap is really efficient the recoil can be totally handle the weapon is really accurate and you can put triple round 180 bullet in head -> instant death, you have more mobility more burst and can kill efficiently. The silencer is special on this weapon they not just reduce sound they reduce trace too, you just need to try hard but the reward is really great. Not use 2x sight you need 1x sight to control the recoil with grip and silencer, with 2x is more difficult to counterbalance recoil. 3x bullet is really powerful. The weapon have great synergize with iem, because a 3x burst in the body kill and you have 6 shoot. It's why i found this weapon really better then vandal, i can flank throw an iem and burst my clip and quickly drop 6 target.
ive used all the sniper rifles and the ns30 vandal and ive had my best luck with the KSR-35 its a sniper rifle on par with the standard one that you can put short range scopes on and its kick isnt too bad the hard thing is getting used to letting it settle instead of spam firing it it kills in 1 headshot 1 body shot or 3 body shots for most people heavys will give you some issues. this is also just my experience your play style at medium range may be different i suggest VR training for a basic feel before making an actual perchase other bonus is it only costs 500 certs. PS i recomend this if your a medium range to long range player this weapon does not preform well in close range battles.
I do enjoy the KSR-35 A nice balance of versatility and stopping power. Its biggest drawback for me is the muzzle velocity, but even then it's workable.
I like the trap. I am using x2 red dot w/ circle and grip. Anything more and I lose close targets with triple shot. Single fire mode performs like a long-ranged inquisitor. Double burst I find most effective. I bind e to toggle modes and use ctrl to do what e did.