Hello everybody, so I got 10k certs on my BR 58 TR since two months or so and I got no clue where to spend those.. and the PU2 round-house-nerf didn't make it better. I don't play in an outfit and rarely drive vehicles at all, thus they are barely certed. I mainly play infantry with horrible (20-30) fps and low graphics, although huge infantry fights mostly become a pain with ~15 fps. Most played: Engineer, lynx, av-turret, at-mines, repair-tool 5, flak armor 5 HA, tmg 50, nmg 2, grounder Medic, heal tool 5 I got no clue what to buy.. I nearly never spawn maxes, the lynx feels terrible now, well, nearly all weapons feel terrible now.. Are there any "must haves" left for TR, that don't feel like trash or will get nerfkicked with the next update? I thought about upgrading my flash, but I barely use it at all.. somehow Planetside 2 is the first "grind-mmo" that doesn't make me feel like "I want to grind to get weapon x because it will improve my gameplay", it's more like "what to grind for, everything is a sidegrade and what stands out will be nerfed soon™.." Any tips?
I don't know how you can stand fighting as infantry with sub-20 FPS. I have similar framerates and I have restricted myself to vehicle warfare, because playing infantry with framerates like this is basically suicide.
I think you're problem is you're ignoring 3/4 of the game! Rarely pull vehicles and MAX? All you do is infantry ? No wonder it feels like a grind. Maybe TR just isn't your faction? I'm being serious here... try the VS and NC till about BR 15. Actually USE their vehicles; they ARE different than TR! I've played TR for a stupid amount of time in all their vehicles.... the NC's Reaver and Vanguard just feel different and I enjoy them way more than my tricked out TR Mosquito and Prowler. VS small arms feel amazing to me; bullets actually go where I aim and lightning fast reload times make up for the small magazines. I think you need to just branch out more and you'll find some fun places to spend your certs.
Get both repair and medic gun to level 6... its a 2-cycle for dead turrets then, and you can revive at full health, so once the revive is done, you don't have to stick around for them to actually wake up and heal the remaining damage. Also Nanite Revive Grenades for your Medic. Medic - TAR is much like the Lynx, but the default Cycler is a fine enough weapon and better at range. MAX and tank play is actually viable for low FPS players (just don't ever bother with flying though). They can get expensive to cert into though, but just putting it out there. The extra endurance in various situations can make up for the super quick TTK in the game.
With 10k certs, I wouldn't hesitate to max out the repair and med tool. I think all medics should have revive grenades and two packs of C4 on them too. It's nice to have some sort of way to take down enemy MAXes instead of just trying to disengage. I just switch between the TRAC-5 and NS-11C as a TR Engie now whenever I feel like it. I feel your pain as someone who liked using the Lynx a lot too. For Heavy Assault, I've heard most people tend to go for Resist Shield and Advanced Shield Capacitor now. I personally despise all the TR LMGs, so I can't point you at an option if you're looking for advice there.
LA and HA with shotguns, Infiltrator with SMGs, Engineer/Medic support roles, MAX spray and pray, or just supporting allies from a distance, etc. Basically never fight a fair fight, or don't even fight at all.
Are you my evil twin….? I play on a laptop so the 15-30 fps is also my issue But I love playing infantry. When you do something well, it feels so good. And we can do it because of anticipation. People always hide in certain places, C4 and AI mines go in certain places--eventually you could invade a base with your eyes shut. Here's what I do. I play mostly Engi as well and I have three builds. Primary build is jaguar (32 kills left to Aurax), NW, two AP mines. Secondary build is jaguar with utility pouch (not maxed) and 3 C4. It feels great to sneak up to an enemy sunde and blow it sky high. Tertiary build is Trac-5-S, NW, ap mines. I run all my guns with suppressors. Ever since I started doing that my K/D ratio went way up. I also have the laser sights and suppressor for my sidearm, the Repeator. I don't consider the commissioner/underboss worth having due to no suppressors. And since my fps is terrible, the semi-auto guns also don't interest me. Other things I'd buy if I were you: -Skep launcher for my heavy-GTG lock on. Is very worth it, especially with low fps. -C4 on my medic. Allows you to be a jack of all trades, dealing with MAX's that come after your patients. -Max out the LA ability. You can swing around the back of a fight where your fps is better. (get two C4 if you haven't already) -Nano-repair on my max, and possibly another AI weapon for the burster/pounder default slot. Yes, pounders allegedly got buffed but I've not tried them yet. But mutilators are cheap and come with huge mags. For vehicles, I'd upgrade a few. -Get the marauder for your harasser and your prowler, and give it thermal vision. This way you'll always have a buddy to watch for C4 fairies. Get front armor for you tank, as it helps build on the strengths your tank already has. Then always retreat driving backwoods and firing. Never turn your back. -Tank buster on your Lib. Makes your lib capable of doing mosquito style attacks, albeit at the speed of Great A'tuin. Results may vary.
Put the laser sight on your Lynx and use it for close range and get the T5 AMC for ads. TMG-50 should be the same but that weapon requires very accurate aiming for the head with tight bursts to be really good. T16 is a weapon that lets you get away with more as does the Carv. In terms of what people are talking about as being "the next big thing" for infantry weapons they are 167 damage weapons since they are seen as being great for headshots. For TR HA that is TMG-50 and medic the SABR. For carbines or smg we have nothing. In general if you have low frames the hailstorm smg is pretty forgiving but not a huge upgrade or any upgrade at all over the lynx.
since you have low fps mostly (a problem i had for the first 50-60 ranks on my main, and since PU1 only in 48+s).. try to adapt to a more long-mid range ADS playstyle than going CQC against ADAD players who just have way better chances to win a duel against you cause the animations are stuttering, the recoil feels weird and you can barely aim at these situations (under 30 fps). also pick fights that fit your specs (if there's a 12-24 50-50, that's where you should be for a more enjoyable and fair experience).