TR weapons sucks!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gavlad7, Nov 17, 2017.

  1. Gavlad7

    NC and Vanu have weapons TR only uses the NC weapons, this sucks
  2. JobiWan

    Ok then.
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  3. TheProScout

    You mean only the TR has weapons
    The Rebel Scum of NC stole our weapon designs.
  4. CMDante

    I'm not sure what's going on here. Do you mean small arms or vehicle weapons?

    In the former case; no
    In the latter case; also no but there's a bit more grey area. More fair to say that ES weapons are all very niche and decidedly lackluster depending on the situation.

    It IS fair to say that TR tend to lack specialist weapons, but have some really powerful general gunz
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  5. iPervy

    Personally would take any of the TR default weapon/sidearm over any other weapon the NC/VS have at their disposal. Except maybe the TR sniper rifle haha.
  6. JobiWan

    Jaguar - one of the best weapons in the game.
    Armistice - awesome
    Lynx - awesome
    T1 AMP - amazing
    Chain gun - fun!
    Repeater, probably the best faction specific starter pistol

    TR have some great stuff.
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  7. Pikachu

    AMP is good now? :confused:
  8. JobiWan

    Amp is amazing for stalker infil, probably the quickest gun I ever Aurax'd.
  9. ObiVanuKenobi

    Only if you're too lazy to click multiple times when shooting at someone. It's still a worse Repeater.
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  10. Liewec123

    you forgot one of my favourites in the game POUNDERS!
    aka Fury for max :p
    awesome AV awesome AI :)

    MCG is also a monster in the right situations,
    neeeeeeever eeeeending BBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRR!
  11. JobiWan

    Pounders are horrible for AI since CAI.
  12. Liewec123

    aww really? tbh i haven't tried them since,
    thats a shame though :(
  13. strikearrow

    CAI basically made everything worse against everything else. TTK is substantially higher for everybody all of which is smart by DBG - longer grinding for certs so more DB purchased.
  14. Oleker2

    On CAI update, AT is for AT and AI is for AI... Rocket Launchers, AP tank shells, Sauron/Marauder/Vulcan... Everything that is meant to be used against vehicles got severely nerfed against infantry and vice-versa.

    "But DBG!! I hitted that infiltrator on the head with a mother effint TANK SHELL"
    - No, dear player... that tank shell is an Armor Piercing shell for killing other tanks... so that infiltrator still alive.
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  15. Icehole1999

    I only play TR. We literally have the best of everything. Except organization.

    We have the best lmg, smg, carbine, pistol, shotgun, assault and sniper rifle.

    We have the Vulcan, Pounder, Fracture, MCG, Stryker, the list goes on and on.

    The best ESF, MAX, idk what else but dude if you think our weapons are bad, know deep in your heart it's just you.
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  16. TerminalT6

    TR has the best selection of assault rifles. I never played medic, then I recently decided to so I've been going through all our ARs.
    T1 Cycler, the default AR, is among my favorite guns in the whole wide everywhere.
    Cycler TRV is absolutely murderous at close range.
    TAR is similar, personal preference between it and TRV.
    SABR-13 is a headshot machine. Slap a 2x on it and everyone just dies so easily.
    TORQ-19 is a spectacular bullet hose.
  17. forstdragon2013

    it would have been nice if the unity did not suck (relative to its predecessor )