Anyone with a lot of experience with both care to weigh in on this? I play my medic fairly aggressively and I'm often in CQC. I've played more with the TAR but I haven't played enough to really nail down what feels superior. I'm looking for subjective opinion to see what folks prefer. Thanks for weighing in!
TRV's recoil feels infinitely better, and the gun overall feels nicer if you're used to playing with LMG's. TAR's first-shot is really obnoxious, but I'm sure if I finished my auraxiums, I'd give it another shot. If you find yourself having to deal with random dudes flying over ledges or clientsiding around corners, then through your model more than you'd like, the gigantic hipfire box of the TRV is not an asset, and the TAR doesn't need a laser sight to reliably headshot with hipfire.
If you like hip firing at close range, the TAR is superior. If you prefer to ADS, then I recommend TRV. But honestly, I think both are great guns and using one over the other won't get you significantly more kills.
TRV It a bucks like a bronco but all the same way more or less so you can get pretty good accuracy once you learn how to control it.
I went TRV, purely because at the time, the TAR could not use a 2X reflex sight and I haven't checked back to see if it does now. Am quite happy with it, and will keep it until I get the 1160 kills with it, which is going to be a long while as I prefer more mid-range combat. I use 2 weapons one for a `precision` set up for mid+ range and one for CQC, which is the TRV in my case.