Which one is a better ALL ROUNDER. Both are great. And believe me, those who think the SABR-13 is just for long range, you're wrong. It outclasses the Cycler in CQC if you can use it CORRECTLY. So which of these two guns are better suited for an all-rounder, considering you know that the SABR-13 isn't niche.
WELL... Ah... I'd say the AMR. Plenty of damage, you can have HVA, and with proper hip firing, you can excel at CQC.
Its a tough call, the major thing that causes me to use the SABR instead of the AMR most of the time is that it contributes toward the AR directive. Otherwise I use them pretty much exactly the same on the battlefield. High damage per shot/burst, long range potential, deadly if accurate in close quarters... The AMR may be a better decision if you plan on playing heavy or engineer just as much / more than medic, however.
All arounder? SABR, no contest. It's better up close, it's better at mid range and it's better at long range. It's got easily controllable recoil, good projectile speed and a nice damage profile. It's one of those guns you can take anywhere and do well with it. It's only downside is the burstfire only, if it had automatic fire as well it would pretty much be the perfect all around gun.The AMR meanwhile has a pretty gimped damage profile meaning you're completely outclassed in close quarters and even at range you're not going to put out the same damage. About the only thing the Battle Rifles have going for them is that they can double tap headshot infils at any range making them a very niche weapon. Quick breakdown. Damage output at close range: SABR > AMR Damage output at long range: SABR > AMR Recoil: SABR > AMR Cone of fire: SABR > AMR Projectile velocity: SABR > AMR Conclusion: SABR > AMR
Even though it's burst-only, the SABR is a 167/600 weapon so it matches the CQC TTK of the Anchor, Gauss AR, etc. It also has tighter hipfre. So although the AMR can be decent in CQC, it can't compete w/ the SABR. If the fight were mainly 75m+ I'd say the AMR is the better choice, esp with the new crosshairs coming out.. But since most combat takes place w/in 75m I'd say the SABR is the better all rounder..
AMR-66 is more of an all rounder since it is a battle riffle, so you can use it on your medic, engineer, and heavy. More seriously though, I would take the the SABR if I was playing medic and it was an option.
when i started using the amr 66 it was the second gun i unlocked (relative newb here) i thought it was for ha only. personallly i see it as a medium to long range gun and have it set with foregrip, hva and currently a 3.4 scope. when playin medic i treat it like a medium assult and love the class specific AR. having just tested the sabr in VR i think its a better weapon for all situations where the amr is really, for me, a medium to long range weapon to push enemys back or pin them down its my fave gun at the mo but now im playing medic im looking fo an AR to unlock so im guessing the sabr would be the 1
I don't see a lot of reason for any Medic to use the AMR-66, but the SABR-13 is going to be the better all-rounder even if we accept that it has a use for the class. It doesn't hurt that the SABR's hipfire is generally better, particularly since it can roll without a Compensator and is punished less severely for it. But if you do run one, the SABR's Compensator is actually more effective. You can't even hold the SABR's forced burst mode against it because the AMR is forced semi-automatic. I love Battle Rifles more than I should and all, but you're not going to see one stack up against the SABR.
SABR-13, hands down (for me anyway). As Erendil pointed out the SABR is a 167/600 weapon which mostly translates to "awesome bananas". It's stupidly accurate, has great muzzle velocity and the recoil is low enough to make it spammable even at range despite being a precision weapon. The only thing the AMR-66 has going for it when compared to the SABR is that it performs well straight out of the box. This is not the case with the SABR. However, once you fork out those Certs and deck the 13 out - it's crazy... Also - I suggest ditching HVA on the SABR. It's not all that good on ARs, the muzzle velocity is great anyway and the extra recoil can sometimes knock your second shot off target at mid-long range. P.S. Notice the thundering echo after firing a volley with the SABR-13... Pants-creaming sexyness right there...
I'd go for the SABR, AMR is fine any all but it doesn't feel right to me. Sound and kick doesn't match the damage it does, feels like an air gun