TR really sucks !!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gavlad7, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. Atorum

    You are right to some extent but the main reason why TR always gets attacked by both factions is simple, in game where it is important to control territories (especially when rewards are available) its best to attack the weakest faction, that is without a doubt TR.
    Crappy MBT, crappy ESF, worst MAX, high rof and low dmg infantry weapons (horrible combination), add in the color that is rarely present in the environment and you barely stand any chance.
    Ive played on 2 servers (Miller and atm on Emerald) and TR is always the faction that gets attacked.
    Easymode always attracts the best organized people, they want to maximize their chance of success.
    Emerald atm, highest population is VS, hmm, I wonder why....
  2. LordKrelas

    Crappy MBT... You do realize as TR you have the Prowler right?
    Crappy ESF, as the smallest ESF... You do realize the Reaver is twice as big and twice as loud right?
    Worst max? Tell me again, how the shortest reload, largest magazine, and not having to fight RNG at all ranges with 6 shots makes it the worst.
    Highest Rate-of-fire with low-damage isn't a horrible combination.
    Having high damage at high ROF, means you have incredible damage output at the fastest rate..
    Which is incredibly hard to match, given ROF can easily compensate for inaccuracy by sheer volume of projectiles.

    Red & Blue, both are absent in most environments.
    Same with bright *** Yellow.

    Miller has the NC overpop.
    Emerald has a VS overpop present.

    So, what exactly makes TR's Prowler so crappy? It has the fastest speed, the highest damage output, and isn't reliant entirely on lockdown.
    How is the Mossie a crappy ESF? It's the smallest target, and is quite damn quiet.
    How the hell past lockdown's imobile nature is the TR max the worst?
    NC's trades all ability to fire for a singular direction of protection, while wielding RNG weapons at close-range.

    If TR's weapons had moderate or high damage at their present fire-rates, their DPS would be even higher.
    The inaccuracy made even less relevant, the closer the target got; making the volume of shots even more lethal.
    Like dear lord, if it was a bad combo, the TR Auto-Pistols, should be doing the worst not what they do right now.
  3. raffa2

    Have you ever used a prowler? The only places it shines are plains (indar), in every other place it gets destroyed extremely easily by ambushes, as it has no real defence except its offence. A magrider can dance around it, avoid its shots, deal damage and escape with the booster if in danger, the only safe magrider encounter is extremely close quarters, where you can't miss, or long range where the magrider needs more time to adjust its aim, while for vanguards, long and (hopefully not) mid range are the best options due to its tanking capability.

    The mosquito is not the smallest ESF, at least in the front view (which is one which counts in air duels), that's the scythe, also the reaver has strong boosters that let it reverse manouver faster, and avoid shots, or ambush other pilots with more ease, while the mosquito doesn't really shine anywhere.

    TR maxes are horrible for offence, while decent in defence, but require a lot more support during lockdowns.
    RNG weapons? Yeah RNG at dealing oneshots at best, those NC MAX shotguns shred infantry and give those maxes the best proficiency at capturing points and doing indoors fights in general.
  4. raffa2

    Also as other people said, the weakest faction is the one that gets rushed first, and there's a reason why you see NC and VS ignoring each other every single alert on Miller and capturing TR until the fastest wins.

    It's because fighting TR is easy mode, their empire specific arsenal is not a threat or a pain to deal with.
  5. Ziggurat8

    It's not the faction...

  6. Atorum

    Prowler is easy to hit (predictable movement) and has no defensive abilities (shield), Lockdown isnt instant, unless camping Prowler is useless especially with Harasser running around (also 1k hp less than Vanguard), leaving exposed rear is instant death in this game for vehicles, you can literally rip Prowler apart by Fury flash, somehow hard to do to a strafing tank and the other one with 1k hp more.
    Fastest speed on a flat terrain by 5 kph.......much flat terrain in this game bro...

    Its the worst ESF hands down, Reaver has speed and damage as well (vortek rotary will shred you in 2 seconds), also, when facing other ESFs Mosquito drops his exhausts downward making him even larger target in the middle, Reaver doing that only slightly increases its area, wont even mention the flying pancake of death (in skilled hands).
    Also check weapon stats for all faction nose guns (TR lowest damage as usual)

    High rate of fire, low damage and ample time for target to react is the best combo ever. not every one is running with 200 dmg weapons and drop you down faster than you can say "muh slow rate of fire", its no wonder that NC has so much team killing.

    Stationary MAX is a dead max, not every faction has instant kill maxes like NC or ZOE maxes that when rush can actually increase their performance as they sacrifice themselves to take the point (playing VS Max I have a feeling that they are way more accurate), TR max gets literally gunned down because jumping like ****** can actually make you live longer unlike meeting a NC max face to face...

    Play more TR (without following a zerg), especially now with Mjolnir running around rampant, you will love it...
  7. Atorum

    If its not the tool that faction provides to the player, what is it then?
  8. LordKrelas

    Yes, it's an aggressive artillery platform, that has a hard time not being shot in the front.
    A Magrider can dance around any target...
    However the Prowler has the damage, and reload to actually take it down quick.
    A Vanguard, has the shield.. which if you know the shield is timed, and useless to rear attacks.

    The front yes it loses to the VS.
    However from angles outside of that, it is the smallest.
    Reaver is the largest target - if it didn't have anything else to it, It'd lose even more so.

    A TR Max, while stationary means easy death.., it can however actually engage a target, and with proper position lay down a near endless hail.
    An NC max has 15 meters of RNG, 6-12 shots, the longest reload, and is required to always be in range of C-4.
    To use the NC ability, is to remove all offensive capability of all kinds.
    TR Max can at least reload before the TTK, and fire before reaching the target, not to mention can actually generate suppression fire - try that with a shotgun.

    Prowler & Vanguard have the same predictable movement due to their chassis.
    Prowler has offensive abilities rather than defensive abilities.
    The Vanguard has no offensive abilities, only defensive abilities.
    The moment the Vanguard Shield is unavailable, the Vanguard can not win.
    And this requires no skill on the enemy's part.
    (The power of Fury Flashes, Harassers, and the vulnerability of the rear also affects the Vanguard, who's ability does not protect the rear either)
    So, it's not the Prowler's weakness to these, it's the damn Flashes & harassers themselves in that regard.

    The Vanguard as well, for that extra health, has the longest repair time, and most time spent on fire.
    Against the Agile Magrider, and the higher-damage-output Prowler.

    The Prowler is not a crappy tank.
    The Vanguard is not better than it.
    The Magrider is however bloody insanity if used properly.

    When exactly did the smallest in all but the literal face-to-face situations become a weakness.
    You can barely miss the Reaver's massive *** body, if it got enlarged any severely by thruster movement... it would be insane to consider missing to be a possibility.

    This isn't a weakness.
    if it had high-damage per bullet, the increased rate of fire, would ensure inaccuracy be damned at further ranges, due to the sheer damage dealt, and at closer-ranges, the massive hail of bullets would wipe the floor even harder.
    I'm sorry if your 909 RPM gun isn't firing 200 damage rounds at 3x the speed of NC.

    Stationary max is yes a dead max usually, unless positioned.
    What do you think a Scatmax is? It's required to be in a specific location, a stone's throw away for a single C-4.
    Jumping around is highly effective given RNG pellet spread at a distance... it can take half or an entire clip per solider.
    And unlike TR, that NC max has 6 rounds - Glory of RNG, it also maybe kill in 2 shots.
    After that, the reload is long enough to literally kill the max.

    If TR was poor, you'd think it wouldn't be second to VS.
    Whom also have similar traits.
    (Mostly as stolen from TR, at this point)

    Like, when I have my Carv, or my damn high ROF gun, I do not need to be laser accurate with my 5 bullets.
    I have 10-15 bullets, and I can pump them out faster, to counter the inaccuracy of the singular rounds - no bullet is worth much.
    While with the lower ROF, every single bullet counts - as you also do not have the time to fire additional bullets.
    If a high ROF weapon also had the damage per bullet of a lower ROF weapon, it would win out every single gods be damned time.
    The more bullets in the air, the less valuable accuracy is, due to the difficulty of missing with the increasing number of rounds.
    The more accurate your fire, the faster you land hits, with the hail.
    If the bullets were each worth more, at this pace, every single Low ROF weapon would be out-preformed at all but long-range..
    And if the gun's ROF is enough, even then, the sheer hail would win out.

    Like dear lord.
    Half of this is that the TR's prowler is weak since Flashes with furies nuke tanks, Harassers are hell, and the magrider is agile enough to break a Prowler...
    Yet nothing about the prowler's capabilities being poor past the lockdown being Offense not defensive..

    Vanguard is entirely reliant on a defensive shield, countered literally by waiting several seconds.
    After which the tank is basically dead-to-rights.
    When the Prowler is dead-to-rights for using their ability, which they are required to, since they enemy didn't get into a face-to-face shell-exchange IE face-tanking contest, then you can say the Shield is better.
    As if that shield was worse, the Tank couldn't live.

    Lockdown likely needs work.
    And I mean for max & prowler alike.
    But they aren't bloody weak - often impractical however; The shields aren't strong, they are required items instead.
  9. Ziggurat8

    I gave a hammer to a dog.

    The dog never hammered anything with it...

    I threw the hammer away because it must have been broken.
    • Up x 3
  10. raffa2

    I'll take this comment seriously, when TR will get an actual cheap tool to play long range AV.
    The gatekeeper was the most cost reliable way to do that, but they removed the tool, and now we're left only with heavy cost options like prowlers, and lightnings, which are not as reliable as are easily countered by harassers and simple infantry.
    Remember the stryker, that's literally a "F*** you" to the TR from the devs
  11. Prudentia

    Vulcan Harrasser
    • Up x 1
  12. [K29C] Gwennec

    Again I have to disagree.

    1. The prowler is amazing.
    If you try to use it like the NC or VS MBT's then yes you are going to lose because it's designed to work in a different way. Learn to use the gear before complaining about it.
    Sure a MAG can strafe side to side but the prowler can outrun any other MBT and even lightnings if speced right.
    Use it at range, keep it at range, outrun and out maneuver your opponent. Easy win.

    2. Mossies are also amazing when used right, there are plenty of very good mossie pilots out there than can back that statement up.

    3. No MAX is better than any other, they are all designed to fit a different niche.
    NC max is designed for offensive CQC.
    TR max is designed for holding choke points and kill zones.
    VS max can do a bit of both but not as well as the NC or TR counterparts in their areas.

    Stick a pair of lockdown maxes guarding an entrance way, one with twin mutilators and one with twin pounders (plus engineer support) and you watch that NC max crash die in a doorway in no time at all.

    The secret? Position it right.
    Be around 20m from the entrance if possible to weaken shotguns and avoid C4.
    Be somewhere where your engineers can repair you while remaining out of sight. (stairwells, corridor corners, crates etc.)

    4. As for the high RoF and low DPH combination being 'terrible', that combination is what drew me to the TR in the first place. I work very well with TR weapons. Better than I do with NC, NS or VS.

    If you don't get along with that combination, simply use a different faction or take NS weapons. Everyone has a different play style and each factions weapons suit different play styles. Just because you don't like one factions play style, it doesn't make it a bad thing, it just isn't for you.

    And for colour. Well, NC hardly blend in with smurf blue do they?

    If TR was such a 'bad faction' how come they used to dominate Ceres and fare better in other servers? It's down to the outfits, not the equipment.
  13. Moz

    TR...... Nothing?

    Your kidding right?
  14. Moz

    I love how the TR are complaining about the boombox..... Welcome to a level playing field (well almost level the Vulcan is still more versatile).