TR player looking for outfit

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by LeadFarmer, May 13, 2013.

  1. LeadFarmer

    Heya people in outfits .

    I'm looking for a TR outfit. I've always been a zergling and probably always will be, so I'm looking for a medium sized outfit that minimizes time spent not shooting people. Also, I'd prefer if op nights were on saturdays.

    I'm an ok player. Mainly play medic or in my tank. I usually play about an hour a day (enough time to get my 5 daily medals) on weekdays, and more on weekends. I can use VoIP, but I'm not that talkative while playing. I dunno what else to say, so I look forward to seeing who replies.
  2. lipnitz

    Im part of the 1st Armored Division and would love to have you part of our squad.
    We play daily and often and take all sorts of players.
    Check us out at
    you can find me in game under "DocLip"
    Hope to see you around :)
  3. Ash87

    Hey Lead,

    If your still looking, come by and give HSTL a try. We usually run ops during the week, but our bigger ops are on the weekend around 6-8pm CST for a starting time. We don't pressure people, as our group is mostly around to have fun. We tend to go more for defense, but you will get plenty of XP if you stick with us (There is no shortage of people to shoot when you are running with us). Plus, if you have any interest in other games, we have active community members that play many other games (Minecraft, Civ 5, AOE2HD, SW:Galaxies... and a number of other games I can't immediately recall)

    Just grab our TS info and come by sometime if you want to see what you'd be getting into, or catch us IG. We should have something running tonight around 8-8:30 CST.
  4. Nerfley

    Definetly check out Hostile Paradigm, I'd love to have another tanker to compare notes with. I believe I have seen you out in the field once or twice, would be great to compare battle stories and see if that is true. Make sure to stop by the website (, Ash and I are usually on.

    Hope to see you soon!
  5. Tshapedvisor Please check out our site. Imperial Reach has been an outstanding bunch of guys to play with. We are running an op Wednesday at 8PM EST if you want to come see what we are about.
  6. Sentrosi

    Click the recruiting link in my signature LeadFarmer if you're looking for a good team-based gameplay that rely on tactics and strategic advantages to maximize the squad and platoon.
  7. cgudemon26

    Check out CGUG outfit hop on our ventrilo, 44192