VS. Although im TR, im playing VS now and wished that was my main. MBT, not the strongest but you have more pro's than cons and you will win most 1v1's. ESF, a doddle to fly, its so easy its a crime, perfect for farming. Guns, very easy to use, i love the carbines - no brainer on those. Max- Zoe is pointless, but it makes up for that with great weapons. Launchers, even the standard is better than TR and the lancer, is millions of times better than the striker.. VS for me so far, no weakness.In your infantry, then VS, tanking, i would go VS, ESF - So VS. No facts, just my opinion.
If you want to win all the time, play VS. If you want to not be the cancer that's killing this game, play anything else.
For Infantry if you want to play all classes, TR. If you want to main heavy, VS. For Ground Vehicles TR For A2A ESF VS
one of the main things that keeps me with tr is the aperence, a sort of standard military look, including the commissar hat, and the way the max suit looks. The vanu have a different cool that I rank a second, kind of elder alienesqu, Gameplay the vanu max has nicer long range weapons, even the explosive anti infantry and tankl one has no falloff, so it can be used like a slow moving ppc for anyone who has played old mech warrior games. Though I don't like the way it looks, kind of weird and not solid armor, so I prefer tr. even though fractures suck. And NC while I like how their weapons work the most, can't realy turn down the tank with the most armor, best ability, and most alpha., I hate the look, so I am driven to stay with tr.
When I started playing in beta, I originally was drawn to the VS and chose it as my first faction, but I also was very interested in TR and played that alot in beta as well. Now? Still VS mainly , but I still really enjoy playing TR and have alot of friends I play with on that faction. So both?
Well, for most server the VS is overpopulated. If your server has a struggling TR pop, you have to decide whether or not you want to help balance the issue by joining the TR, or go VS for more victories. It might seem like a no-brainer to go where you will get the most certs, but if more new players are going VS, then the pop imbalance will just get worse and worse, and eventually the game will just be pointless to play for everyone.
I've been playing TR for 2 years now and I really like the faction, especially our medic class which has the T1 cycler. Appearancewise I also think the TR look the coolest. However if I were to restart?... I'd have to go VS, they have very good weapons in general. They have what seems to me to be a lower general recoil on many of their weapons which makes them great for longer distances. End game wise they actually have directive weapons that are worth getting. Infinite ammo? 1000x yes, then I can get infinite ammo and I can use something beside ammo belt. To me this makes their end game soldiers have quite an advantage. On that not though, I really hope they revamp the NC and TR directive weapons to have cool special qualities too.
i want to play nc, but im afraid of the amount of frustration all the teamkills will bring. that and i dont feel like starting over after all the time and effort ive put into my TR
VS is OP, TR is the underdog in the game but it has that cool to it, so... I chose TR. And now I hope they make VS in line with NC and TR somehow.
Wouldn't really recommend TR until they patch up some of the gaping holes in their arsenal, such as infantry-held AV. Strikers and Fractures are yet to receive any significant change that really makes them both worth their cert cost, as well as competitive. VS though... With the addition of this new vulcan, their arsenal is complete!
If you prefer: Stalker Infiltrator Light Assault from a distance/vantage point (behind cover, in trees, places youd often run out of ammo before dying) Heavy Assault Dogfighting MAXes defensively Choose VS If you prefer: SMG infiltrator Scout rifle (kind of) Infiltrator (Trap M1 is the best scout rifle but its technically classed as a sniper) Medic Aggressive Light Assault AV or AI tanking/harassing MAXes aggressively Pick TR
if you prefer crying about everything that went wrong with your life, pick TR/NC. if you like laughing at all the whiners, pick VS.
played on tr and Nc as my main .... Vs LMG and Smg out peform everything . Mag good tank whit the saron u just need 2 know how to play whit it