TR on Cobalt - Lack of organization

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kociboss, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Desember

    We might've had population advantage some parts of the alert, but not in the earliest parts or latest parts of it. We met great resistance for large parts of the alert, until VS suddenly disappeared, during primetime. This was around 40 minutes before the alert ended, and it should be noted the last 10-15 minutes of the alert were with some larger groups pushing through our lines. It's not our fault that your faction decided to pull out of the alert and leave the TR alone against the NC. Once we had shifted large parts of our forces towards the TR front, we gained an advantage against the TR, and subsequently the TR population was either in a large zerg near the Ymir Biolab with some splinter forces fighting throughout the lines, or they had left. Which is the reason we had a larger population during a part of the alert, as VS had more or less backed out of it. Don't complain about population levels when it was similar until you all decided to leave, and then you whine about it on the forum. Whine to your fellow VS, not us. We awaited a VS counterattack during the rest of alert, which barely even showed up.

    Seriously, you were on Indar, you didn't fight during the alert and can't know for sure what the population numbers were during the whole alert. Indar is almost always full during primetime. Measuring the amount of forces on Esamir, based upon the forces on Indar during primetime, is comparing a full popular continent, towards an medium populated and less popular continent. A continent which usually only gets played hardcore during an alert, or during a large organized group trying to get the continent bonus, with enemies trying to stop that. Indar is the constant alert continent, as it simply put, doesn't need alerts to get large fights going.
  2. iamrob7

    I know exactly what the population numbers were because we were looking at it laughing as neither the TR or VS bothered to turn up, the Indar fight was where the serious action was. The VS were super low pop across the server all day yesterday and today it seems aswell, we can only afford to properly fight on one continent. Even on Indar the TR outnumbered us during that time although the NC Indar pop was actually lower than ours. We stayed there because we considered holding Indar far more important than fighting on Esamir. You had 40-50% pop through the entire alert. Some VS jumped on in the last 10 minutes and grabbed freyr and the traverse. TR didn't even bother to do that from what I saw. I mean, good on you, we would have done the same thing with that pop, capped most of it, but patting yourselves on the back about it is a bit silly.
  3. bergenplunket

    Seriously people you cant know what was , what it is, what is going to be on Cobalt, because "iamrob7" knows it already all better. You just wasting your time, nobody knows it better , he is like a God of Cobalt. You can wake up in the morning go to this thread here and the almighty "iamrob7" will tell the right version of events. Do not trust your eyes , do not trust your ears, do not trust your friends, never, trust only "iamrob7". For he has the right version! Hail the almighty..!
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  4. FatSheriff

    And don't question it, he was there and doesn't have the ability to forget or lie o_O
  5. Selerox

    There's a reason we were up in the north. We spent an hour holding the line against TR's counter-offensive. If we hadn't TR would have been knocking on the gates of Hvar by the time the Alert ended and we'd have lost by an even larger amount.

    What did the groups in the south do? They rampaged their way halfway to Rashnu and got caught in the mire. Then they ran out of steam, collapsed and didn't stop running until they got to Vanu Archives. Rather than just holding the line they got greedy and threw troops at NC, rather than helping in the north, where we'd pushed TR almost back to their WG and were holding our own. But everyone stayed in the south, so we spend the next 60 minutes desperately holding on despite being outgunned and outnumbered once TR got their act together.

    All credit to TR, they got it together and absolutely hammered us.
  6. The Jiggler

    This is a lie. I thought you might comment about it so i did take screenshots at various timestamps through the alert to show our progress and population. Would you like me to post them and prove you are lying?

    Why would i make such a provocative statement about not requiring 50% population unless i was prepared to back it up! Come on man don't fall for such a easy bait.
  7. jbkappirossi

    wel, not having read everything, but one thing i can say is that when i want to challange my skills i'll go TR territory.
    If wan't to farm XP i'll go NC. :)

    BTW, nice try NC and TR trying to neatralize indar, but even together you guys failed miserably!
    We only had 20/25% Pop in the middle of the day. NC constandly recapping Peris Amp and TR Hvar Tech.
    A constand tug of war, winning losing, winning losing from both sides, but the point is; even tho we only had like 25% POP, so you guys outnumbered us 4 to 1 and without us having any resources left. You still didn't manage to WG us. hahaaha what a laugh really.

    There where even rumours that a SOE DEV was helping NC by blocking the alert events so they wouldn't get bother by that while trying to warpgate us, because we only had a Alert at 12:00 AM an the next one was at midnight around 0:00 AM.... WTF?

    Funny thing is, when the population evened out we where just rolling over you guys. Warpgated NC yesterday, just for the lulz. Today after your nice try to neatralize Indar and the next Alert finnaly arived we owned that whole continent and after that we cleared TR bonus they had on Amerish just as easaly. Then after that we had to go back and save Indar, NC was thinking they could finally win the last late night alert on Esamir, but got owned again the last 30minutes witch we started with 4 or 5 territories left, but we eventually won the alert anyway, again!! lol

    Really, you guys need to try harder. Let me give you guys a tip though.
    If you really wan't to neutralize Indar do it at 7:00/8:00 AM That's the only chance you get, because there's no one online at that time! But than again, we would probably cap it back just as easy with the ''late night crew'' looooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  8. S0LAR15

    I'm going to respond to this first, But NC/TR take notes.

    It was simply too far away, it was not easy or safe to respond up there rapidly. We didn't have the numbers, numbers of skilled droppers, number of escort pilots, number of appropriately equipped galaxies, to go to Saurva AND everywhere else, plus I'm 95% sure the lemmings trapped there would have done better balling into one of infantry divisions going through smaller territories and claiming more land than defending a hex. Seeing as you can't take down the SCU of Indar excavation or Quartz ridge, these places are infinitely easier to hold than say, an amp station (or even a bio lab it seems). We lost donw south because we didn't have the numbers, numbers we needed from up north, to say the Vanu-honest truth.

    So if we all came up North. what do you think would happen to our softened under belly? Our WG would've been swimming with numnpties listening to hill billy soundgarden.

    I actually blame myself, since before you guys got trapped there, long before you had personally even conceived of fighting at Saurva or Dahaka, I lead our OWND platoon to sidestep the TR at Hvar and Allatum and mass capped everything in sight, this broke up the massess at those hexes as people sought to respond, and they fell easily, as hexes which are cut off should. As the message wrang out, "NC is victorious", I knew it was me that had inadvertently guided out lemmings into nab traps, it was my fault. Whats more, everyone in our merry A-team band knew it too, but we lol'ed about it, and then carried on having fun.

    Now we don't do alerts pre 1:10. It just goes so ******* wrong if the lemmings get stuck at all the wrong places.
  9. Matlock0

    jbkappirossi's post is some fascinating sci-fi.
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  10. S0LAR15

    Me and Iamrob laughed so hard, it really was a great PS2 moment, one that really makes me think this game has such a future (even a competitive future), if it can continue to be developed.

    And for those who think Iamrob is full of himself etc, he's a nice guy, forums make people come across wrongly. I'm more than sure that's true for Kheebab.
  11. S0LAR15

    Firstly, I remember the first time we capped Indar and you were there. I you (but it could've been someone else) had somehow marshalled a Prowler blob from the broken remnants of the TR, to get back Old Auraxium mines. And you did it, it rolled in we didn't respond quick enough, and when we did we couldn't get out the spawn, until............. iamrob and myself went infil and cleaned 5-6 noobs off the point, and delayed your cap long enough to let our western platoon secure the last NC territory, and the continent. What was funnier was that of the 15 prowlers there trying hard to farm the spawn, no one got out to come and kill us on the point, even though back then it clearly said there was only 2/6. We needed to hold it for a minute or so, and in that minute only 7-8 guys came, and they died on mines, we could've have been stopped, but no one did it.

    Secondly, back when OWND had more active members (in Nov - Dec), we capped indar from the Southwest WG, and it was ghost capped back off us later another night, and we did it during the day. [But it was a different game then liberators were insane and we had many good crews to go with good inf players.] But yes, the North gate has an advantage, and when TR had it originally, they did not want to hear this when VS and NC said it. They even cited our 2 times we capped Indar (back then) as reasons it wasn't true. But obviously it is an default advantage, but having had plenty of time to study it, I believe (hex/lattice changes withstanding) I have devised a strategy to negate this, obviously you'll understand if we don't share it here.

    We are orgnaised, it is true, but you are to a degree, at least imo, more than the NC, though those is an arbitrary measurement here. I hope you guys can get past some bad blood from months ago and move on, try some joint Ops, try a clean slate, try being more mature, forgiving etc.
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  12. Cougarbrit

    You realise you had full pop on Indar right? Throughout the entire assault on Indar, TR were the only one who matched your pop, as for some reason NC didn't fill Indar even during prime time despite having higher world pop, for some reason they were all on Amerish and Esamir failing to do much damage.

    And there wasn't even that large an amount of NC attacking the VS. For half the day AOTR and numerous NC were tied up at Rashnu and Zurvan, then when AOTR came to our aid, only a couple of NC squads changed fronts, the others just tried pushing into TR territory.
  13. S0LAR15

    I'm still waiting to congratulate the NC, as a faction, for understanding the meta game. As hunter said:

    In laymans terms, you guys do NOT understand the need to neutralise continents, I cannot even recall the number (it must be in the high hunderds) that I've seen the NC doing well on a continent, and rather than removing the last few TR or VS territories to remove a continent cap, that they do not, they instead prefer to 50/50. Whereas at OWND, always like to remove continent caps even at the expense of a potential cap, which we eventually got later, I'll explain why. Example, today when we removed TRs amerish cap, we IGNORED COMPLETELY, the NC. They cut right behind us, must've thought they were strategic genuineness while they were at it, and we got the TR warpgated and the remaining territories capped, bonus gone. The TR LEFT amerish altogether and a platoon remained to cap it entirely, whilst the other platoon moved over to Esamir to beast the alert.

    Removing a continent bonus is a massive psychological blow, not to mention that you are warp gated. The down trodden enemy is also resource starved, they can't do anything anyway and they are forced off the continent. With one faction gone you can easily leave a token force at one WG and focus entirely on the other faction, it is so much easier to cap continents like this. So much easier, the exception is of course, Indar, the Continent of Men.

    Now I'm not saying you need to ONLY remove a continent bonus, but when you're 70+% territory control, you should forget aspirations of capping it until the previous owner is gone.

    Reading this it may seem scathing or venomous, I really don't mean it that much, I don't bear you NC ill will. However, Cobalt's gameplay would be grealty improved, for ALL factions, if the NC as a whole understood this main aspect of the meta game. Now I am obviously aware that you and many higher level NC players may know this, but as a faction, on Cobalt, you certainly do not, so it had to be said, and my fingers are not happy at having to type it, but there you go.

    This is a good idea, I just can't see random pubs letting it go uninterrupted lol. Or do you mean to just do it through each factions pubbers regardless?
  14. Cougarbrit

    That said, it was some fantastic fighting yesterday on Indar, constant back and forth fighting against the VS, both sides fought tooth and nail for every hex, and although TR and NC both managed to reach your WG a few times, you held your remaining territories long enough to reclaim your borders.

    And we also got to do a fun galdrop on the crown, been a while since I was there. The poor VS pubs were completely unprepared and the entire platoon of them were locked up in the spawnroom in a minute.
  15. S0LAR15

    To put this to bed, from my view. 2 whole OWND platoons didn't bother with this alert, at all. We were busy where it really mattered, continuing to ensure the light of Vanu shines over Indar.

    You guys won this in the first hour or so. In fact the real story is again a demonstration of the NCs failure to cap two stone beach and remove the TR bonus. You actually nearly did initially iirc, but you had half your blob going at us as well lol, for what? The sake of a 4 minute cap? LOL.

    Yea it is beyond your hands, as one guy, but I'm sur there must be a way to tell the masses........ Education, education, education.

    Anyway enough of this, you ran 50% on the first hour easily, maybe even beyond that I didn't care to look to be honest.
  16. S0LAR15

    Next time I'll call out for my tastyberrypunch.
  17. Cougarbrit

    I think the majority of the NC could benefit from some TR or VS re-education. Using yesterday again as an example, while the vast majority of the TR outfits were focusing the VS, only a couple of NC platoons bothered pushing the VS as well, the remainders instead tried first to push to our tech plant, and failed, then the crown, and then they tried to cut off the entire TR assault in the west, pushing towards Dahaka and Quartz Ridge, forcing TR back to resecure our rear.

    If those NC zergs had instead followed their more meta-aware comrades, the VS could have very possibly lost the Indar cap. They certainly wouldn't have been able to take Scarred Mesa and fortify it against the outnumbered NC. It would've also helped if they recognised the Indar cap is far more significant than Esamir or Amerish, yet they had the majority of their forces on these continents, leaving them with the lowest Indar pop while having the highest world pop.

    Sometimes I'm not sure I'm playing the same game as certain parts of the NC.
  18. S0LAR15

    I agree CHI is more than "some prowlers and some MAX farmers". Though their strength isn't, imo, immediately as infantry classes.

    Hunter I've seen you in a prowler lots, and I've not killed you in one more than 2/3 times, yet, I am one of your top-most-died-to!/5428010917270598289/killboard/?view=deaths

    But, I am Infantry mostly, so such a comparison isn't necessarily fair, but I could say based on my experience so far, that you sit in a prowler all day, and that, by and large doesn't get stuff done. But obviously this isn't true, you don't sit in a prowler all day. However from a Vs perspective CHI and XLCT are very well organised outfits that do more than the usual high BR farming and such.

    p.s Can we have a pistol duel series somewhere so I can get top on your deathboard?
  19. Cougarbrit

    I rarely see Huunter in a Prowler and I'm one of JETR's squad leaders :s

    And from my biased perspective I'd definitely say we're one of the more organised outfits, and we don't indulge in farming for the sake of farming.
  20. S0LAR15

    The first thing we did, after the merge was to reach out to the other outfits, and build good working relationships, and a pledge was made with TRID to work together informally and support each other es=xchange personel etc if requests were made that could be accommodated, and by and large this is true, there are TRID memebrs who run in our platoons so often I'm surprised when I see their tag is TRID, when I've come to think of them as brother OWND infantry, who have bled beside me.

    This would be a good first step, establishing working relations with the outfits on your server, the above is just one example. We obviously talk to PTMC and IVGD (though they tend to be silent mostly, but know what is going on), and things are wuite coordinated to avoid overcapping, that is when you have WAY too many people at one point capping it. When we identify problems requiring a response, we decide between us over leader chat, who will do what, and if someone needs more beef somewhere, we generally send what we can spare. I didn't used to and I'm sure it's true for TRID, but there is a real feel good factor to being the cavalry that rides in to help, even if it means abandoning your own ambitions temporarily, or giving up wiaitng 5 - 7 mins for some 1000 XP. Now, I feel it is something that quite a few us in both outfits enjoy doing, turning up and being like, "hey, what are you doing behind that rock? hahaha"; we've both saved each other many times.