TR on Cobalt - Lack of organization

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kociboss, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Cougarbrit

    Yes he is, though I've rarely seen him around. I don't watch him but I assume he doesn't play alongside the big outfits.

    He also has his VS char on Cobalt.

    Watching some of his gameplay now and he does seem good, but yeah, he doesn't play with the big outfits so I doubt I'll see him around much.
  2. Huunterinvitus

    Stop Couga, i think how you and how Matlock you loves your outfits
    and those type debats who is better is uselees.Each will hold his opinion. I hope that some part my(our) crytic was hearded.
    And we too start know many new things what we didnt know about CHI.

    Matt gave nice stat site, with this data i started created big table with deep statistick about capturing and defending we can compare
    all big outfits at Cobalt and can understand what they are reaaly do at continents.
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  3. S0LAR15

    We need a cobalt outfit super thread, to organise clashes and "mess around" stuff easier. This thread has outgrown it's usefulness I think.
  4. Draf

    Hi, i'm a JETR officer.

    Comparing stats is ridiculous, cause in JETR we are allways dealing with the stupidness of our "ally" (could be TR or NC when we try to cancel VS bonuses). I rarely saw a bad decision from huunter in the battlefield, most problems comes from those "allies" wich are not reading the battlefield as they should. That being said let me explain better why this is ridiculous : A good decision isn't allways victory, sometimes it's hold on this position with 1 or 2 squads as much as you can to split ennemy forces and those kind of decisions seems like a big waste of ressources and kdr, but can lead TR to victory in a long term. JETR goals are victory not stats.

    So why aren't we allways winning ? Basically we are outnumbered against VS so we need help and here comes the "allies" problem :
    When we push VS to their warpgate why TR thinks it's smart fighting NC ? I don't know wich outfits are involved into these stupid things and I seriously don't care but you guys have to wake up if you want to win something or continent locking is going to be the VS fiesta on this server. Same goes for NC, why in the hell are you pushing to us when the continent is owned by VS ? What's the reason, seriously... I can't understand is there a candy van in the north of Indar wich makes you form platoons pushing for it when VS have infantry ressources reductions ? Give me an answer please or I'll stick with huunter's idea : "90% NC leaders are total idiots".

    What I wish to see : Better TR outfits organisation, learn where the victory is not where the exp is, more people looking for victory (meaning joining organized outfits looking for victory).

    Little message for VS and I think I can say this from the part of all JETR members : We'll never give up until there's a possibility to win.
    Little message for NC and I say this this from my own : Prove me you aren't that dumb and start reading the map for once.
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  5. Fenrisk

    Following the zerg in allies chat or waiting at bases for the cap when there's no enemy activity and plenty of random's to mop up slows TR down. Trying to take or defend bases by throwing infantry into a meat grinder achieves nothing. This is what many TR outfits do and they need breaking of that habit.

    Join CHI for even one day and you will we do none of that crap. This is especially true if Matlocks online. The leaders constantly look for where we are needed by reading the allied vs enemy squad activity. We don't even get a break for some chit chat :p It's redeploy, get to da choppa, rain down hell, move out/redeploy as soon as we are not needed and hit the next target FAST. It's all about speed and tactics.

    The only time we stay in a area for long is when we want to hold up enemy platoons by finding a defensive spot to wipe out their armour zerg. If our squad can hold up a platoon or more of the enemy then they get stuck in a meat grinder achieving nothing which helps TR elsewhere. (If TR pay attention and stop the ghost caps instead of sitting in their prowler waiting for a biolab to cap!)

    A normal day in CHI is many galaxy drops every hour, the odd shield disrupter sunderer and a hell of a lot of fun. None of that crown or base farming crap that makes people burn out and quit.
  6. FatSheriff

    Ok a few points here,
    It's a game played for fun in your spare time so if someone is having more fun fighting TR that's where they will go.
    It's a 3 way war do you want faction to start making peace treaties? If not then why would you whine when people come to fight you?
    I get it your trying to archieve a goal but then the other faction spoils you plan kind of what to expect from you enemy no? And let's face it the continent bonuses arnt tremendous they don't exactly make you think you know what I at a big advantage because I have this.
  7. thekiller2002us

    Powerpuffters, Leader of the Jesters here

    I personally don't care much about alerts, but the argument, again falls down to meta game. Although winning alerts is fun- the only point in participating in them is to either ....

    a) try organizing some multi-outfit operation
    b) get your empire name to flash on the screen for 2 seconds after a 2 hour long alert
    c) possibly getting a tiny bit more xp for kills

    Yes, there is some certs to be made at the end- but capping 3-5 large bases (depending on boosts) will earn you more amount of certs than winning an alert.- which links in with chi's approach above (90% the jesters are always on the move)

    Concluding an entire outfit/faction is dumb on the outcome of an alert is r£t@rded. To me, there is no point in alerts- as winning them achieves hardly anything at all, therfore not every outfit of every faction will participate. Soe are still developing a decent metagame, and until they do that, no one will be able to gauge the true strength and weaknesses of an empire or an outfit.

    Stats don't provide much info on an outfit either tbh. Some of the best members of the jesters are medics/ engineers with a br <36.
    Again, you need something solid in the game to be able to decipher which empire/outfit is anyway decent.

    Personally, I would love to see higby create a zone where individual outfits can battle for bases/ territory and are not allied to any race, although within the current political climate on cobalt, the jesters would probably be at eternal war with outfits from NC, TR and the VANU

    dont base outfit/empire strength on stats or the outcome of an alert because thats stupid.
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  8. Selerox

    God no, I've only just got really settled with the popcorn...
  9. Draf

    It's a game played for fun in your spare time, yes, but if you're leading a platoon why would you send them somewhere wich makes no strategic sense instead of doing something usefull ? You're going to do the same thing, but it will be usefull, if you think I am wrong please explain me why it is funnier attacking without any real objectives instead of attacking with a real objective. There are no treaties. There are common objectives for two factions when the continent belongs to one nation, if TR have a continent I'll totally understand NC and VS joining their forces to clear our bonus. I don't whine cause people attacks my fatcion, I just don't understand why in these conditions they're attacking us instead of trying to achieve something usefull, the same way I don't understand why TR attacks NC when the continent belongs to VS. And no, the bonuses aren't extraordinary but it's the only goal we have in this game (With alerts now wich is another thing), also this will prepare the faction for the continent locking.
  10. bergenplunket


    Do you know how many people playing organized? Maybe 50% , maybe lesser. I would say if you cant count behind you 80-90% of all people in your faction organized , then don't bother with this question. And even organized people don't like to play every time with one objective. A capture of a continent is not really an objective for most people. If there would be more advantages for the faction who captured the continent and more disadvantages who don't , maybe then would more causals look at it. Now it only "virtual prestige" for some people in some outfits. Who cares about it if you just going to play for fun, for some hours. I can play hours and hours on Indar and can still have enough resources for pulling every time a MAX or Lightning without any restraints.

    Don't be stupid. This evening the NC were fighting VS mostly, and NC were near Vanu Warpgate. Where you think TR platoons were pushing? You have 3 attempts to guess.
    As you see I can say the same about TR or Vanu leaders.
  11. Ynwe

    Does TR really need more organisation or do TR certain outfits need a update? I know from a former JETR guy who runs with us now, that you guys aren't too TS active though. (or a program similar to that) You run a platoon, but besides the tag, where is the difference to a pub platoon? Everyone just running around making their way to the waypoints. You want better TR outfit organisation? Why don't don't the other TR outfits first try to get better with internal organisation? There is this other TR outfit, Xplicit or something and they seem quite impressive. CHI has talked to them and we are thinking of doing a few things together (without merging or anything) and to be honest that sounds kinda exciting to finally have a TR outfit that is similar to us CHI guys in terms of effectiveness.

    Tell me, how are we supposed to communicate TR outfits, if 90% of the TR outfits can't even communicate with their own members fast enough?
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  12. Ynwe

    Hunter, This is a reply from SOLAR to you from Page 8 about a continent Cap.

    This is the problem, not so much communication as playing ability. Do you know what Gimpsy would have done if we were in those prowlers and did nothing to cap the point? He would have headshoted each driver personally. Yet this is what one can expect from the other outfits. But instead of improving your gameplay, you come here, cry that a third faction joined your fight, slag off gimpsy and say we are just an outfit for show, even though there are quite a few Vanu players here who say they love fighting us as they know we put up the best fights.
    I don't know what your problem with Gimpsy is and I don't care tbh. But I do wish to see a more profesional attitude between TR outfits and less competition (seems to me the only logical reason all this school nonsense is even happening) You can criticise us, we are defenitely not perfect, but keep it rational then please!

    And if we finally manage to pull things together and having squad communications between the bigger outfits like CHI, JETR, WG, XpliciT thant that will be a very good day for TR!
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  13. S0LAR15

    I loled, the Saurva biolab weed is good.

    I'm glad to see more sentiments confirming mine, that the NC just don't understand the meta as a faction.
  14. S0LAR15

    This is how we run the the OWND Spec ops which are so effective vs you guys.

    Everytime as concerted effort is made to remove Indar bvonus we are always seeking ingenious ways to outmaneuver the enemy platoons, zerging with drool across their faces, right at our Lord Vanus sacred Warp gate. Currently Scarred Mesa fulfils this territory requirement nicely, easy to camp the spawn, and seriously hard to approach with Sundies for alternate NC reinforcement. Once it's capped the infiltration team, already siting at adjacent hexes start a total clusterfrak of successive caps and the main platoon moves to tawrich or something, which will have been lubed up already, with no SCU and satelites taken. I've personally lead this Op twice in the last week, and it is a lot of fun, some of the best fun I've had on PS2.

    All that remains is to kill the Kinetic shotgun industry nablets that turn up and some jester scum, and then the VS pubs start finding they can spawn and attack places like regent rock etc and the NC get stretched.

    In fact, I made an Cobalt NC alt some weeks back to try and lead NC platoons in a somewhat sensible fashion, I think I'll swap it for a TR one.
  15. Huunterinvitus

    Our pretensions and criticism not for randoms meat.
    If you are normal NC outfit just ignore must always hold only NC tech and vanu peris amp.
    You (Normal NC outfits) must understand alliance OWND and TRID have 2700 members and most of them are cowards they couldnt fight fair only with huge zergs.
    TR small and middle outfits not enough to delete Vanu bonus we need work together TR and NC.If you have contact with others outfits tell them most of our normal outfits will not fight with NC on Indar until VANU have bonus and we want same from NC.
  16. Huunterinvitus

    I am born in Soviet Union in Mosckow but i am not autocraty leader. I am not kicking people if they not in TS,or if they come on hour for playing and wanna relax in tank.
    We have outfit message of the day about teamspeak. But it is true not many people come there.
    Near is 50% online .So those people who in TS are in one our squad and they do things like specops .
    2-3 people JETR in our platoon are ussually squad leaders.And we havent problems with that. That how we ussually work.
    By the way many small outfits like come tou our public platoon and i am trying to hold of them in 1 squad and give them freedom about how they should work.

    You know i am working now at table stats about outfits in Cobalt that rule maps and change colors..and must to say that we have only 4 TR normal outfits AOTR CHI WG JETR (XPTC not because they are too small)
    And i am sure that those outfits must be in 1 teamspeak just on differents subchannels nevermind which teamspeak it will be AOTR WG or CHI or it will be special Tsserver for all TR outfits..we now sitting on WG TS because they have perfect administrators.
    It will be first step to create something that could broke VANU zergs..
  17. The Jiggler

    Yeah Hvar. Sometimes i make mistakes!
  18. Ynwe

    Than the main difference in our outfits seems to be the philosophy about the outfit. If I want to play "casual" I just play by myself and do not join in with our outfit. However, when I do join the outfit, I expect a high level of communication needed and following a lot of orders around without a second tought. Thats how probably 99% of the guys in CHI want it. So I guess, its just we are different people looking for a different kind of expereience within ps2.
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  19. FinnSimmons

    Thats exactly what i meant when i said you can't compare outfits by stats. Your group of players formed over the time that the game exists. Other outfits that recruit more aggressively. You guys went at it slower. The biggest problem I have ever encountered in PS2 is outfit members that don't partake in the outfits activities. CHI is far less likely to have players like that due to the way you recruit.
    Now the only thing worse than players that don't partake in their outfits activities are the ones that think this game is Farmville. And that mindset is stuck in many a players head.

    [stupid voice on] "Now I need to stay here and wait 10 minutes for my base cap XP. We are loosing everything around? Well I can't do anything about that can I?" [/stupid voice off]
    Of course thats completely made up. A player like that would never look at the map or even notice that the surrounding territory is being capped, but you catch my drift?

    The more players and outfits we get organized and the more it feels like you miss out on something if you don't play with that organized bunch of players/outfits the more likely the randomers that don't give a flying eff are to join us (the organized players) and maybe change their attitude towards the game over time.
    If SOE does not supply us with a point to the game we have to make one ourselves. We have to spread a certain way of playing the game. The right one if I dare say. Which is playing tactically strategically and without a stiffy for Certs. I am pretty sure all of you are with me on that.
  20. Ynwe

    Well, Matlockk posted the stats as a response to Hunter's statement, that we were just a outfit for "fap fap xp farming." While I agree that the stats are not perfect to compare, they do give an overall picture between the two outfits. And its just that many CHI players are tired of being bad mouthed by someone who lacks respect for us for some reason. It's also not really helping to get the outfits together when the JETR leader just rants at Gimpsy and at our outfit. Do you think CHI members will want to work with Hunter when he needs support, but just throws false accusations at us?

    About the other thing: well the outfit themself need to be able to get their members to partake in their ouftit activities. If someone is running a full platoon, yet only 8-12 of those are from an outfit with some level of communication while the rest are just randoms, or outfit members that just follow waypoints and not care what is happening, than that outfit has some other issues than needing support from other TR outfits to win a fight. Again, I am not advocating that outfits should copy or adapt our playing style if they don't want to, but I do think that an outfit should really take a good look at itself and change its internal communication way, if it can't get its members to actively take part in an outfits activity besides just running around like an ant and shooting at things.
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