~~MISSION: This is a leadership academy; EVERYONE gets a turn to be an officer and a sergeant. We educate players and existing groups about drill procedure, leadership, and application of formations. Our goal is to teach about responsibility and to improve communication between gamers and communities. If your group participates with dedication, you may seek sponsorship from us. Our name was chosen because Napoleon personally led the largest infantry formations ever witnessed. NDI is organized by Zude, a former USAF Auxiliary drill sergeant and SAR instructor. ~~CHAIN OF COMMAND: Our academy operates without fixed battlefield leadership roles (nobody is permanently in charge of anybody.) This approach fosters leadership and followership. Depending on the size of your group, we will appoint temporary leaders from within your group before each round. Command of any unit must be passed upon death. Squads are led by sergeants using direct leadership. They drill the squad most of the time. Sergeants must relay and promote the ideas of the officer to their subordinates. Sergeants can argue with the officer in secret, but they cannot deny the order. This means that everything they do is their officer's fault. Platoons are led by lieutenants that use direct and indirect leadership. Lieutenants should always lead indirectly through their sergeants, but can assume direct leadership at the cost of cognitive ability. They are allowed to deny company orders because they bear full responsibility for the safety and discipline of their platoon. Companies are led by captains that use indirect leadership. Captains are completely responsible for the communications between platoons and the performance of the entire company. He makes the big decisions, so the outcome is always his fault. Advancement of academy rank is optional, but has benefits. Contact Zude to set appointments for lectures. ~~HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Simply join our Teamspeak ( ) 30 minutes prior to the event! You can ask the academy to attend your event a week in advance. We become the responsibility of the contractor for that event. Different regiments, outfits, and groups participate in the academy. Join an empty channel and wait for the administrator to temporarily appoint leaders from within your group. Groups < 20 soldiers = 1 sergeant Groups > 20 soldiers = 2 sergeants, 1 officer All the blame falls on the acting officers, they should know how to accept it. NDI members can review their officers after the event (Bad reviews can result in a ban.) Sergeants can not be reviewed because they must follow their orders. NDI corporal candidates in your group have priority to replace a fallen squad sergeant. NDI sergeant candidates in your group have priority to be selected as squad sergeant each round. NDI officer candidates in your group have priority to be selected as platoon officer each round.
I am qualified and experienced to teach the application of drill to most situations. This video illustrates concepts like close order formation, open order formation, route step march, and mixed order formation. I pay my officers and sergeants with gift cards or through paypal. This is a serious endeavor attempting to correct the trolling epidemic that has gripped our gaming communities.
So, is your character? I'm not sure you're exactly qualified to train people in the specifics of Planetside 2.
Zude, for the duration of this post, please assume I am in your face, stetson brim poking your forehead, spit splattering your face, and a knife-hand 1 inch from your eyeball that looks like it will remove said eyeball and skull **** your soul, and have especially polished spurs that I have threatened to use various orifices to further polish. A USAF Auxiliary search and rescue ground team leader? That is a joke, right? It has to be, cause running around the woods in an orange baseball cap doesn't qualify you for jack ****. You're a damn civilian, Civil Air patrol is like JROTC, so don't come on a forum acting like you have some kind of experience, please, you make the rest of us vets look like morons. Plus, USAF, come the **** on. Furthermore, what you are preaching is not applicable to this game. It will set new players up for failure, and drive them away when your "tactics" and formations do nothing but get them slaughtered wholesale by moderately experienced players who will see these formations and lay waste to any feeble attempt at mil-sim ****tery that you attempt to propose people adopt here. Battle Drill 1-A in accordance with FM 3-21.8 (7-8 for the oldheads) will do absolutely nothing , not to mention, will also fly over people's heads in this game. You will make this game miserable for a new player, and do more harm than good. And bribing people to attend is just ******. Looking at your stats that Jeucoq was kind enough to provide, you rock a .6 KDR and a SPM of 107.4. Your IvI KDR is .5, and based on your KPM, you kill one person every 10 minutes or so. You appear to have a fundamental lack of understanding for the basics of this game yourself, and appear to be a massive No-Go, and should be recycled into a more constructive environment such as AoD, 1TR, or a zergfit in order to grasp the core concepts of this game. You teaching anyone ANYTHING in this game would be a massive detriment to that player's experience, especially when posing as someone with some sort of real world experience, when in fact what you have done is the equivilant of attending Mickey Mouse's leadership summer seminar. 0/10, would not recommend this ****ter.
Thank you for your service, but I did volunteer service for no pay. I saved one person and educated countless others. Are you interested in my portfolio? Then get the **** off your entitlement horse and ask me like a man instead of playing detective like a jealous wife. We are still expanding and my personal stats are not an indication of the academy's performance. Join us now and learn to deal with hecklers like this...
We have all experienced the effectiveness of the lancer line. A rocket line is more effective but has less range. Here is a video of VIB in line formation, closed order, on favorable ground. They take down many vehicles before dying together in an airstrike. An experienced leader would stay alert for any threat to his tight formation. Open ranks would have mitigated or deterred the air strike on his location. Open order formations are harder to manage and have other weaknesses.