Get mercy's and a second burster. Nothing else. Trust me. If you make 500 certs a day on double xp week get the extended magazines for the mercy's. That will give you 75 rounds in each arm.
Balls to psychological warfare, I want to shred shi up. Nothing scares troops like half their squad dropping around them. Women and medics first.
I use 3 primary loadouts. AA = twin Bursters. Pretty much essential for shooting at air. 1 doesn't do much even to fighters. AI = twin Mercy guns. I used 2 cyclers for a while but the Mercy does seem to hit a hell of a lot better and a bit harder. AV = twin Pounders - grenade launchers. They can do the job against armor and work "OK" on infantry. If you need to hit infantry at range, these are your best option. You can kill infantry with AA guns but it's tricky. You aim off-center. It's also not all that efficient but it can work in a pinch and I've been pinched a few times. The key to using pretty much any of the MAX weapons is *NOT* to stand there. You strafe side to side. Pay attention to the smoke trails with Pounders and where the explosions actually happen - they are kind of like the Bursters where you need to "range find" your target and then drop the grenade on them. Also the Pounders... You're better off playing tag at mid-range with tanks, near some cover but keep moving. You *CAN* play the "doorways" at closer ranges but few tank drivers get close to doors all that often anymore vs hiding by trees and rocks.
I unlocked dual AV launchers yesterday and I think it's the worst thing I have ever done. I hit several pieces of armor with a lot of shots and did almost zero damage. I think they are broken or something.
Inspired by some postings in here, I spent the better half of today as a dual mercy max. Report: Absolutely phenomenal.
you wont regret: dual mercy for infantry dual bursters for AA bursters is kind of obvious but a tad boring. the upgrade to killing infantry that dual mercies make is instantly noticeable and you will not regret it. hell even one mercy with the default chain gun is noticeable. from what i hear the other chain gun seems better for close range but is impossible to aim and hit...and seems built for suicide running into a packed room and spraying. with the mercy you can aim and even semi snipe from medium range.
i just wish they would add anchoring mode to the TR maxes just like PS1. also if you pay attention to a TR max again, you will see the anchors on the calves, i just want to know, why can't we deploy?!?
I have one mercy and one onslaught. For all it's worth I'm still squishy, but I can take one or two rebels down with me!
Dual Mercy's are very good. The pounders are junk. A complete waste. Don't even bother with AV MAX as TR.
I went ahead and splurged for the dual mercies and have not been sorry. These things are absurd. Effective even at medium-long range and delivering INCREDIBLE stopping power. I often feel a little bad for my opponent before I resume stomping along like an adeptus astartes BAMF.
Eh, they're not that accurate. Even 50m is a struggle with them. 20-30m is probably the sweet spot. Anything sitting around 100 meters might as well be invincible.
I've just switched over from NC recently, so I'm used to thinking of a MAXes effective AI range as "within arms reach". I am consistently shocked at the headshot kills I can pull off in the 50m range with the mercies. Admittedly, it is probably because at that range, against a MAX, people tend to stand still to line up their shots.