TR MAX > VS MAX = Operator or Machine?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Evil Monkey, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. Evil Monkey

    As NC and TR, you often lie on the floor calling for help as a flood of medics pass you by, and "deploy" after a few minutes of frustration.

    I actually found myself revived every time by VS medics, but yes, they did enthusiastically then attempt to "heal" my suit on more than one occasion...
  2. Posse

    That's so true, more than 50% of my kills when I'm playing a MAX come from those idiots who think they can take me heads on without rocket launchers, yeah, our MAX may suck compared to the other 2, but it still shreds infantry.
  3. Zaik

    The Cosmos and Mercy are pretty similar, Cosmos sacrifices a little of the Mercy's killing power for a larger magazine. They both have almost identical cones of fire though.
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  4. Purg

    When I can delete my 2nd NC character, I'd like to try out the Cosmos. 50 rounds on each arm feels like plenty but then I'm used to having 12 rounds in combat, 50 is a wet dream. Is it lower damage per shot? I don't know if I'd want to trade lower damage for 25 more rounds.
  5. Zaik

    Cosmos does 167 damage per shot, Mercy 143. Cosmos has a slower fire rate though, enough to lower its DPS a bit below the Mercy.
  6. Evil Monkey

    I find the Cosmos a little less reliable then the Mercy - I tend to get more "unexpected" kills at long range or miss completely up close; I suspect this is because accuracy is a little lower but damage is higher; so a bunch of the rather "random" hits of the chaingun have a more noticeable effect...

    Killing power is pretty much equal, but I'd probably slightly favour the Mercy as being more reliable if it wasn't for this: the Cosmos has 75 rounds, which you'd have to pay 1000 certs for in "upgraded magazines" for the Mercy. So, an equivalent weapon, for 1000 certs cheaper? Yes please.

    In addition, the Cosmos can fire longer bursts (due to ammo capacity) and seems a bit better when firing said longer bursts.

    Purg, the ammo thing IS a big deal. Most people focus on the short range of shotgun vs chaingun MAXes - I have found the ammo capacity an equal factor in favour of using chainguns. No more compulsive reloading. When you kill a guy, and look down and you have 65 rounds left...
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  7. VanuSovereignty

  8. Manetheren

    Strange thing is, whenever I meet a VS max (Unless im infiltrator, then i just go on my merry way) i LOL and shoot the bugger in the face. Rarely do I even lose my shields or die.
  9. PinkieServooo

    Yeah, it's completly possible to survive against a VS max. The trick is to move right and left while shooting at the max (better with HA weap lotz of bulletz) and the max will end up dying or being completly damaged without any chance to win the next round without engy backup.
    The problem is whenever you're moving or not a larger amount of bullet will disapear even against standing still enemy.
    Normally the TR max may have the same problem/risk but thanks to the high Rof, this "straffy" tactic will not uterly damage you.
    I personnaly notice this kind of tactic more from the TR alongside with the fact kinetic don't deal with TR dmg like NC's. Well since NC have Hard hit it obvious their weap dmg will be absorbed more, but it's still a huge difference when Nc could get 1/6 of your life while TR will get a 1/4 of ( i'm not kinding about this thing it happend too often).

    Right now i don't even try to get out my Max ( anti-air time aside), I don't even want to give +20 max kill xp when i die from an NC max or die from a bullet shower form TR ( not happend often but i ran out of ally often due to low pop).
    Right now my best best is to annoy people with my LA or my ATlol mine engy or everything else that doesn't have shakin like tank or random chance to loose to many dmg output before hitting.
  10. Manetheren

    Yeah, I got a 200 bullet LMG, so no problem with bullets haha :D
  11. Evil Monkey

    This is the main problem with VS MAXes. If you are a famous "Scatmax" engineers run to repair you and shelter behind your ruggedly handsome Optimus-Prime frame. VS Engineers take one look at the bird-legs of the VS MAX and run off "lolololo" after perhaps dropping an ammo box.

    I killz VS MAXes they're so ezy lolololol

    This is perhaps because they are hybrid AI/AV default setups piloted by low BR players.

    I get truckloads of kills from people who erroneously believe they can outshoot a VS MAX. A Cosmos MAX is no less effective than the famous dual Mercies, and is better with large groups of enemies (more accurate sustained fire, 50% more magazine/total ammo).

    However a Cosmos MAX is very rare.

    Yes, the dual chainguns are only barely as effective as a single LMG, but a MAX has ~4x the HP of standard infantry. Would you take on another heavy which had 4x your HP? Yet people attempt to take on a VS MAX head-on 1v1 all the time.

    Yesterday, got repeated kills of medics and engineers who jumped up to a biolab deck, which I was defending solo. Got many many repeat kills. If I was a scat-max, they would all have switched to HA or LA after their first death, instead of trying to outshoot the "weak" VS MAX.

    Another reason VS MAXes are weak is that until lately, all the serious VS players were farming in Magriders or Scythes or exploiting their superior medic guns.
  12. Ghosty11

    While the extended mags for the Cosmos maybe not be necessary, they really do improve the VS MAX AI performance 112 rounds in each arm is nothing to sneeze at. With an Engy repairing you can lay down some serious suppression on an area allowing your side to advance. I've out lasted Dual Mercy MAXes in 1v1's simply because I did not have to stop firing to reload. IMO, well worth the investment if you are a serious AI MAX user.
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  13. JudgeDeath

    Hate to burst your bubbel but VS maxes use comet only because they havent put any SC into the MAX. Never seen a MAX with camo running with X + Comet, its allways 2 x AA or 2 x AI. Dual comets are about as useless as nuns nipples.
  14. DemoEvolved

    My experience with the VS AI Max is that the gun is horribly horribly inaccurate. Since you cant hit at mid range you are left to close range to try to hit. Good luck with that.
  15. IMTasty

    From my experience playing a fully certed Mercy Max I tend to find myself beating VS Maxes in a 1 vs 1 almost all the time, but it's hard to tell if that's because of the Mercies being inherently superior or because I have full kinetic armor, extended Mags, Dual Mercies, aim for the head and so on. Ontop of that the vast majority of VS Maxes I face are running around soloing with no support and with no composite, camo or so on, which makes me suspect they might not be used much by said people, and that very likely they do not have dual Cosmos.

    But technically speaking, the Mercies do around 8% more dps than the Cosmos and are slightly more accurate, in exchange the Cosmos have 37 more bullets in each magazine (assuming both are extended), and since they are higher damage bullets the VS Max is forced to reload a lot less. Those are the only technical differences, the rest are just in the head and in how well you are supported by your team.

    That said, I see a lot less "pimped out" VS Maxes than TR Maxes, who in turn got less ones than NC. And from my own experience they seem to bring less engineer support and be using it more as a rambo/"charge in bam bam" machine. But when you do run into certed out VS Maxes with support then it turns into a "Protect your own engineer while trying to kill the others" fight, and whoever kills the enemy engineer first wins. Because TR and VS Maxes dps slower than a certed engineer can heal from my experience. :)

    But now that I think of it, there really are very few VS players I can think of ontop of my head that uses their Max alot and seem to have spent some cert and cash on it. Xasapis posted in this thread and I see him from time to time. Other than that there is no one I can think of on Miller. :s
  16. Urban_Scorp

    The VS MAX's biggest issue in my opinion is simply that our MAX weapons do not function as advertised. It should be a simple fix, but it has been neglected for way too long.
  17. Souleater

    I have TR and VS alts and I play MAXes on both.

    In a TR suit I find people hang back and attack in groups.

    With VS I have people simply running straight at me, often on their own trying to gun me down.
  18. Veri

    I don't have much trouble as a VS max.
    Having some distance, shooting and walking backwards seems to be the win for Vanu max.
    Sure if an NC max gets the jump on you there maybe a problem, that's when you use burst and hide somewhere to get the jump on them.

    Always a great victory to down the other faction maxes because the majority of people think VS max is garbage so the other faction players come strutting in with confidence that they are going to kill you and end up left in a scrap heap on the floor with a bruised ego.
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  19. IMTasty

    Played a bit of dual cosmos last night, and with the exception of the squeaky toy noise it makes while walking I liked it. Haven't gotten extended mags or fully certed out armor yet but if I play it like I play my Mercy Max I get about the same result. I did notice though that pub engineers seem to be either rarer VS side or I was just unlucky with repairs, repairing a max gives you points guys! Try it! :p.

    It does look sexy though, tundra whatever camo (white) together with composite armor looks sweet. Wish TR composite armor would actually get camo on them as well, atm they remain standard color no matter what camo you use. :(
  20. Veri

    VS and TR max look pretty good with the composite armor and skull helmet.
    The VS max gets stranger noises if the audio gets stuck in a little loop while being on the side of a mountain/cliff face.