TR MAX AI balance makes no sense

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DashRendar, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. DashRendar

    I was just looking over the TR and VS MAXes in detail just now, and what I found makes no sense. Apparently the M1 Heavy Cycler has the same accuracy as the Mutilators, which also has the same accuracy as the Onslaught. The Mercy is the only AI gun which has better accuracy than the rest.

    First off, the high capacity guns are supposed to have lower than average accuracy to balance out the high capacity, so why isn't this reflected in the game stats? Second, the high damage, lower capacity guns are supposed to have slightly higher than average accuracy to ease the notion of having less shots per mag, so why isn't this applied either?

    Here's a visual representation of the differences between the way TR MAX and VS MAX are currently setup.


    So basically, the first damage tier looks sort of alright, but the higher damage tier looks like it needs work. The lower capacity model needs a bit higher accuracy, and the higher capacity might need its accuracy reduced a bit. I dunno if it really needs its accuracy reduced though, from using it, it feels inaccurate enough. Maybe all the rest need their accuracy buffed a bit? I don't know what the TR MAX needs, but it needs SOMETHING. Overall the weapon selection seems like there's not much difference between the choices. Basically you have the Mercy, and all the rest, and if you are choosing "all the rest" then why not choose the one that has 100 shots in a mag?
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  2. Jawarisin

    What I understand here is: TR OP
  3. Xind

    Yep. Your choice is Mercy or Mutilator...I'm always confused when I see people using others. Personally, I'd really love to see TR have a 167 damage tier option and a slightly different variety of accuracy options as opposed to Mercy versus everything else that has the same accuracy. Since VS is the "AI range king", they could potentially give them some Projectile speed buffs to equalize some minor accuracy buffs to TR.

    But yeah Cycler and Onslaught are essentially pointless.
  4. sL360

    Mercy or Mutilator...till you find out pounders are the only reason to be a TR max. Still useless out of close range, or medium for more experienced players. You'd think that with VS maxes being longer range oriented, NC maxes being CQC champs, TR would middle out for adaptability, or at least get a medium range niche.

    All that DPS is useless if you can't hit ****. If they really wanted to make the other options worthwhile they'd do something about lockdown; that's essentially what all the weapons are balanced around.
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  5. Hatesphere

    they did. lock down now engages like 100% faster.... 1 second set up instead of 2.
  6. DashRendar

    Well what I think he's saying is that they can fix the weapons first and adjust Lockdown later, rather than balancing the weapons with the assumption that TR MAXes are going to be used locked down.
  7. Liewec123

    i dunno, with the right spot Onslaughts+ maxed lockdown makes for some hilarious instagibs :)
    738RPM ftw :D
  8. EliteEskimo

    Doesn't make lockdown not a crap ability, one which was hated badly since PS1. Locking down wasn't even the problem, unlocking was.
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  9. Citizen H

    This. 2 second deploy with 1 second deploy would have been better. Even 1.5 for both.

    But the real problem with Lockdown is that you sacrifice too much for too little.
    You give up:

    -All movement which in turn...
    -Removes the defensive ability to dodge, side step, etc.
    -Removes offensive capability by not being able to close the distance, chase, etc.

    In return for a modest damage output increase from weapons that can't hit anything most of the time. Even if Lockdown also threw up a shield which reduced damage taken, it would only be a wash; being motionless in combat is the most idiotic thing to do.
    Not a smart tradeoff outside of Burster MAX or attacking an undefended spawn Sunderer with Pounders.

    There's a reason no intelligent TR advocates Lockdown. NC and VS Heavy Assaults with launchers and farmers in tanks love it, though.
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  10. TechMechMeds

    "NC and VS Heavy Assaults with launchers"

    Now add grenades and light assaults with c4 and you'd have described almost the entirety of vs and nc.

  11. Mxiter

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  12. Takoita

    And, unless I'm really missing something, you don't even get the crouch accuracy bonus while in Lockdown either. :(
  13. Cyrek

    Because TR Max is balanced around Lockdown which is ridiculous, this is why Fractures will remain crap, thanks SoE.
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  14. Citizen H

    Yeah, the MAX getting instagibbed by the LA who walks behind him that he's unable to turn around and shoot.
    Or an AV Grenade stuck to his back without warning with a Decimator chaser.
  15. Liewec123

    well i did say the right spot, like at the base that is made up of 2 tower bases and one is neutral, the middle point is perfect for a lockdown max, back to the wall, covering the entire room :)
  16. Prudentia

    how about, you know, not deploying with your back to the enemy so you can shot them?
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  17. Citizen H

    Lockdown needs to go.
    No levity or humor. The anchor gimmick has gone on long enough being TR's albatross. Kill it now and smack down anyone who defends it; they're clearly maining NC or VS.

    It exists purely for the benefit of the other two factions. It has no place on a class that's intended to fight vehicles or be the offensive push in an infantry fight.
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  18. Hatesphere

    Man its scary how well that works isn't it? Over all I still find more uses for lock down then ZOE.
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  19. DrPapaPenguin

    Speak for yourself, just because you don't like lockdown, doesn't mean everybody doesn't like lockdown. I personally love it.
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  20. Citizen H

    VS got ZOE nerfed because they abused the living Hell out of it for three months straight after it made it's debut. Maybe if the VS hadn't deployed MAXs at every single battle even when they had 80% pop advantage, it wouldn't have had the hammer brought down on it.

    At no point was Lockdown ever good Live, save for when it was dramatically boosting Burster range, which got nuked within a week.
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