[TR] Looking for Recruits and Alliances..

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by bobbbm, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. bobbbm

    The Grey Wolves [GWIS] are looking for some new members as well as some other Outfits to run with!

    The Grey Wolves are a multi gaming clan that started back in the RTCW days... That's right we are frigging Old as dirt! Well some of us are LOL.

    The Grey Wolves play nightly from 6PM to 11 PM EST and are a really tight knit group.

    We are looking for members that enjoy squad based play and are looking to have fun and a lot of laughs...

    We would also be interested in forming some alliances with other small outfits that would like to keep their identity and be able to run with some larger groups and other operations as the game matures.

    Contact myself (doomstrader) or any officer to talk about it.
  2. cgudemon26

    CGU Gaming
  3. grinnin

    I am in the act of forming an outfit that will try and keep a liberator in the air at all times while keeping touch with armor and troop outfits. Please add me and let me know whenever a few tanks have you pinned.
  4. FritoBandito

    Hey GW, =GS= PeneTraitor from the rtcw days, but the name couldn't be used, heh. Im on Waterson, TR. Lookin for an outfit. I'll message one of you guys in game if you want another Light Assault.
  5. Borokov

    Hey guys, we've got a well organized clan/outfit.
    Check us out www.edge-gamers.com
    Admin is free! :)
  6. Redraven10

    I have to ask, does the (GWIS) have anything to do with Wisconsin? Just wondering. And you say you are old as dirt? Hmmm this may be the one for me. Maybe I won't feel like the oldest one in the squad...I'll try to hook up with one of you guys to group with.

  7. GW Slick

    Is you name Fritobandito? It said no player found,
  8. GW Slick

    Can't find your name either. Sorry it has taken so long to post. We are on most night and we do want to get a larger outfit of like minded people. We had a platoon tonight on Indar and it was a lot of fun.