[TR] Looking for an active outfit

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Zeriu, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Zeriu

    I am looking for an active outfit that enjoys teamplay. I like to play almost everyday at some point after work. My time zone is (-4:00 Atlantic Time (Canada). Having people online close to my time zone would be ideal, would not like to be in an outfit where everyone is sleeping.
  2. ChocoboKnight

    I might suggest you look into playing on a US West server but so far I haven't noticed any activity issues at any hour of the day on this server.
  3. Zeriu

    Why would I play on a West server? I am located in the East.
  4. Pudgeinabowl

    If it's not too late to re-roll your character, I would suggest moving to Mattherson, it is where the vast majority of the established outfits went (East based ones anyway). You'll find no shortage of outfits to join or fight against.
  5. Conq

    Murder Herd on Waterson is recruiting, the faction balance on this server is pretty good. Check out our recruitment info here.

    We have 70+ people playing and more than a few moose f***ers.

    Mattherson is where the vast majority of craptastic zergs went. Our server has the same population level but more Outfits. The combat is spread out more.
  6. Zeriu

    I wouldn't mind re rolling if they allowed cash shop purchases to be transferred across all characters but I spent 4000 SC already on mine so can't be done.
  7. Pudgeinabowl

    SOE customer support have been pretty good in refunding server 'migrations'. If you make a good case (mention enjoyable outfitvsoutfit fights would increase your interest in purchasing more stuff or something like that, you have a friend you really want to play with on Mattherson) they might help you out. At worst they'll say no, and then continue working on account wide purchases.
  8. Zeriu

    Oh really I never knew this, very nice information to have non the less. I am currently trying to get into prime evil gaming outfit. It's kind of late and they got back to my application but I was away and missed it so we gonna try again tomorrow. If I do not get in I will definitely contact support and do that though. Thanks.
  9. Borokov

    you ought to join EdgeGamers!
    Register and Apply here: www.edge-gamers.com
    We're very organized, we support other gamers.
    Ventrilo: voice.edge-gamers.com Port: 29272
  10. cgudemon26