[Suggestion] TR lockdown - Allow MAX to squat

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Sabreno Carvaroni, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. Sabreno Carvaroni

    Due to inability to move in lockdown MAX is extremely vulnerable target, this makes lockdown nearly useless if used in open areas. However it is somewhat useful if MAX have a cover, still easier target then other infantry due to inability to move at all. So if he can duck behind cover then he will have a niche where lockdown can be efficiently used, basically making TR max good at holding positions (or camping incoming infantry, lol).
    As it stands now it's really hard to find a spot where lockdown is even possible to use without risking too much for a benefit it provides.
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  2. Germaux

    Yeah thats true, when i play nc or vanu i always go for empire specifiq abilities except for tr... I dont realy get the lockdown if u want to camp a point yeah maby. But otherwise its usseles.
  3. TriumphantJelly

    Stop using ZOE, all it is is a suicide button that is bigger and pinker than the Lockdown. And that's a hard feat to achieve. Squatting would probably be pretty cool for Lockdown!
  4. TeddyMan56

    Lockdown is pretty damn funny to use if you can get to weird places where no one would bother to look for a MAX. It does however need that extra feature to complete it, crouching would be nice.
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  5. MAXArmar

    You masochist!
  6. Zica96

    That should be available to the MAX in lockdown, it's really vulnerable when it's sealed in place like that and it has limited moving potential. Something so obvious yet i didn't even think about it!
  7. Leivve

    Only time I use lock down is on my burster and fracture. But that's because those loadouts are built around the idea of me standing on a hill shouting "You. Shall Not. PASS!"

    Outside of that I roll sprint with my pounders and my mercy-mutilator.
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  8. Corvus Corax

  9. Leivve

    No it was right. You just don't have the skills to ninja flip out of the way while anchored.
    Noob get on my level!
  10. Corvus Corax

    fahk mate you're mlg prooooooo
  11. sL360

    Lockdown mode: Increased accuracy. Fracture/Pounders = no drop when in lockdown(?)

    SUPER SQUATTING POTENTIAL? I dunno lol. Increased accuracy would help loads...and maybe a fracture buff/change while yer at it, SOE.
  12. DrBash00

    100% agree, you need to be able to get down behind cover.
    I think even with implementing this, it is close to useless.... but it will be better ;-), so you can at least kill tanks from really long distances and hide behind some cover, and dont get double shot by AP + Helbard.... without the chance of escape...
  13. Sabreno Carvaroni

    Doesn't MAX AI weapons follow the same rules as any other infantry auto-rifles? Like having different CoF for different stances, bloom per shot etc? In crouch stance TR AI cyclers are pretty damn accurate if you dont go full auto with them, basically treat them like a normal infantry man gun and it will behave like one.

    As for accuracy buff while anchored I don't know, seems a bit much to ask since you already get RoF and reload speed for mobility. I doubt there gonna be many people happy with MAXes sniping infantry over long ranges with AI weaponry.
  14. Drag0

    You used to be able to squat and lockdown -- I did it all the time... then of course they changed it with a ninja nerf about a year ago for no reason.