I've been playing around with different LMGs and I've been watching the farmers matches closely but it hasn't given me a good clue as to what to use. Do TR have a viable mid range option for outgunning the SVA-88 at mid/long range? I've tried the Bull but it both don't feel like or show stat wise that you have an equal playing field. The SVA is 143/698 .75 ADS LMG that is highly effective at range while the Bull has a 143/652 model with 15 less bullets .5 ADS and only slightly better moving ADS accuracy and a quicker reload.
The SVA-88 isn't really much more accurate than the Orion anymore. It's more a close-mid skirmisher sort of gun, use the .75 ADS to make yourself a harder target to hit. TMG-50 or Rhino are more accurate for longer ranges. Between those the TMG has the better TTK but is arguably harder to handle while the Rhino is a typical easy to use low recoil gun but with poor TTK and not the most precise -like most 143/652 guns.
I've used these weapons. With compensator, fore grip and burst discipline the TMG wins by a good margin in my view. But it punishes poor aiming skill. I use a 3.4x scope to compensate for that
Using a scope superior to 1x is punishing your aiming skills. And the Rhino is not suffering high horizontal recoil since it has access to adv grip.
I myself use the TMG-50 for PAL matches due to the Horizontal Recoil being set at 0.175 (by why of comparison the SVA-88 is 0.2).
Carv-s is 143/692. Although MSW-R is pretty decent at midrange. SVA is far from midrange gun tho, its like Orion now.
pretty much this. carv-s has become my go to mid range/all rounder load out recently, and its really quite good, at least for me.
I actually use it for "i don't know what to expect" kind of thing. If i know it's going to be CQC i take MSW-R (already have Carv aurax) If i know it's going to be mid-long range i take Rhino / TMG / Bull If it's kind of both i run with Carv-S. So same than you, i'm using it for all rounder loadout
I had a lot of trouble with TR LMGs recently after about an eight month break. Back in the day it was all CARV for CQB and TMG-50 for mid t long. Neither of them seemed to work well for me after coming back. Switched to the Rhino on advice of some experienced players and things have gotten much better. OFC, I still use the AMR-66 99% of the time. I love me muh battle rifle
Some TR buddies of mine are praising the T32 Bull. Granted I only used it myself in VR, but it felt nice. It's like an NS-15 without the 0.75 MS but with better RoF (at the very least), if memory serves. Good stuff!
me to, even though this type of low damage and recoil with high accuracy relying on head shots is not the sorta weapon i thoghy would enjoy.. i now find my self not using any other lmg due to the fact i reliably land body and head shots consecutivly as well as being able to fire a large number of rounds before you need to reset the cof... well this is my feeling about it
I had a little duel going on here...my opponent had far better accuracy than me...I could win with the Carv, but it was becoming a struggle. Switched to the Rhino and things were better. Then he switched to the Ursa, so I went TMG with 2x scope and ruined him. Apologies for lack of MLG-ness
Knock yourself out. Just make sure to get that grip on it, and forget about the HVA (it's +2 m/s, with the base being 670 - save your certs).