I would like to have a TR lmg that is in its element at mid range, can efficiently kill and suppresses targets at mid range, as well as having at least come cqc capabilities, as not to get destroyed at that range (im looking at you nc starter mg).
Big fan of the Bull. Very controllable and extremely good bullet velocity. Only 60 rounds in the mag but also reloads quickly for a LMG. Rhino is also a solid choice for the same reason except it has a bigger magazine longer reload.
as stated by Eternaloptimist and pnkdth the TMG 50 and the Rhino are good medium range faction specific LMG's but the NS-15 is very well suited for this role as well it also has very good ADS and hip accuracy, meaning you can defend yourself in close combat. guns that i would avoid for this role are the MSW-R, the CARV, and CARV-S the as they aren't accurate enough. One gun that im on the fence about is the NSX Naginata because at times the gun is too inaccurate and requires headshots for kills but its good a suppression gun!
It is a personal preference really. I run 2x for better targeting at medium range (I'm not the best shot) but you can lose sight of a moving target a bit more quickly than with a 1x at close CQC range, or not notice someone in the corner of your vision when ADS.
I personally use the Rhino for all ranges but CQC, but i've recently become a big fan of the TMG-50, i never cared for it much over the years but now i'm seeing where it shines. This killstreak i had is proof. Mind the salt
Yes and no, it truly depends on which scope you are most comfortable with using. I use a 1x on just about everything because i have to pull far less hard on the mouse to keep my aim. 2x is good for the TMG-50 but i only use it when the ranges i'm firing at aren't suitable for flexible 1x scope combat.