www.jaegerjaegers.com Only accepting players who work as a team. Currently disregard website information it is old. They can kill Jaeger server...but they can't kill the Jaeger Jaegers! If you want to join Jaeger's Jaegers, sons of Waterson on Waterson server just send a message to Dead or Hopechange in game and ask for a squad invite. Or look for our public squad. Currently focusing on small squad tactics. Elite special forces beyond top secret operations classified black ops. We usually just follow the command chat of larger outfits and fight were ever infantry are needed. But we don't just do infantry. We use all air vehicles and all ground vehicles as needed. Right now JJ is operating from around 5pm to 1am eastern. Main focus is to conquer Esamir and Amerish and hold the Crown on Indar during non-peak hours. Currently we are just a versatile support squad for larger outfits.