[TR Jaeger] Death Legion

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Reefer, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Reefer

    Death Before Dishonor
    Founded 2001

    (New Website Coming Soon)

    Death Legion is looking for new and experienced players to join our outfit in PlanetSide 2.
    We play on Jaeger as Terran Republic.

    We have a second outfit on Jaeger as NC if you already have that set as your faction. If not, join us as Terran Republic and reap the rewards. We have been playing together as a group for a very long time and know how to have fun while remaining organized and coordinated at the same time.

    We use ventrilo. The information will be provided if you wish to join up with us or at least check us out.
    You can message "Reefer" in-game to join or learn more!

    We will update this thread with more information as we get it.
    Good luck and we look forward to playing with you!
  2. Audie Murphy

    Greetings my fellow Legionaries, We wish you the best of luck, you'll need it! See you on the field of battle! ...BATTLE!
  3. Noodlenrice

    Lol I believe I see a roman civil war in this planet. Like Julius Caeser (NC) and Pompey (TR) shall history repeat minus the Caeser assassination
  4. Pseulak

    Keep Reefer away from his suicisundie. His driving makes me uncomfortable. :eek: