[TR] Imperial Reach: Organized, Tactical, Mature, Ages 18+

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Cliff_Ascent, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Cliff_Ascent

    Server: Waterson (US East)
    Faction: Terran Republic
    Focus: Coordinate Infantry, Armor and Air
    Website: ImperialReach.com
    TeamSpeak 3: ts.imperialreach.com:7057
    Social Links: Podcast, Steam Group, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook

    Imperial Reach
    We rule over these lands!

    Imperial Reach is a military structured outfit that specializes in coordinated, large scale warfare. We bring together mature, team oriented players and mold them into an important part of a well oiled machine. Our forces encompass every aspect of warfare, span across several platoons, and seamlessly work together to dominate the battlefield. Thanks to our organization, tiered communication system, tactics, and military command structure, we're able to seamlessly lead an army of dozens, and even hundreds, all on the same battlefield.

    Though we are a military structured outfit, Imperial Reach is not a “military simulation” outfit — there are no mundane tasks, “Yes Sir”, or other strict formalities to follow. Our military structure is designed to enhance our forces and allow us to serve our main goal, to have a blast doing what we love most, conquering all that stand before us! The members of our TR outfit are mature, fun, hard working (both in-game and real life) team players — we do not waste time with cry baby’s, quitters, cheaters, drama queens, kill hogs, loud mouths, or any other type of annoyance.

    Join our outfit in TeamSpeak 3 at address ts.imperialreach.com:7057

    When gaming with Imperial Reach, you can guarantee your entire squad is with you in TeamSpeak and ready to coordinate their efforts. Our members are trained to fulfill specialized roles and work as a single unit, and to utilize effective tactics to dominate the enemy. During organized gaming, members are broken down into several specialized squads with designated TeamSpeak channels, and leaders have a hot-key to communicate with the entire command.

    Rank Structure
    Imperial Reach uses a rank structure very similar to the US Army, it's just a bit simplified for our gaming needs. Members ranked Sergeant and above have special duties assigned to them, such as leading squads and recruitment, and at any point may choose to be relived of those responsibilities and go back to simply kicking butt. Leadership is not a mark of seniority, it's a designation of responsibility within the outfit, preventing us from having "too many Chiefs and not enough Indians".

    Award System
    Imperial Reach uses a wide range of medals, badges and ribbons to recognize it’s members and their achievements. As a member of our PlanetSide 2 outfit, you get a true sense of accomplishment unlike any other outfit, and all awards grant promotion points, which serve as one method to gain rank in Imperial Reach. Through the tracking of member achievements, we can ensure members of the higher ranks are worthy of the rights and responsibilities of their rank.

    Tactical Training
    Imperial Reach and it’s members are constantly working on a wide range of training designed to demonstrate proper team play, develop strong combat fundamentals, and share game specific tips and tactics. Training is done through various instructional videos, and by constantly using the tactics learned when playing in-game. Formal training sessions are held on an as needed basis and for specialized qualification schools.

    What -IR- Offers
    • Brotherhood – When you are a member of our TR outfit, you will be with individuals who share similar ideas and values, which will form into a brotherhood and long lasting friendships.
    • Recognition – Our ranking and awards structure is engineered to recognize our members and their achievements — members who put in the effort get a true sense of accomplishment unlike any other outfit.
    • Coordination – Chaotic and random teams are a thing of the past! With our structure and training, all members of Imperial Reach are ready, willing and able to work together in a coordinated effort on the battlefield.
    • Training – Our training courses and schools are designed to teach, train and even test our players to use proven and effect battlefield tactics.
    • Events and Prizes – Our events are held several times per month providing great entertainment, comradery and the opportunity to win great prizes.
    • Competitive Gaming – We provide members the opportunity to compete in organized and competitive gaming on many different levels.
    • Servers and Website – We are equipped with a top-notch TeamSpeak 3 server and website which are designed to provide a high level of organization and member activities.
    • Organization – We utilize a streamlined military structure, tiered communication system, effective tactics, and proper communication to perform at maximum capacity on the battlefield.

    How to join
    Want to join our Terran Republic PlanetSide 2 outfit? Come talk to one of our members in our TeamSpeak 3 voice server at ts.imperialreach.com:7057 and visit our Recruitment Checklist.
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  2. Torkz

    Happy that I am a member of this outfit.
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  3. Maylox

    Do you have time requirements, I am a single dad so my evenings are fluid and I play mainly at work 8-3 tues-sat CST. I do have a buddy that plays as well and we are looking for a good tight outfit to contribute too. Do you think we would be a potential fit? We play mainly infil and light with a little in eng and I play medic some. I am decking out a prowler and my bud will work on a aircraft. In game (Maylox) and he is (Vaun)
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  4. legendarysoup

    looks good, i"m interested
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  5. Torkz

    We do not have time requirements.
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  6. Claspie

    Our numbers keep going up with quality members, the map keeps glowing red and tonight... we're being featured on FRIDAY NIGHT OPS!!! Check us out while recruitment is still OPEN!
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  7. Deringer

    Indeed, we were featured on Friday Night Ops this week. If you'd like to hear more about is check out the link:

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  8. RedOak

    FNO was a ton of fun and so was playing with all the new folks this weekend.
  9. Tshapedvisor

    Best group of people I have gamed with in years. Feel free to join us. Thinking about trying the game out? Stop thinking and do it. If your struggling in any shape form or fashion in game come check us out as well we have lots of folks willing to help you out.
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  10. Claspie

    Friday Night Ops was amazing. I was leading the Platoons around that night with the help of some of our great NCOs and we did awesome! You could tell people were watching because given the stream's delay, we would suddenly have a few extra hundred enemies to deal with after capping a point.

    All in all, great team building night and on top of that, it was an honor to showcase how great Imperial Reach is!
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  11. Izanagi

    I love these guys, the perfect mix of humor, getting things done, and having fun.
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  12. Systemchaos

    I know these guys!!! And I think they are still looking for members to fill a void.
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  13. whaleboy

    This outfits great.

    (Also, haven't been online allot recently because of finals)
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  14. Teddy Roosevelt

    Imperial Reach receives my whole presidential approval. These guys are true men, they even give the Rough Riders a run for their money and they haven't even killed any Spanish people at all! If you are looking for an outfit that gets things done but isn't full of whiny self entitled douchbags or bogged down with needless ********, you have found your group.
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  15. Sacredragon

    I'm a new recruit in Imperial Reach (hope I get to stay ^_^) and In just the very 1st hour I was thrown into the middle and enjoyed the entire "introduction" they gave me.

    Heres a highlight reel of my 1st hour in Imperial Reach :D

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  16. Gutsum

    Relaxed , Tactical and Fun .... Glad I became a member..... This group has made a great game even better...
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  17. BlueColour

    It's great to have a bunch of guys you can have a blast with while stomping on the VS and NC.
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  18. RedOak

    Nice video Sacredragon. I enjoyed playing with you.

    Whaleboy we miss you!
  19. Cliff_Ascent

    We're running a full platoon daily, and up to two platoons during events. Right now most of our members are getting trained up, and our coordination is getting a ton better. Now is a great time to get into the outfit as we establish our name more and more, feel free to hop in TS3.ImperialReach.com:7028 and check us out!
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  20. Bouncehouse

    What is your late night representation like? I play late night CST. 11pm to 2am ish.
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