Good afternoon everyone. Hopefully won't take too much time on this. HA is my secondary class, and I've given it a goodly bit of playtime. I've got a heavy chunk of certs to burn right now, and I'm open for suggestions on where to spend them (I'm going to be asking the same in the Inf and Veh forums too). I always like to get better ideas and check in with people that are better players to make sure I'm on the right track. Here's my character info on EQ2 Players:!/5428011263274639745 ...and here's my list of weapons and certs. HA Certs: Utility: Medkit 1 (unused) Ability: Naninte Mesh Gen 5 Suit: Nanoweave Armor 5 Utility: C4 1 Grenade: Frag, 1 WEAPONS: MSR-W: Soft Point, HS/NV1, Forward Grip Blackjack: Slug, HS/NV1, Laser Sight (Really, really suck at this.) Chaingun T2 Striker Commissioner pistol I don't use my grenades much, and while I love the MCG, it and I don't love each other. I'm almost always using the MSR-W. I do love my striker and I make it a mission to terrorize every harasser I ever see. The C4 and I need some work together, but I can't deny how useful it is. I'm an offensive player and typically I'm rushing into a firefight head on, although I'm more than well aware of the tactical advantage of trying to circle behind hostiles and take advantage of things that way. I'm also not normally a spawn room camper - inside or out - unless it's a situation where there are a pile of tanks outside and moving is instant death (then it's Fracture time anyways). I'm also a lone wolf style guy. I'm sure I could do more as a member of a squad or an outfit, but I've got a hard time taking orders and normally I just want to get on and frag as many targets as possible. I may look into getting into an outfit soon but right now I don't feel like I need to. Open for any weapon, cert, or other advice and suggestions. Good hunting, TR's. ~Akaran Lvl 44 TR, Waterson
I main a VS but play my TR HA at least 2-4 hours a week and this is all personal preferance. I think you will get much more out of a laser sight on your MSW-R than the foward grip, improving the already great hipfire will guarantee many more kills at close range. Try out Resist Shield, it's a lot of fun and allows you to soak up a significant amount of damage. Carrying a few medkits while running resist shield makes you very tough to kill if you have the ability to fall back into cover. I would never take C4 over medkits but I am pretty confident in being able to deal with MAXs with my decimator and breaking LOS. I'm not a fan of the Striker, like the rest of the ESRLs it is a bit too specialized for my playstyle. I prefer to run with either the AA launcher (Grounder for TR) or my Decimator, as they allow me to adapt to almost any situation. The dumbfire allows me to effectively deal with MAXs and allows me to engage vehicles at close range much safer since im able to pop from behind cover, fire, and duck back to reload rather than pop from cover wait for lock-on, fire my 5 missles, then hide behind cover to reload.
Grab a conc grenade, anytime you are expecting to fight a lot of max's, equip it. your second c4 is always nice when you got some certs to burn, opens up a lot of options, less so for heavy as they are always carrying a rocket, but still.
get the stun nade....and smg or shotgun...all the other guns are worthless at this point in the game.nano is up to you,but most peeps are also gonna have a shotty or smg and the nano even r5 and your shields any of them are NOT gonna last threw half a clip or two shots from a shotty even if you shield is on...Insta death guns now so get them and get cha pwn learn anything..goes for all classes but maxes..
2 C4's are really good, allows me to suicide rush a Sundy by putting two C4 blocks on it + a Decimator rocket (sometimes I don't even have to suicide). Other than that, I run Resist shield level 5, with either Nanoweave 4 or Flak 4 (saving up the last levels for later, I've got more important stuff to unlock for less certs). Not using the Medkits much, but might burn some extra certs on them as they seem useful in Biolab fights. As for rocket launchers, I have a CQC loadout with the Deci and a long range one with the Striker. I've been using the Deci more due to incessant ZOE MAX spam from VS. Conc nades are a must.
Alright, this makes for a good start on this; this gives me a great progression path to work on. I just ended up blowing all my certs on my Inf, but now they might be coming along a little faster. I had no idea about the conc grenade - that's already doing an outstanding job of making a mess of things, which is just the way I like it. If I'm not mistaken, is the NV1 scope getting a nerf in the upcoming GU11 patch? If it is, what would be the better/best option to use instead? I loathe iron sighs and a ranged grab doesn't strike me as useful when aiming for effect in close-mid range. Thanks in advance! ~Ak
I personally use (and I'm pretty uncommon for this) Rocket Bandolier for 3 extra MAGAZINES of striker ammo (or any launcher) That's 15 extra rockets Sure, there's a lot of ammo out there.... but this free's me from having to camp an ammo box, and lets me cause a lot more damage while flanking. 2x C4 is also great... definitely recommend picking up your second level there. With a default or decimator RPG you can solo instagib enemy sundies without blockade (place both bricks back up and blow it all up with 1 rocket. Rocket + 2 C4 kills em) And concussion grenade.... my god.... must have. Oh, and Decimator.... for lab fights.... cause it's cheesy as FEERRRRRRRRRRRRKKK (ESPECIALLY with +3 rockets ) Finally, don't underestimate med packs.... Biolab fight? Run a loadout with your MSW, Decimator (or default but seriously, trial a deci next biolab fight), extra rockets, and medstims instead of C4. Spam your rockets every good opportunity (there's LOTS of them in bio fights) and you have a quick self heal.