Hello there, fellow TR comrades. I am at ~830 certs now, have already maxxed the med. applicator, got healing fart and NW armor at 4/5(or is it 5/6?) Once i put a foregrip and 2x sight on the T1 it became a decent weapon for me, but i feel like it's time to move on, so now I am considering my options: I can get a few levels of flak and a TRV, though i am yet to try it out. People say it is great at close range and some argue that it can be more useful than the NS-11 at long range, which seems unlikely. So far i have tried: - the T1S, which did not impress me much, since it seemed to be too much like the stock T1S, maybe it was due to the lack of attachments - I don't know. - the SABR13, which was interesting, but tricky due to it's 2-round burst. I wonder if 2 foregrip attachments and a compensator will make it accurate at range. - the NS11a, which turned out to be great in it's default state - in 30 minutes of the "try" mode i got the first 2 medals with this gun. It seems well-rounded, but less powerfull than the TR weapons at close range, also there were some threads where people expressed their dissapointment about spending a 1000 certs on that weapon. I have yet to try out the TRV, TAR, T1 modifications, smg and shotguns. Please share your battle witchdoctor experience, this will help me figure out what to do with my certs. Should I keep grinding to the 1000 CP and get an expensive gun, or stick with a 250-cert one and invest in flak armor, maybe get some upgrades for my clowncar, or get C4 to blow up enemy vehicles?
Anything under 50m use the TRV with adv. laser and NV scope. Over 50m I feel like anything other then the basic T1 are just side grades. The TRV is lol mode, one of the shortest AI ttk rifles in game. If you don't have flak start investing, it is vital for CM; considering our self heal ability acts as a nanoweave.
I love the TRV. It's not fantastic at range, but if you do 2-3 shot bursts it will still kill people who aren't clever enough to get behind cover (which is a lot of people). Medium/close range it's just great. Recoil is very manageable and RoF is good. In my opinion, hands down the best AR I've tried from all the classes. I haven't upgraded mine with laser sights yet, but I imagine it'll be virtually as effective as a Jaguar carbine in CQC then. It feels very much like a bigger version of the Jaguar actually, but for reasons I don't know I seem to do a lot better with the TRV than the Jag. Either way, I love it.
As expected, there is a lot of love for the TRV. I am at 930 certs at the moment, and I just gave the TRV a try - it turned out to be ok, though I didn't get a lot of action with it. it seems to be beastly at cqb and nearly identical to the T1 at range - not great, but manageable. Once the 30 minutes ran out it took me a while to notice that i am firing the vanilla T1 again, since i haven't been engaged at close quarters battle and forgot how the T1's ironsights look. Is the 2xlaser really worth purchasing? I didn't hipfire much with the T1 since I got the foregrip. What about softbullets? I would like to know if there is an idort who has both NS11a and a TRV and if getting both is a good idea. Oh, and what about the TAR rifle? It seems to be rarely mentioned, must be the price.
Fixed it for you. The flash on this gun is quite blinding. And really you should just get the TRV. Its cheap and its very very effective. It is literally the best at close quarters to medium range. The only alternative is something that gives you more range like the NS-11a but even then...
First get the TRV, the T1 works perfectly as a general purpose weapon and the TRV is the perfect companion in cqc. The 2x laser sight is a must have, this gun is designed to be spammed while hipfiring close to an enemy. It's usable at range, but single shots are useless. Also get the flash suppressor, especially at night you need it to not be blinded by the flash. Soft point is useless. Then get the T1S as a replacement for the T1. It has a slightly lower rof, but a more manageable recoil. Also you can mount a grenade launcher, which gives you 2 instakills if you're good at it and works as a light mortar if you happen to have an engy near you. Great versatility and a fair price, save certs for a couple of weeks and you can buy and upgrade it easily. The SABR-13 is not worth it usually, but if you have spare money to spend it's a good long-range gun.
T1S is T1, just slightly nerfed. Unless you want the nade launcher, don't bother. SABR13 completely ***** you in close quarters so I wouldn't recommend it either. TRV is... basically trading accuracy for 95 more RoF. Yes, it has the Adv. Laser... but it also has worse starting hipfire CoF than T1, so - amusingly - T1 with normal Laser and TRV with Adv. Laser have almost identical hipfire CoF in the end. Aside from that, TRV has longer reload time, bigger kick on first shot, and more recoil in general because of higher rate of fire. If you spec both guns for close quarters(lasers), they will be equal in CQB and T1 will be better when ADSing because of smaller first bullet kick and lower RoF. If you spec both guns for ADS(grip), they will be about equal in ADS but T1 will be noticeably better in close quarters because it has better default hipfire CoF stats. Just not worth it IMO. Especially since T1 already has high RoF. It's not like NC's GD-7F, which is almost 50% increase in RoF over the Gauss. You only gain extra 95 bullets per minute with TRV. TAR is T1 with more CQB bias. Even better CQB CoF, but worse ADS CoF. Since you can't compensate for ADS CoF with attachments, meh. I don't like this gun even though it has the 0.75x ADS movement multiplier. And finally NS-11A which has everything except the DPS.
I highly recommend the TRV. It's a beast at close range and if you burst it at medium range, you're fine.
Forward grips are better than lasers for most guns, and the TRV is no exception. You should be ADS the overwhelming majority of the time, not firing from the hip. The absurd rate of fire and damage output more than make up for the weapon's downsides in close quarters.
I am in the same situation as OP. Started to play CM and i also want to get a new AR. I looked at the TRV and my jaw dropped because of the RoF (no carbine has that DPS for TR), but then i saw it's hipfire accuracy. Which is sh*t. Like completely. Terribad. So at this point, ok you can use it ADSing. Sadly it has 0,5 ADS move speed multiplier... So what do you think. Should i get it? If i buy it should i use foregrip for ADSing or get advanced lasersight to make the horrible hipfire average at best?
Most people will tell you to use it with Adv. Laser Sight because otherwise "you're not utilizing weapon's full potential". I however, prefer the f-grip on it. I ADS 95% of the time and when I'm hipfiring it's at around 5 or so meters and you can totally in those CQCToTheFace situations. With f-grip this weapon becomes extremly controllable. You can land longer bursts at longer ranges and since it goes @pesh!t with RPM, you'll drop anyone instantly. In the end though, it's all about playstyle. If you find yourself hipfiring so much, you might want to reconsider what I just said. Let me just tell you that I got my aux medal for TRV long long time ago and I'm still using it and I do have both als and f-grip (so I can reliably compare them). Here is an example of a dude playing with f-grip: And here with als (only in the beginning, later on it's just some flash trolling): If you want to combine having nice hipfire accuracy and still retaining f-grip, you might consider TAR (although even with F-grip this thing shakes quite violently for whatever reason).
I still use the vanilla T1. It's kind of a "Jack of all Trades, Master of None" which I prefer for it's flexibility. Still haven't tried the TRV but I'm not sure a little extra RoF in CQB is worth the trade off in damage and accuracy (which I rely on more as a mid-range fighter)
Op here. When I was at 930 cert points I caved and after trying out the TRV purchased it. Now I have the auraxium medal on it and want to give feedback. Right off the bat I accessorised my gun with an adv. laser sight, a 2x red dot scope, soft ammo and a flash suppressor, some time later I purchased a 1x red dot sight, a foregrip and an NV scope. I did not like the adv. laser at first, since I nearly always aimed down sights with the T1, but after some practice I came to love it. Hipfiring allows you to move and easily keep the opponent centered in your crosshairs in close quarter combat even if said opponent is jump-happy, and as long as you release the trigger after every 5-6 shots every bullet hits it's mark. Here's a tip about the laser sight that I wish I knew earlier: it can be turned off with the "L" key, that way you still gain full advantage of the laser attachment, and the laser beam does not give your position away. The foregrip did not impress me much - the cycler TRV has a quite manageable horizontal recoil and having a laser sight turns out to be much more beneficial, can't say that purchasing the foregrip was a complete waste of certs, somebody may like it, but I'd recommend sticking with the laser, since it buffs the gun's strong points. All of the sights I got turned out to be quite good on the TRV. - the 1x rds is amazing at close distance situations like biolab fights. - the NV lights up the opponents and is a great help at night, especcialy when fighting Vanu fanatics. - the 2x rds gives you a little more versatility and is good for outdoors combat. The extra damage the soft bullets provide is actually noticeable after some experimenting, so is the reduced projectile speed, which makes hitting far away moving targets tricky, but get them anyway because, as I have stated before, the TRV is best used up close. The only add-on I actually regretted purchasing was the flash suppressor, the flash itself does not get in the way at all (maybe at night, but I use the NV that hides it altogether) and the increased vertical recoil is not worth it, spend those 100 certs otherwise. In conclusion I want to say that the TRV is a solid and cost-effective purchase, it makes your medic a serious close ranged threat, I would recommend using it with a Nanoweave armour(it helps to compensate the damage buff those scummy NC mercs got recently). The long reload time and a lackluster perfomance at higher ranges are pretty much it's only drawbacks. Naturally, everything I wrote is purely my opinion and is open for debate. When I get 530 more kills required for the auraxium medal on the T1. I'll probably purchase an NS11 to make my loadouts more versatile, but I might as well save the points for a vehicle of choice and a repair tool upgrade or a set of double c4s to go rambo on enemy vehicles. Tl; dr: TRV good, TRV make warrior strong, get NV, 1x and 2x rds, soft ammo and adv. laser.