Grip Cycler for mid: flexible and reliable. A-las + SP ammo TAR for close: it disintegrates people up to 10 meters... from your hip. Avoid long range (or get a NS11).
You picked one stat, like literally one stat and based you argument on that. What is recoil and recoil multiplier? And don't forget that RoF also affecting the recoil. I was talkin about accuracy. How did damage come here? As i mentioned before: the TRV has only DPS, it's lacking accuracy. TAR is better. TAR is clearly better in hipfiring, which is important for CQC, and about the same ADS accuracy (TRV has smaller cone, but more overall recoil), which is OKish.
Because recoil can be countered. A player can't do anything about CoF nor bloom other than by burst firing, therefore this is what I personally consider more important when regarding a weapon's ability to perform at range. Considering the existence of bullet travel in this game (as opposed to hitscan), ROF is the next thing I consider most important: the difference between a kill, an assist and - if the target is a medic or near a medic - a waste of ammo are the number of shots you can fire off and get on target before the target moves out the way, avoiding the shots you've already fired but hadn't reached him yet. ROF is another stat that the player can do nothing about. Finally I mentioned damage because VS weaponry is often seen as having the advantage of having low recoil or NC by having high damage per shot. However, they have lower damage over range and a low rate of fire respectively. I have already mentioned that I see recoil as a non-issue because it is the one and only weapon stat the player can do something about. Because of this, I see TR weaponry - and the TRV specifically - as have the best of both worlds: it does respectable damage per shot having the highest ROF of all assault rifles in the game. Also, I didn't disagree with you about the hip fire - for that I would agree that the TAR is the better choice - I was simply disagreeing with your opinion that the TRV is useless on a lol-worthy scale (i.e. as you put it, "BWAHAHAHA!").
So... you can counter CoF blooming by bursting. Which is easier than recoil compensating. And i think you are making very poor weapon choices if you prioritize two data (or three, whatever), rather than looking stats as a whole. What if one gun has small CoF, the other has high RoF? Are you flip a coin or what? You know what is the difference between a kill and waste of bullets? Damage, rof, bullet velocity, recoil, first shot recoil multiplier, cof values, cof bloom, mag size, reload time, skill and a little bit of luck. RoF! Please. I choose the Jaguar over the Lynx, Vanu players choose the VX6-7 over the Serpent. The new terran SMG fires 96 bullets less in a minute, than the new one, yet everyone says the Hailstorm is clearly better. This is just simply not true. Here: "Bennybones said: ↑ “TRV is excellent because it's accurate and has fantastic RoF.”BWAHAHAHA! The TRV has OKish ADS accuracy and terrible, truly terrible hipfire accuracy. TAR is better. TRV is cheap, you can use it until you get 1000 certs for a shotgun or the TAR." Notice, the quote i replied. Now read my post (again). Four sentence. The first one is easy (i hope) so let's jump straight to the second one: i point out that the TRV is anything but accurate (as a response to the qoute). The third one is a simple statement (TAR>TRV). In the last sentence i even recommend to use the TRV until you get enough cert. "your opinion that the TRV is useless on a lol-worthy scale" BS. So we went crazy off topic, because reading is hard. None of your post makes sense to me sorry.
Also, the TRV is a very cheap weapon. at only 250 certs, 580 if you want to deck it out, it is easily worth the certs, as opposed to the 1000 cert TAR.
I have no idea why you're getting so aggressive, all I did was state the reasons for my opinion and the fact that I simply disagree with yours. As for your post, you are still arguing over CQC weapons (to which I actually agreed with you) while the point of my post was been about the viability of the TRV as a close-to-mid range weapon. Regardless of your opinion and your overly adverse reactions to seeing mine, I personally find the TRV to be an excellent close-mid range weapon and is pretty much the only weapon I run with ever since creating my TR character. Opinions will always be just opinions and each individual will have their own.
I played with the T1S, and a few others with free trials. I really liked the T1S for just not bucking at range at all with a rate of fire that was just a hair slower then the normal T1, I feel it would be an amazing stealth weapon with a suppressor. The fact that I could mount a grenade launcher, or an instant kill shotgun on it once I finally unlocked the cheap little gun.... Makes it a thousand times sweeter.
I put a suppressor on my TRV and it's now whispering death in CQB. More often than not a NC/VS soldier didn't know what him 'em. I've heard good things about the TAR but I'll wait til I get the Aur medal on my TRV before I test it out.
Im not calming to be any sort of master on this subject, this is simply the weapons i like to use: Cycler TRV + grip, ir/nv, suppressor (sometimes) This is my indoors weapon of choice. When the gods of lag are bzy trowing their fury at someone else then me, this weapon lets me tear apart multiple opponents in on clip simply because the insane head-shot ttk. Choose your moments to reload, tough. NS-11A + grip, 3.4x, compensator, HV ammo (sometimes) My latest major unlock, using it for outdoors play. So far im rather happy with it. Feels solid, the 35 round mag is plenty given its lower ROF and the accuracy is simply wonderful. That said, its DPS *is low*. When you lag or are just having a bad aim day (tm) you'll really feel the hurt of this. That said, the spot-on accuracy and a ~3x scope lets you put enough new eye-sockets into most opponents skulls to even things out in many cases. Also remember your pistol / knife if things get into hugging distance. T1-Cycler + grip, ir/nv or 1x dot For when i must/may do a bit of both above. Gotta be one of the best default weapons in the game, nuff said.
the sabre is the best TR medic weapon if used properly to me. next i would say the ns-11 then the burst cycler. the ns-11 takes a bit to adjust to coming from the stock cycler. soft point ammo is a waste of time as is HV as the gun has good bullet speed as is. this gun as a lower DPS so the drop off of bullet damage at range with soft point isnt worth it. as a medic u should be dealing with medium range and the sabre is the best for this. 3 clicks can kill a soldier (6 rounds) aim for the chest and ur good. 2x reddot is the easiest for the sights and advanced grip and compenstor basically kill any recoil. again use stock ammo. Just my opinion on the guns.
Wrong. Read here:
"To clarify soft point ammo, it doesn't reduce your min damage. The only negative is a reduction in bullet speed. The positive is extended range before it takes one more bullet to kill (also slightly more damage at medium range, but the one less bullet to kill is the main feature). How far it extends that range is going to change based on the weapon."
Exactly, what you said was: Which is incorrect. "extended range before it takes one more bullet to kill" means that the damage drop off happens farther away, but it is still there.
obviously what i meant was, that compared to normal ammo you wont be doing less damage at any range ...
I'm using the T1S Cycler and loving it. Highly versatile as it can mount a multitude of attachments (including grenade launchers etc), very good ROF and it does sustained fire reasonably well. It's also not bad in single-shot for long distance combat, but a somewhat low damage per bullet means you'll be better off using another rifle for long-range engagements. My favorite setup for this rifle is the RTA Reflex Sight (x1), Soft Point Ammunition and a Laser Sight that has saved my butt in CQC loads of times. A decent hip-fire accuracy on high-ROF weapons is pure gold, I also have one on my pistol =p. The rest of my kit is just upgraded medical tools and a grenade bandolier so I can fit 2 revive grenades. They are also great, highly recommended if you can save up the certs for them! Here is exactly what the description for this item goes, copied directly. Soft Point Ammunition Soft point ammunition has increased wounding capability at medium range, though the bullet travels slightly slower in comparison to standard ammunition.
Well, i just read what you wrote and answered that, it's not that obvious In the few past days i've been trying the T1S with the foregrip. It works really well, the horizontal recoil is now very low and the vertical is easy to manage like for every TR weapon. Also the low recoil multiplier allows for easy short bursts and fast single shots and the soft point ammo somewhat alleviates the lower dps compared to the standard cycler. The versatile 2x reflex is the obvious choice for this all-around setup.