CARV + 1x reflex + forward grid + flash suppressor (important, else you're blind). Practice bursts in VR at all ranges. Aim faces when you can. Dont reload until under 50 rounds or less. Win.
The main reason you'd pick a T32 over the T16 is because the T32 has a tighter COF, which is an inherit randomness. It's hard to say if the Advanced Foregrip (T16) or Foregrip and Compensator (T32) combo out do one another but inherently, the T32 is more accurate without attachments for medium-towards-long range. I definitely agree the T16 is a much better deal like you alluded too. I think the T32 and T16 are one of the best examples of how gun stats should be because you really have to decide which values you prefer more. They're on the same "level". It's really a great topic. Not sure if you guys understand what I mean. Often there are weapon in the same tier that are obvious when one is subpar, etc. I think it's because people don't really understand the gun stats. The TMG-50 is the only TR gun that does 167 @ 10m - 143 @ 75m. Its actual NC "cousins" are the EM6 and Gauss SAW S because of other similar traits. The NC have four weapons that do 167 @ 10m - 143 @ 75m tier. The Gauss SAW does 200 @ 10m - 167 @ 85m. Play around with the analyzer here: