[TR AR rant] TBH i'd rather have a carbine.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Hoki, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Makora

    It does. I love those sights with a passion. I believe they are also on the T1S and I know they are on the SABR-13 (the hell does SABR stand for anyway? I can guess the BR mean Battle Rifle. So it's Special Application Battle Rifle? Super Awesome Battle Rifle?)
  2. Kociboss

    Sexy @ss Battle Rifle.
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  3. Makora

    I can actually see that! IMHO TR weapons look like something that a kid on three kilos of sugar would do if given access to legos.
  4. OddChelsea

    If you think the TAR is underused you should check out Waterson. Every single TR medic here runs with a TAR.
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  5. Epic High Five

    That sounds awful. The TAR is such a good gun, I'm grateful that I hardly ever have to go up against it on Mattherson
  6. Amarsir

    ... and 90% of the TR are medics. (Seemingly.)
  7. TacticalButterknife

    Woaaaahhh. Down here on Briggs it's mostly the T1S, the default or a SABR. I could be wrong though.
  8. DuckSauce

    OMG TAR UP pls buff :(
  9. FieldMarshall

    IMO TR has the best ARs of the 3 factions. Once people throw away the hipfire crutch weapons and learn to recoil compensate, more people will use the TRV over TAR and discover its has the fastest TTK (besides shotguns) in the game.
    Slap a grip on it and never die CQB again.

    For long range you have the SABR. Quite possibly the most unique weapon in the game.
    The only weapon with a 2round burst, and its probably the best medium+ range AR ingame.

    Not sure why you would want a carbine...
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  10. Kociboss

    0.5x ADS movement penalty might kill you tho.
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  11. FieldMarshall

    I somewhat agree. But more often than not with dat TTK. You can ADS and kill your target without too much trouble then move on. No need to peek back and forth. Thats what it feels like anyways