[TR AR rant] TBH i'd rather have a carbine.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Hoki, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Hoki

    TAR is good gun but it isn't diverse compared to the MSW-R or Jaguar.

    Throw a laser sight on either of those weapons and you can still ADS really well. Slightly less damage on those weapons compared to the TAR but I think the TAR pays too high of an ADS recoil price, and thus isn't as diverse.

    Ditto for the T1S. (our accurate fully auto rifle) Even with a compensator and forgrip it's vertical recoil is a good bit worse than the T5 AMC and T32 Bull. Same story with the damage, while slightly higher, a good bit more recoil.

    Basically I'd like a 750 RoF 143 - 125 AR with advanced laser sights, soft-point ammo, and ADS recoil and accuracy comparable to the MSW-R and Jaguar.

    Similarly, a 652 RoF 143 - 125 AR with adv. foregrip and compensator with ADS recoil and accuracy comparible to the T32 Bull and T5 AMC.


    Don't see why not, its only more station cash for them.
  2. Sossen

    The T1S has practically the same vertical recoil and only slightly more horizontal recoil per bullet when compared to the T5 AMC and the T32 Bull. It just has more recoil per second. Use the NS-11A, it doesn't need an advanced foregrip.

    As for the TAR, I don't find it particularily bad at ADSing. It might be slightly less accurate than some other ARs, but at midrange I don't notice it.

    The MSW-R is actually more similar to the TRV in that it has the same horrible hipfire accuracy, just better than most LMGs. It also lacks the 0.75x ADS movement speed and gets some of the worst vertical recoil of all TR weapons - not too big of a problem, but still. I'd rather use a T1B Cycler as HA. Just needs soft point ammo.

    The Jaguar is a nice weapon, but I'd trade slightly better accuracy for the TARs RPM in almost any firefight. You need any advantage you can get in a 1v1 CQC fight and the TAR has enough accuracy to make full use of it's DPS in 9/10 situations. That's why it's so highly praised.

    I agree that the TR could use something like the Carnage BR (though it doesn't have soft point ammo) but I guess it was decided that 40 bullets in a magazine is better than having a good hipfire accuracy and 0.75x ADS movement speed.
  3. lilleAllan

    Hardly. Each faction has two 0.75x ADS move speed weapons within a certain category:
    Vanu, LMG's: Orion and SVA-88
    TR, Carbines: Lynx and Jaguar
    NC, AR's: Carnage and GR-22
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  4. lilleAllan

    Hmm I might be mistaken, I think TAR also have the ADS move advantage. There's good hipfire and 0.75x ADS for you.
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  5. Nakar

    Let me put this in the gentlest possible terms... you're crazy. TR AR selection is fantastic. You seem to be overlooking the default T1 first of all, which is a greatly underrated 750rpm weapon that really just needs a grip and a 1x Reflex to shine. The T1S is not difficult to control, and if you find it such with a Compensator+Grip I think you need to practice a bit more at it because it's basically a Pulsar with better attachments. The TRV still has the highest DPS of any AR, and the TAR swaps slightly less DPS for 0.75x ADS, great hipfire, and tons of other goodies. It rattles more than the Carnage but has 10 extra rounds to put downrange.

    The SABR-13 is what battle rifles wish they were and is the easiest ranged AR to make use of thanks to its great recoil pattern; it's like having a sniper weapon that you can still make use of at shorter range. And then there's the T1B, the hidden gem. Hard to hit the ROF cap but it's the most accurate and damaging on-the-move weapon there is, period.

    There are good weapons on other factions but you either already have something like them (H-V45/GR-22), don't need them because the option you have is basically superior (Pulsar/Reaper), or shouldn't have them because you get other things that other factions don't (Carnage). And arguably, TR has the strongest default. If you'd rather have a carbine, especially a TR carbine (except the Jaguar), I don't know quite what to tell you. I mean yeah the Carnage might be one of the best ARs in the game, but let the NC have something here. When it comes to high-RPM and deep magazines, TR pretty much sweeps the set, and they have the best "long-range" choice in the SABR.
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  6. Benton!

    If you think TR AR's suck...

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  7. Kociboss

    Well tbh I sometimes wish we had access to carabines...Mostly because I got auraxium on every single AR (except T1B) :p

    Jag is really nice though, I'm not going to argue :)
  8. asdfPanda

    Throw a foregrip onto the TAR.


    Now you have carbine hipfire capability while still being able to engage targets well at medium range.
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  9. hansgrosse

    If you'd rather have TR carbines than TR AR's then that's your prerogative, but I personally think you're insane.

    That is all.
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  10. Epic High Five

    That the TAR+grip combo is a hidden gem baffles me to this day. It's like a Carnage with deeper mags. The free 33% boost to mags that TR carbines/ARs get really shouldn't be understated as it's really huge. If the TAR and Carnage had equal mag sizes, the Carnage would be better, but the +10 to the TAR puts it over the top.
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  11. TeknoBug

    Are you mental? You want a carbine over a AR? Carbines has an earlier damage drop off and lower min damage than AR's do, what's wrong with the TAR? The TRV, GR-22, Carnage BR, and H-V45 are basically the same choice as a carbine.
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  12. Lazaruz

    Don't throw a laser sight on it, if you want to fight at hipfire ranges you're better off with the Hailstorm SMG. Personally I love my TAR, not so sure I would give it up for a carbine. Although I would trade it in for a Carnage BR any day of the week. MSW-R would be an interesting proposition, but that gun reminds me of the default cycler too much.

  13. ColdCheezePizza

    TAR is the best AR in the game and SAB-13 is the best burst weapon hands down and happens to be a TR medic exclusive and the TRV ttk in cqc gives shotguns a run for theirr money. TR HA were screwed if anything with their crappy selection of LMG's compared to the other factions.

    take advantage of the TAR's .75 ads strafe speed and cert a foregrip for it, if you want adv laser use a TRV and the adv grip and compensator is a no brainer on the SABr-13. Then you will have a best in each range weapon that will own at cqc-mid-long range engagements.
  14. KnightCole

    Tar syill have its amazing g3 assault rifle iron sights?

    I love them on t16. Now if the tmg 50 and carv can get them lol.
  15. Sossen

    Have to disagree with that - would rather have the TAR than both the slower Hailstorm and the unreliable Armistice in a hipfire situation.
  16. MorganM

    Truly; the T1 Cycler is a GREAT gun. I love using that thing; it's better than the TRAC-5 IMHO which is another great default gun. While I wish I had the AR for my ENG and Carbines for my Medic... it's not because the T1 sucks; it's just that I find myself, as a medic, in more situations where a Carbine whould shine over the AR. However it's splitting hairs honestly... it's fine the way it is.
  17. Pie Chasm

    I know I'm going to get hate, but I don't care. I'm new to medic, admittedly, but I've only recently been playing medic due to the Cycler TRV; I put a foregrip on it and it's tractable at 30-40 with burst fire while retaining the mid range dominance.

    PLUS, you get the 2x reflex sight...

    The recoil being biased helps a lot as well. It's like a wild beast that must be tamed, but once you tame it, it's insane. 10-20 I fear absolutely nothing, sub 10, only shotguns.

    I wouldn't trade my Cycler-TRV for a Lynx, not ever.
  18. TacticalButterknife

    Love my TAR... I honestly feel it's underused and quite possibly of one the best ARs out there, across all factions
  19. TacticalButterknife

    I use it completely stock and un-certed.
    I have an Auraxium Medal for it.
    I think this speaks for itself.
  20. BeyondNInja

    If you include the 40 round magazine and 0.75ADS speed on the Jaguar, you just described the ideal weapon in this game, for anything
    < 60m where most of combat takes place.

    You would only lose to the 3 845RPM weapons and shotguns in CQC, and with the low damage drop-off, 0.75ADS speed and controllable recoil at mid-range you would dominate everything at mid range.