Toxic players. I'm out in middle of nowhere trying to build a nice little base on my vanu and always a jerk from nc or tr come along and tries farming me. I don't get it. my base can even be deep into NC's territory and a TR will be harassing, or vice versa. There's no reason for me to play this game if i can't enjoy any part of it, so toxic children enjoy farming turrets on empty base s because another person just deleted this game to make room in my 8tb game library for something more fun like sudoku challenge.
I play NC and the same situation. It seems that individuals are in every faction on every server. And the developers did everything for such people and nothing for the builders themselves. And the Developers continue to ignore the builders and their claims to all the changes to the Construction System.
+there is a bug, turrets can se trough the walls and they start shooting at the wall or structure even if youre behind it
If you could construct while inside the ANT, it'd make life easier, for example. To counter infiltrators. But the Fortification update needs to go. Like you are building a nice little base in the back to practice and come up with new designs but there is no design with our now construction lol. And the new module system makes setting up a base take 3x longer than before, so you can't build in battle. And if constructing while inside ANT would exist, obviously you wouldn't be able to place these modules and this mechanic would be pointless, so old module system would need to return. If construction gets reverted to original design, it would then need an update in their weaponry. In vain, you construction in the frontlines, when you are essentially a punching bag, that cannot hold off mobile vehicles. For example, the turrets will most likely need to share a global limit, so 3 turrets of any kind, therefore you can place 3 AT turrets and also construction would need to receive a second line of defense, since the turrets are first to fall. In the form of Engineer MANA turrets as construction assets, that'll essentially be placed behind the shielded windows for Empire to use. AI module needs to come back, it was protection against Vehicle Terminal Infiltrator hacking. Pain Spire is not necessary. It didn't help. Should be removed.
For the love of god no. The game has been objectively much better not being randomly plinked by random ****ter village turrets. Just stop trying to make construction more appealing in general, thanks to it's introduction developers were forced to lower continent caps by a couple hundred players.
If the devs put as much effort into actually developing the game and listening to community feedback instead of overmoderating dead forums and banning people for no reason the game might actually be in a decent state. The game would be better off without construction for sure, and they're no way they should bring back the ai turrets and stuff that basically instantly obliterated anything that wasn't cloaked. Literally the only "good" thing about the construction revamp was they removed most of the cheesy things builders could put up to get free kills.
Sorry for the irony, but this is a "First Auraxis Problems" thread. In other words, PlanetSide 2 is a war game and if you build something in a war game, your creation is a legitimate target, period. I’m a builder myself and it happens from time to time, that I attack other player bases with dedicated Flail or Glaive fire. My suggestion, keep calm and rebuild.
I also got a faction specific construction superweapon idea which I am holding onto Yeah I know, it'd be best removed. Like with that much energy put into a major construction overhaul the game may instead be cleaned up majorly. Looked into the performance concerns, standard gameplay, balance. They're talking about harassment. Like the enemy isn't trying to take out the target but is rather focused on making you rage quit. I experienced it all the time in the past. I actually had to cuss many people out with PMs to make them stop, like some people were even willing to stalk you for an hour. Also with these new modules and structures with bad shapes, I can imagine that it's more frustrating now than ever, because it takes forever to build a base. Whereas before, I could construct a fully operational base in like 10 minutes. I don't build now, the role is unplayable. Flail is a weapon which should be removed. It isn't explained anywhere how to counter it. You actually have to dig into the files to figure out which weapon types counter construction, ultimately, you'll need an ESF to take out a Flail (w/ Wyrm or Hornets). And at this point you aren't even playing construction anymore, like might as well just be a pilot you know. Spammable long range artillery is very bad design. Hence why I have an idea of faction specific superweapons, which would be a charge based strike, like for TR you'd have area bombardment with a multiple launch rocket system, but I don't have the full concept yet because it's very complex as it would prob also replace outfit asset superweapon for the faction and there's more to it, like changing the aiming mechanism from dart weapon to map activation, same way as outfit assets but for this type of weapon with arcing motion, game would prob need to spawn a dart in the air, somehow, if you were to activate it from the map. And for outfit assets the MLRS may need to be at the Warpgate, and there's more to it. It'll just post entirely when I feel like it.
Oh I forgot to talk about this part. Infantry shouldn't be sieging the construction base, they don't have the weapons to deal significant damage. Bases are destroyed 99% of the time by vehicles. That is primarily what a construction player will be dealing with, and if it had weapons... it could be a good method of stopping vehicle zergs in their tracks because like how else are you supposed to stop it, when it surrounds a lattice base. It's just not possible. Construction may be helpful here to stop that from happening. Once a previous base gets captured by the enemy zerg, you have a good chance of allies spawning in your base which is the next closest spawn. If you have guns, more turrets, possibly also my suggestion of adding Engineer type MANA turrets, you allow your teammates to fight back the enemy vehicles instead of running around like headless chickens, therefore provide safe passage for allied tank reinforcements and cover. And there's nothing cheesy about construction, other than the cheap vehicles. Like if you receive an attack from 1 tank, you need 1 player to man the AV turret to counteract. If 2 tanks are engaging, you need like 3 players to counter it, manning at least 2 AV turrets with possibly the third player repairing them.. It's balanced, construction is a stationary target, it's not mobile. Anti-infantry turret primary purpose is for defending vehicle terminal from hacking. Only the anti-air turrets may be problematic for the air game because like if you'd place 3 AA turrets with AI module, any ESF that grazes its range would get obliterated lol. And if there'd be a flak unit, they'd just perma deny the area to aircrafts with no counter. The Skyshield needs to be removed, it was always a pointless asset, and the Flail added later, forced you to use it. But the primary flaw with the Skyshield was that it gave away your position, and it's like asking the enemy to attack you, when you realistically don't want the enemy to expect it because you need allies to spawn there first.
Much of what was said here has already been voiced in the Fortification update discussion. And the only changes were made to the ANT turret capable of destroying structures and the durability module. AND THAT'S IT! Either the developers are too lazy to finish the system to a satisfactory state or they are afraid of even greater discontent from the haters of this system. But Mithril has not voiced the developers' opinion regarding the problems in this system. As if the builders were left with all this for many years.
OS, flail is still quite cheesy. And there's also the people that use it to block roads or whatever, and it's a pain especially when it's one of your allies that decided to block the only entry point with near invincible walls. Construction doesn't work, and it's quite hard to make it work even if it was implemented properly because it relies on the players to use it to create fun fights, when this playerbase hates fun. And since the implementation is just as bad as the players who intend to use it, its no surprise these things don't integrate with the core gameplay, much less generate any fun fights. The best bases are the biolabs back when they had hardspawns or way back when the spawn system and no deploy zones were more relaxed. 3 point tower bases also were pretty good at creating fun fights even in massive attacker overpop. These good points should have been passed onto the other bases, instead they decided to make those bases worse in hopes of promoting fights elsewhere.
I also have been a victim in the past, but to be fair, it is called psychological warfare and a legitimate method in a war game. I'm happy that PlanetSide 2 is only a game and that I don't have to experience this behaviour in real life at the moment. And nobody forces me to build something in PlanetSide 2, construction is entirely optional.
Stop speaking the truth. It hurts the people that remember the good times. Also, I’m a Combat Medic in country thats always getting shot at while rendering triage. Isn’t that a violation of the Auraxis Convention????LOL
Yeah I want to change that. I never liked the OS or Flail. Bad construction placements such as with the example of blocking a road was easily dealt with in the past when they could receive friendly fire, you could simply destroy it. The devs for no reason afterwards made them invulnerable to friendly fire, when I have not experienced a single instance of griefing. Before, I could easily destroy for example a friendly Silo, that was pointlessly claiming territory where I wanted to build. Walls as well, and this was never done for the sake of obstructing your own teammates. If your allies would destroy a wall that was obstructing their path, the construction player would understand why, and would not do it next time. Construction isn't supposed to be fun to fight against. It's just supposed to add more color to the game, diversify. And therefore the gameplay can be less linear and more fun, as with my mention of construction's main contender being vehicles, you know, the main factor in vehicle warfare is who has more numbers, more tanks and construction could possibly change this by setting up strategical positions, so it'd be harder for enemy to blitz your allies. And it could be also be used for adding immersion as well. I want to change the artillery piece into a charge based platform with more range but used as a supportive weapon, not one that obliterates. Such as with my TR MLRS concept, it can definitely add more immersion into the battlefield, with rockets flying across the air and bombarding an area at a diameter of like 80 meters. It'd look crazy, especially for the infantry fighting inside a lattice base, just receiving a mass bombardment. It'd allow the construction player to feel more engaged, even when their base is 1km from the frontline, with the comfort of engaging the weapon from their own base without the frustration of suiciding with a dart gun to possibly get it off.
Yup. And this game doesn't really need more trailer features that make the game less fun. Construction, OS, bastions, sanctuary, etc...really stuff that harms the game more than anything else. The main factor in anything is pop imbalance. The reason the vehicle gameplay sucks is because unlike the infantry, the core mechanics were never properly implemented, and the interactions between vehicles and infantry were never made fun either. Vehicles rarely have a purpose other than farming infantry, and the best way for infantry to deal with vehicles is to either avoid them or c4. Construction doesn't address any of that, apart from making vehicles even more accessible to bad players. The massive no deploy zones ensure the bases can't be built in strategic locations anyway, not that it would matter with pocket os. No to the artillery idea, we don't need a scorpion XXL. The last lead dev had an obsession with adding more aeo weps, which are just pure cancer for both sides. It's not fun to be on the receiving end, just getting a bunch of chip damage you can't avoid, just like it's not fun for the guy standing far from the fight lobbing his aeo and collecting hit markers. Overall I don't think that construction will ever be properly implemented, nor that it should be a priority given all the other issues in the game, some that existed since launch and the others added courtesy of the last team. The best thing to do would just be to remove it, or revert to an earlier game state that didn't have it. That would also bring back some performance as a bonus.
Yeah that is true, vehicles feel like an incomplete placeholder. But they do have a purpose, it's just nobody does it. Their purpose is to deny area, which is heavily underrated, without ground dominance, air force has trouble functioning. And also to cut off logistical supply, since when you deny them area, enemy cannot set up Sunderers or Routing Spire. Allowing tanks to farm infantry is just a flaw with map design and player misunderstanding of their purpose. None of the lattice bases are designed for tanks to take part and the tanks shouldn't be in the hex. But yeah no outfits attempt this, nor do they know how. The outfit would have to be a comp of only vehicle mains, air/ground, who know what they're doing. Yeah that is true of construction giving bad players access to free vehicles. I am not a fan of the vehicle terminal. But in terms of my idea, Construction would address vehicle imbalance. For example TR has the most underperforming tank and NC holds the superior tank. Construction in this case, of giving TR a very iconic and flexible superweapon, could grant more interest in builders on TR and if it had more weapons as I keep on saying, it could technically cover the vehicle imbalances between factions, not allowing their opposers to steamroll. Simply said. Though I'd still want the Prowler get reworked into my idea of making it their new Sunderer. I've never had experience with no construction zones being a problem. Scorpion is annoying and useless, may as well remove it, but in terms of construction, a bombardment once every 10 minutes won't hurt, it's charge based. Spammable artillery is what's annoying
I agree, gimmicks or distractions IMHO. I omitted construction because it has merit IMHO. It’s just that it never has been implemented with the games synergy properly. Construction should at least be geared toward fighting the Z ergs. After that, let the mofos build bridges, grab walls on cliffs for infantry to pull off mountain assaults, let’em build mantraps etc…etc. Get them in the fight somehow, bring back the thinking man’s shooter. o7
The Orbital Strike element could be redesigned to become a field of influence generator, which manipulates the lattice link system. This would bring way more strategic depth to a game, that deserves to have it in my opinion.
Anything to remove the lethality of the outfit OS. shouldn't be a mechanic in the game. Clicking map the map to cause an explosion with no way to counter or know.