Torq vs Cycler

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Zeppelin123, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Zeppelin123

    Hello, I returned a few ago and haz a question.
    So as a Medic I mainly used the Cycler and the TAR (did they nerf it btw?)but that Torq thingies seemed to be nice when I tested it.
    So whats the main difference between it and the Cycler and is it recomendable ?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. BiggggBRIM

    TORQ is secretly OP, but don't let the other factions hear about it. Just take my advice: buy the TORQ
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  3. DarthSpectrum

    Torq-9 is more range orientated since it has access to HVA and compensator, with lower recoil and faster muzzle velocity than the Cycler. While the damage profile of the Cycler gives it a superior TTK in cqc to mid-range.
  4. DarthSpectrum

    Sssh, divulging TR military secrets is punishable by death. Otherwise yes, the gun is very versatile, and can quickly drop enemies at any range as long as you go for headshots.
  5. Matt879

    The TORQ is accurate and has a very good rate of fire, but as a tradeoff it's one damage category lower than the other high ROF assault rifles. Whenever we do scrims and I'm on the TR side, I always pick the TORQ, I just really like it.
  6. Zeppelin123

    Hohoho I got a Torq and its awesome. Thanks for recomending this rifle. I like it very much.
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  7. SilverUnicorn

    Team SABR 13 :D
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  8. Corvus Corax

    TORQ's the hyperaccurate SMG. Against players who know what they're doing (I'm looking at good Orion users, etc) you'll go down fast due to headshots. But it's the better of the two, IMO.
  9. Nakar

    I presume you mean the TRV as opposed to the base T1 Cycler? Too many ARs named Cycler in the TR arsenal. It compares pretty favorably to the T1, similar DPS but less DPM, amazing control, fast reloads, good attachment options, rewards headshots but punished more by Nanoweave bodyshots. For the TRV, it has a similar ROF but is otherwise a totally different weapon, the TRV is a high-recoil high-tolerance weapon with top tier DPS that requires care and control to use, the TORQ is an easily-controlled weapon with a damage output on par with the default.

    It's better not to think of the TORQ as a close quarters weapon just because it has high ROF. A lot of people make that mistake, but what I like about the TORQ is that SOE designed a high-ROF weapon (which is very TR) without just making it a generic shaky bullet hose. It's an extremely stable and consistent weapon, it just happens to do it with a whole bunch of weaker bullets.
  10. Lord_Avatar

    The only other thing 125 dmg weapons need is slightly lower COF bloom than the 143 dmg guns.
  11. breeje

    i bought the TORQ today thinking it will be close to the LC2 lynx and have the same gameplay style with a little less bullets/minutes
    but nooooooo, the TORQ is not a bad gun only its crap compared to the lynx
    my opinion for the med = the best gun is the TAR and the TRV
    i will play the TORQ to auraxium and hope the weapon become more playable for me

    what i do not understand is that i tested the TORQ in VR training and it preformed well
    the moment i started playing with the TORQ in the game it felt underpowered
    its not a bad gun only in VR it performed like the lynx, in the game it did not so for me the TORQ is crap
  12. Corvus Corax

    I think one thing you have to get used to is that the TORQ is better at mid ranges due to more controllable recoil. Lynx is too wild for that.
  13. cruczi

    And TORQ also drops 125 -> 112 @ 55m instead of 125 -> 100 @ 50m. And velocity is 170 m/s better.
  14. Corvus Corax

    Yeah, damage is low. I forget who it was but I was watching a Lynx review and the reviewer said 'don't release the trigger until your target is dead'. That more or less also applies to the TORQ.
  15. Zeppelin123

    God I love this gun but I ponder if HVA is the way to go, also does it really need a grip ? I am a bit unsure.
  16. cruczi

    HVA makes little sense for assault rifles when you have SPA available. You already have decent velocity and you only have one tier of damage dropoff so you're much less likely to turn HVA into lower TTK compared to using HVA on a carbine. I'd just use SPA to extend the max damage range.

    As for grip vs laser, it's entirely a matter of preference. The TORQ-9 is middle of the pack in both hipfire and recoil.
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  17. Zeppelin123

    Oh thank you very much. Gonna try the laser then for awile. I dont mind the extra certs, hell I lvoe this gun so much already I would gladly pay upkeep :D
  18. sagolsun

    Stop giving them these ideas!
  19. Nakar

    What this guy said; despite seeming similar in recoil profile and whatnot, the Lynx is a close-mid bullet hose and the TORQ is an all-rounder good at every range. They appear to be identical in role but they're not, and it's very important to understand that when switching between the two or you'll be a bit disappointed.

    That said, like the Cycler TRV, the Lynx's ranged projection is deceptively good if your trigger discipline is also good. It's just not point-and-click like the TORQ at midrange, since that's what the TORQ is built for.
  20. Aeravic

    Lynx is held back at range because of its bullet velocity imo. 450 m/s and add in SPA and you will have to lead a lot against distant targets. However, the horizontal recoil is really low for a TR weapon. lt has high vertical recoil similar to the TORQ. I believe that if it had a higher bullet velocity, it would function basically the same as the TORQ.

    Regarding the OP, if you want to kill enemies extremely quickly in close to mid-range but have alot of downtime reloading, use the Cycler TRV.
    If you want to have fast-paced gameplay, have good headshot accuracy and be good at every distance, use the TORQ-9.
    If you want something in the middle, use the T1 Cycler.