[Suggestion] Top-Tier Bolt-Action Rifle OHK Headshot Range Needs to be Changed to

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by efil4mocx, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. efil4mocx

    300 meters
    Not 1 less.

    At that range I'm already losing my ability to kill engies on MANA turrets 300m-500m away, seeing that they render at 500m.
  2. deggy

    In other words...

    You want to be able to kill everything within render range in one shot.

    How about no? Maybe 200.
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  3. efil4mocx

    How about I giving you 5 erratically moving targets (1's a medic) with cover at 280m, a BASR, and 10 minutes. You can flank, but you cannot approach. Let's see how many you can kill.
    Then I'll give you your beloved VX6-7 and let you come closer, for another 10 minutes. Compare kill rates.

    Come back and tell me 300m is OP.
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  4. deggy

    300m is infantry render range. That's an absolutely pointless limitation.

    It's like giving the Magrider's main gun damage drop-off that starts at 1000 meters and calling it a nerf. Nothing renders that far out anyway, so it's a pointless change.
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  5. Littleman

    Your critical flaw is shooting at moving targets, not the one's that come to a stop for an accurate shot.

    The cut-off point is SOE's call. A balanced game is a healthy game. Being forced to get into the danger zone for 1 shot kills = risk for reward = good. Being able to OHK from render range, buddy, I'm gonna K/D ***** the $#!% out of that, and I you can bet your raisins I won't be the only one. It'll be easy... my only other threat would be other snipers. Ever.
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  6. efil4mocx

    You're going to get 1 kill per 3 minutes if you only snipe at max range. You'll do it for maybe half an hour or an hour, then you'll decide you want more certs, and switch back to your usual weapon.
    If you think 300m cap is going to make everyone play sniper, you're absolutely wrong. Snipers have much lower cert gain in average. People are still going to play the way they did.
    Utimately, for most people, KPM>K/D
  7. Erendil

    Now do the same test, this time count how many times you even get hit much less killed with your BASR @300m and compare it to how many deaths you get when fighting those 5 people w/ the vx6-7 at closer range.

    The issue is not whether or not it's OP. The issue is what kind of risk are you putting yourself in while retaining your OHK ability and what ability do your targets have to defend themselves and/or avoid being a target. Low risk + zero warning for the target = low reward. You can't compare the two situations without taking that into account.

    That said, I'd be perfectly fine with having the Tier3 BASRs OHK at max render range if 1) you lose the ability to cloak while carrying one, and 2) the held breath mechanic for BASRs only reduces ~3/4 of the sway instead of virtually all of it.
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  8. Benton!

    My guess is that you never snipe?
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  9. Hatesphere

    200M is about as far as it should go to prevent snipers from abusing render distances. I mean we already have him admitting he was shooting at engineers that he could see but could not see him. in fact the 150M would likely be fun as well right now if it was only 150 horizontal meters. right now I think its just a hard 150m sphere that is being proposed, this takes away any advantage a sniper gets from gaining height and should be re concidered.
  10. Shadowyc

    If you're 300 meters away from a target, they're 300 meters away from you, so they can likely see you. And at 300 meters, you're only going to be hitting targets that don't move for long stretches of time due to sniper rifles not being hitscan. :l
  11. Hatesphere

    i was referring to him stating he was pegging engineers rendering at 300-500m (while he would never render for them). if you can push your distance right too 300m you can "hug" the render range and basically force targets to render and prevent others from seeing you. it needs to be in a range bellow the render distance.
  12. Shadowyc

    Oh, okay. P: Didn't know you could do that. Seems really cheap, even if it's getting you nowhere Think they should go with an official range of 200 meters, but an unofficial one of 225, for a little leeway for when your target inevitably moves.
  13. gigastar

    Snipers have the benefit of high magnification scopes, most non-snipers dont run anything more than 3.4x on thier weapon of choice.
  14. Sulsa

    The 150M OHK limit is a sledgehammer approach to an issue that already had a solution.

    Sniping has had built-in handicaps to make it very challenging since the beginning.
    Then they upped the bullet damage falloff rate and tied it to NanoWeave armor so even NW2 were surviving headshots at closer ranges.

    The gradual slope of headshot survival should have been extended out to requiring higher NanoWeave levels, NOT a hard stop between 150 and 151 meters for a rifle that can shoot 300-400M and be fixed with a 12x scope.

    I love playing a sniper and I fully support a way to survive OHKs. Snipers should not have the potential to be 100% godmode on who they decide to kill, but this....

    what an absolutely asinine and backwards decision...
  15. LT_Latency

    It's not that it's OP. Its that you so far away any other solider can not interact with you in any meaningful way. So you are just a pain in everyone else ***.

    People fighting for and capturing the objectives don't have time to run 300m to look for a solider who can go invisible at that range.
  16. allattar

    Personally I feel that Nanoweave surviving sniping headshots was fine. You didnt like snipers from miles away cert nanoweave.

    No where was it stated that snipers must 1 shot kill on headshots.

    Now look at it this way. Every little kid who picks up an FPS game instantly tries to snipe. Why? because its the least risk for most reward. You put yourself well away from the battle and pick off those distracted by everything else.

    Quite frankly large battles do not need a few hundred players playing sniper. A few maybe, but every battle sees too many snipers.
    Way too many. Then there are the forum warrior snipers who feel entitled that they must be able to headshot everything with merely a nasty glare in the right direction.

    150m is a long way, on a ten times scope it has been demonstrated how far that is. It seems a fair distance to me.
    Yet you entitled snipers complain how hard it is to hit moving players at long distances. I dont ******* care. Because there are snipers hidden fricking everywhere out there.
    You stop to take a quick sip of a drink, you sneeze, or merely stretch and some fricking nublet takes your head off.

    The point is hundreds of snipers everywhere is not healthy for the game nor is it fun for those in the battle. But hey dont listen to me and keep complaining.

    It also ingrates on me that some of you seem to consist on one sort of gameplay, cant you do anything else?
    Last I looked this wasnt a game of Sniper elite. I fly libs, scythes, even gals, I drive tanks, sundies,
    My favourite class is LA, but I dont exclusively play that. I sniper occasionally (mainly countersniping because snipers are easy kills as they dont move) Whilst Engi is my most played class because of all the **** I drive or fly. My least played classes are probably Medic followed by HA. In short I do everything, I try every playstyle.

    And for those snipers who say they spend hours getting in to position, then your doing it wrong. You dont need to sneak. You Instant action down, squad deploy on a beacon, hell climb the bloody trees in a biolab and all of a sudden your in a highly inaccessible place ready to rain death down on the scrubs.

    I will agree about the AV turret being too good against infantry. But that is a different issue.

    Make sniping too good, and it will ruin the game. Because of all the snipers we'll see. In which case I will never get out my tank, or my scythe. Because of all the infiltrators that wont be able to defend themselves against me.
  17. PapaMojo

    You are right. People fighting and capping the objectives don't have the time to look for a sniper. That should be the job of your squad's counter-sniper. This is a team-based game from what I hear. So no, the CQC guys should be dealing with the objectives and the caps while your infs are dealing with any snipers.
  18. LT_Latency

    Again the squad is better off helping or basically doing anything else, The time investment to reward to the team is WAY off.

    Even snipers on your team are better off shooting people at 100-150M where they can kill much more quickly and effectivly
  19. Ryme

    So snipers are so well balanced in this "team-based game" that their counter is ... themselves?
  20. Hatesphere

    I hear this all the time from long range snipers "just get a counter sniper" why? so he can waste his time fighting the random number generator to hopefully score a kill on a target that can go invisible?