Top 3 problems that you have with this game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by StormChazer, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Fab

    I like it, it's like the keep/change we had during beta :)

    1-pop balance (faction balance?)
    2-rendering distance when you are in the Air
  2. Hodo

    1- Optimisation
    2- 1 man base caps
    3- Need a fourth continent.
  3. DirArtillerySupport

    EVERYTHING missing from PS1
  4. CheeseN!P

    Great thread. people love whining, so give em a organized civil way to do it.

    anyways, I am one of those people. so read if you like, skim if you would rather.

    1. Faction Balance / Population Balance
    NC, TR, and VS all need to be on level ground. if all the factions are good, they over time will have their population balanced a bit more. That and better rewards for the under dog, 3% xp boost is terrible, and pointless because if you are outnumbered you aren't going to get Boo for kills anyways. and the other OBVIOUS thing is to let it be based on continent not world

    2. Tech Issues
    I honestly feel this issue SOE will address 70% properly OVERTIME. its not going to be pain free or on the bounce, lets face it that is just life. but the render distance will be really tough for them to tackle since I imagine it is a big nested part of their engine, you might have better luck removing IE completely from your PC.

    3. Aesthetics / Front end
    In its current state the game is unfriendly to those who don't play allot of PC games, or allot of shooters, it makes assumptions that the player already knows, but in reality we have to figure out. Also a over all look of the game, the women look like men, and they sound like them as well. Also the factions sometimes are too simaler, NC and the TRs only major difference is one wears aviators and the other wears goggles. and the VS is constantly assumed to be a friendly when im playing either a TR or a NC.

  5. Hadrian

    1) render distance
    2) cert gain rate and prices
    3) lack of metagame
    • Up x 1
  6. Mupod

    Grind is crazy. Even with double boosts on the double xp weekend it only just barely feels reasonable. I suppose my problem is that I spread things out too much, but man I pity any free player who wants a 1000 cert weapon.

    Draw distance during big firefights is a huge problem. It mostly happens in Tawrich, I turn the corner and suddenly a room full of NC that I didn't see from 10 feet away.

    Need more of an incentive to hold territory and fight on continents where you're outnumbered, not just entire-server population based incentives. Just wandering around solo capping bases is boring, but if you were outnumbered 10-1 on Amerish and you got 1000 xp for capping a random small base, people would start doing that. Right now all the action is on Indar and I'm sick of Indar.
  7. Iksniljiksul

    1. Lack of support for my recommended machine. Constant jerking in the game regardless of fps. Low fps. Impossible to fight as of last patch. I doubt this can ever be fixed, this game seems to require PCIE 3.0 and they need to admit this on the system specs (AMD has no plans to support PCIE 3.0 until at least next year).
    2. Cheaters. I have never seen so many people using auto aim and getting instant head shots as soon as they are seen. Coupled with the bug where a full clip of shots shows hits but they take no damage. Happens constantly.
    3. The above. Game would be good if I could play it but I give up. Holiday season so I can't buy anything for myself until at least Feb - March and woops! tax time, meaning this year everyone pays! So **** out of luck eh. Hope those 50 people who can run this game enjoy their small battles!
  8. H0urg1ass

    1) No Lattice System. This is killing the game for me. I paid a six month sub and I'm about ready to walk away and go back to World of Tanks or EVE Online. Playing Whack-a-Mole all day long... IS. NOT. FUN. Fix this garbage. Link the stations. Fix the back capping bug; yes hostiles can cap a station with zero link to it all day long.

    2) Cert prices. Especially for weapons, are absolutely absurd. 1K certs for the last rank of each of my mossie abilities? 1K certs for a new rifle? 1800 certs to get nanoweave armor on EACH class? It's not bad enough that I spent 1800 points on my HA, but now that I want to play an engie too, I have to grind out another 1800 just to have some slight bit of survivability in this high TTK game.

    3) SC prices. Also absurd. If camo cost 2.50 a pop, I'd probably have bought ten of them by now. But at 5 bucks a pop... yeah, I found one I like, and that's all the money you're getting SOE. 750 SC for some added fin bits to a plane? 500 SC for a helmet? Seriously, if the prices were about half what they are now, I probably would have spent way too much money by now, but there's no way I can justify dropping 5 bucks on pixel helmet... for each class. Get the prices in line with reality; especially during a down economy and they'll see profits go way up.
  9. Bearcat

    1. Balance
    2. Meta-game
    3. Balance
  10. cc2001

    1. Cert gain normalization across roles (ie Lib/Gal pilot or tail gunner XP gain vs Lib belly gunner or a HE tank) and the associated cost/benefit
    2. Render distance....being shot at by invisible (and thereby invincible) enemies sucks. Period. Walking a couple meters to have platoons worth of enemies pop-in to existence sucks.
    3. overcrowded/dual purpose air pads
  11. RamenTheDesertNoodle

    Hmm my top three would be

    1. Hacking/cheating. We all know it happens. Lagging is just an excuse they use. I personally would like to see the game go to a pay one format and then u can pay more if u want to advance more quickly. Make it painful for hackers to get caught. I'm sick of seeing the same name back after five minutes with a number added to it cause he got banned and created a new toon

    2. Cert farm is excruciatingly slow. Lucky for most of us, the stock kits are fairly competitive. But the cert farm borders in making this a "pay to win" game. Again I would rather drop 20-30 bucks once and get the security and progression the players and the game deserve.

    3. Map balance. Or rather population balance. Make it impossible for people to hop to the already conquered continent just to get easy resources. If a continent is overrun by a particular faction give them infinitive t o leave or cal the server full to any new players of that faction coming in.
  12. TheShatner

    If I'm not mistaken, there is bonus xp on both the basis of server population and continent (although continent xp bonus is not exposed). Both are very small, though.

    I've seen as high as 16% bonus xp when the server xp bonus is 0 or 1% if I'm playing on a continent where I'm vastly outnumbered. Maybe that's coming from some other source but I know I've gotten extra xp from somewhere.
  13. Gromwort

    1. Optimization
    2. Way way to high prices
    3. No chat within your own faction (/region doesn't work outside warpgate)
  14. BalogDerStout

    For me it's cert gain.

    I think part of the problem of the slow rate would be fixed if they gave you XP for things you really should be getting XP for anyway, like vehicle distribution or sitting on the flag. Why you don't get XP for holding a flag point so you cap faster and not just for the conversion is stupid. It's way more dangerous to hold that point.

    Also base defenses yield no XP. Even something simple like, if a base cap point flips, starts ticking toward another faction and yours is depleted, and you take it back it should yield 1/2 a capture.

    Anyway, my rough estimate based on my cert gain would suggest it would take me about 10-20 hours to earn 1,000 certs. More if I'm screwing around or activity is slow.

    This is if I can pull down about 50 - 100 certs an hour. I'm by no means that great of a player, heck I'm probably a little below average, how do other people fair? I know it's suppose to be an MMO, but I can finish most games in 10-20 hours. For a casual player that would take about a three weeks to a month to save up for, assuming they bought very little to nothing else.
  15. Avs0000

    1. Gameplay. Goals, class/role playstyle, infantry vs everything else, cert grinding, terrible death cam.
    2. Mechanics. Resource system, base design, spawn system, territory control, etc.
    3. Cash shop. Overpriced, cert grind, no distinguishable, people who spend money actually admit it isnt worth it.
    There's so much more though.
  16. LuckyImperial

  17. IshanDeston

    1) Cert costs (Why does extra protection for my Lightning cost 200 cp, while the same upgrade for a MBT costs only 100 cp? Shouldn't it be the otherway around?)
    2) Render draw distance in big fights Its sometimes quite obsolete to play a sniper, because you just can't see the enemy. You know where they are, but you can't see them
    3) Unreasonably high SC cost for unlocks that are Server only.
  18. Sparks

    1: Lack of content (mostly talking about continents here) and therefor no proper metagame (we have water now so where are the lakes and bridge battles now?)
    2: Lack of infantry fights inside bases (where vehicles cannot spam you to death) without render distance issues / Crappy base/outpost design
    3: Eternal 3 way due to static footholds

    I hope to see all 3 fixed during the next 3 - 6 months if not I'm not sure if I'm gonna stay in ps2 untill they pull the plug.
  19. Tricky

    1: Mindless Zerg or lose thinking in the general population.
    2: Render distance. (Buys 12x scope...can't see SOE)
  20. GraphicJ

    My top three:

    1) Rendering

    2) A2A with it's silly physics defying missiles and easy lock ons (Risk 10x < Reward )

    3)The constant whining on these forums. Forum was very positively different when game was in BETA( and that's when it had 100X more bugs than as of lately)