Top 3 problems that you have with this game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by StormChazer, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. StormChazer

    Let me start off.

    1) Balance.

    The factions are not balanced at the moment. One of the factions is clearly not on par with the other 2 and I don't even need to say which faction it is, because everyone already knows which one I'm talking about. In each map there also seems to be a warp gate that has a significantly better position compared to the other 2.

    2) Cert Gain.

    It's way too slow. There are tons of unlocks in this game and some weapons cost 1000 certs... I don't understand why it can't have a significantly faster gain. It's not like we're going to run out of unlocks anytime soon anyway. This is a major turn off for many casual gamers that want to make progress without playing 100 hours a month.

    3) Optimization. I have no idea if it's the engine or something, but this game isn't using more than 1 or 2 CPU cores. Many of us are running quad cores and we're getting bottlenecked to 30 fps in large battles, because the game is using less than 50% of our processor capabilities.

    Those are my top 3 problems. What about you?
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  2. vampwood

    Render distance
    Lack of promised features/stuff.
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  3. Roobarb



  4. xxJackallxx

    Those two and this...

    Logged into Waterson to play as NC see this and log right back out...


    I want actual good fights not steamroll an empty map or be steamrolled by a huge overwhelming force....
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  5. Jokester

    I'd say overall this game is pretty radical and amazing. It's replay value is enormous, and I'm not too upset about the cert gain, since I have a job and am willing to purchase a weapon if I really want it. I spend all my certs on abilities.

    But choosing three problems:

    1) Optimization. It's hard for me to play with some of my friends because their computers will not run the game. Further reducing the graphical quality or further optimization for multiple cores would help this problem.

    2) Rendering distance. I understand this is an inherent problem with running this kind of game and conflicts with optimization, but if we could get both, that would be perfect. If I had to choose one, I would prefer optimization.

    3) Lack of team organization opportunities. The squad system makes it hard to make friends. In a MMORPG, one of the most important functions is the ability to work with other players. I think some of the multiplayer meta could use some work.

    But actually, I think this is one of the best games that has come out in years.
  6. myrmexaw

    1: Rendering distance
    2: monthly premium being useless
    3: Hacker
  7. Conz

    *most* of the team killing I see is accidental to be honest .. I don't know how many friendlies I have killed because they jumped in front of my tracks or in front of my rifle while I was shooting. There are of course the people who are purposely going around being a pain.
    The ATV might have a tad too much nitroglycerine in its paint job also.

    My biggest problems are
    the cheaters
    some kind of mix between render distance and possibly lag .. it occasionally takes a while for people to start showing up on my screen when I am peering down my scope.
    the glitchy high ping people .. which are actually probably cheaters ..

    The unlock bug is annoying too but thankfully I have not had stuff not delivered .. usually it shows up eventually .. I did spend stuff double initially before figuring out this bug.
  8. Dubious

    1. Sky
    3. Rendering
  9. d1spatch

    1. Rendering
    2. Gameplay flow is a mess (zerg or get zerged) Needs to be rewards for defense. GAMEPLAY IS TRASH RIGHT NOW.
    3. More interesting bases (all the good fights seem to happen at the lame basic bases.
  10. Disrespecting

    3 really isn't enough to list my issues. I'll have a "Top 3" though

    1. Cert gains to slow
    2. SC Prices outrageous.
    3. Rendering distance

    Others include:
    Loading times

    Despite all this though, I love the game everytime i play and won't be quitting anytime soon, I'm pretty sure most if not all these issues will be addressed, SOE is definitely trying, so I'll be patient

    Good luck SOE :)
  11. TheEvilBlight

    If you're a VS, you swear that your damage decay is so high that you can't win at long range, but TR and NC don't have the same damage decay, but one can throw more lead and one hurts a lot more.

    If you're NC, you swear that your guns are damned uncontrollable, TR and VS weapons are, but TR has more lead and VS is accurate as all heck.

    If you're TR, you swear that your guns are inaccurate, but the NC weapons hit like a horse-kick and the VS weapons are dead-on like laser beams.

    But in any case, the snipers usually win in infantryside.

    Moving on, the three problems are FPS, Renderside, steep costs in cert and SC.
  12. r.Tek

    1. Population

    2. Meta-game non-existent

    3. Optimization

    Honorary Mention: Terrible base designs
  13. siiix

    certificate gain IS way to slow
    but SC pricing is not to bad compared to other free2play games

    i would never buy any gun with certificates, because certificates are just way to valuable, and many things you can ONLY buy with certificates

    as for the core problem there is an easy fix..true it should not be the community's job to fix the game... never the less someone figured out how to run all cores and reasonable load... my frame rate DOUBLED ... actually its pretty decent now
  14. MarlboroMan-E

    Meta game

    Empire level communication

    More conts to support meta game
  15. Machinegun Psycho

    Logged into Waterson to play as NC see this and log right back out...


    I want actual good fights not steamroll an empty map or be steamrolled by a huge overwhelming force....[/quote]

    I am backing that I am totally with you on this one

    Almost each night when i log in i must choose between
    "impossible defense/attack" or "instopable force due to no defense team at all"

    I looking for good fair fight all the time but i dont know what can be done to prevent that.

    I am thinking "team sanctuary" and Lock Continent completly like in BF1
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  16. helloworldy

    1) Optimization.
    2) Optimization.
    3) Optimization.
  17. Stick Pin

    And how did u do that?

    1 and 2= Optimization AND Rendering cause I couldn't increase my FPS without lowering the rendering.
    3. Certs cost way too much!
  18. Ryloxx

    Clearly everyone knows exactly what you're talking about, since the forums have a new thread every day about each faction being neglected. Get over it, your faction is not the worst.

    So enlightened one, why don't you be so kind to share with everyone what faction is the worst?
  19. TheShatner

    Great game, in which I have full faith SOE is doing their best to make it as entertaining as possible. I don't deny they're trying to make money, but their developers can't live off bread and water forever. If there wasn't any money to be made in video games there wouldn't be nearly as many quality video games. My satisfaction with the title aside, the three issues I have so far with PS2:

    1. Infantry Render Distance -- I personally am not encountering any of the performance issues others are reporting with regards to FPS. I don't deny that they are having them, but the infantry draw distance really is a killer especially for someone like myself who likes a lot of air play. Perhaps make it cfg option (I understand that this gives an advantage to those who have rigs that can handle it, but in the end sometimes a compromise is necessary)?

    2. Suicide/Deconstruct/Betrayal does not award Kill -- There is hardly a modern title anymore that does not turn a suicide/betrayal into a kill for the last player to damage them (CS and NS2 were all I could think of, but in their case kills have no extrinsic incentive [$300 in CS hardly counts]). Seeing this kind of spite-play, while humorous at times (seeing someone divebomb the ground when I've just run out of ammunition), is really frustrating. I would like to see such aggression flags also pass on to all passengers of a vehicle (so an eject->suicide would also be a kill), but I'll pursue one thing at a time.

    Edit: I know such suicides are not always intentional/spite-inspired: I've accidentally suicided at times trying to lose someone, and it genuinely makes me feel like a dick.

    3. Lack of Defense Incentive - Perhaps this is just a lack of incentive to hold ground, in general. Making vehicles/aircraft/MAX more expensive might be a partial solution (unless we are pushed all the way back to the gate for multiple hours, the only thing ever restricting me from buying another ESF/tank is timer) especially when combined with territories ramping up the resources they give over time the longer they are held. I'm fine with just the intrinsic rewards of defense (that fuzzy feeling of just playing the game) but it's frustrating when everyone abandons a base unless they feel they can turn it into a meat grinder, and I can't blame them.
  20. Daedrick

    1: Optimisation

    2: broken mechanics (ressources, population, incentives)

    3: prices both CP and SC