Top 3 Myths about the conquest mode

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alan Kalane, May 29, 2015.

  1. Alan Kalane

    1. MYTH: Everything costs 50% less nanites
    TRUTH: MAXes are always full price so don't worry about "MAX spamfest"

    2. MYTH: You can capture every facility by using the hex-system adjacency bonuses
    TRUTH: Adjacency doesn't work in case of bigger facilities(Biolab,TechPlant,AmpStation). Those bases can only be captured using a lattice connection.

    3. MYTH: You can still use redeploy, but you can only spawn at the warpgate or at your current facility.
    TRUTH: Redeploy got removed completely, you can't activate it. /suicide works however.

    This is only true for the current PTS version of the game mode and is subject to change
    • Up x 3
  2. Iridar51

    So they basically implemented all the lattice and logistics changes that community has been asking for so long, and made it into a new game mode. Clever. Not sure how I feel about nanite costs, though. Nanites barely have any effect on players now, at 50% there won't be any effect whatsoever. Spam of everything costing nanites.
  3. ColonelChingles

    If anything, data from the Resource Revamp back in 2014 suggests that there will be a never-ending hail of frag grenades and C4 raining from the sky.

    Oddly enough MAXes really didn't become more of a problem with the earlier RR as many people predicted. I guess after some 'nade spam people discovered they couldn't afford those MAXes anymore.
  4. Iridar51

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a vehicle hater here. By "mass pull of everything" I meant everything costing nanites in general.
  5. FateJH

    What is the obsession with /suicide that it lingers with us even now?
  6. cbplayer

    /suicide = effortlessly tp back to your base
  7. HadesR

    No clue .. Due to the borked Queue haven't had chance to Test it yet and losing the will to even bother ...
  8. Littleman

    I can't even get to the character select screen. Would like to visit test, but it's test, so not that pressed.