Too many infiltrators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    I'm just mad the SMG infiltrators are seemly causing the class as a whole to get nerfed.
  2. Marxsbeard

    Most snipers suck. Pull LA and go flying around the hills for free tunnel vision kills. They're giant blinking dots on you screen. Many times the guy 10m away in the next crevasse won't notice you just killed his friend. Sniper hunting as sniper is fun too. So many don't bother strafing after cloak, easy hs.
  3. Tuco

    I'd rather have a sniper rifle for light assault than infiltrator. But oh well, right.
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  4. Goden

    Yeah well what do you expect from a class that has seen nothing but buffs and new toys for months and has some of the best weapons in the game while also being able to turn invisible?
  5. Baracuda

    You mean...

    Cloaking being heard from 250m+?
    Commi-knife combo nerf?
    Sensor darts being seen on the mini map?
    Sensor darts destructable?
    EMP only effecting the infils ability gage while not others?
    Hacking now visible on the map with flashing icons?
    Commi being the only side arm capable of OHK and ONLY against infils?
    Having 100 less effective HP than every other class?
    Having no AV option?
    Having a cloak that only works properly if you are crouched and not moving?

    You mean those 'buffs' that infils have been getting for months?
  6. Captain Kid

    I just logged out because of infiltrators. Takes forever to get in to a good even popped fight (without being bombarded with tank shells and air) then you have to deal with semi invisible camping enemies.

    You can't have a good infantry fight when the enemy can be everywhere. It's bad enough the bases are designed in such a way the attacking (not defending off course, they are stuck in a box sized room) enemy can come from all directions because lack of walls.

    I'm tired of being shot at from behind while I did check the radar, position of friendlies, position of enemies, reading the battlefield, which team controls which part of the terrain, do they have armour, where is it, can they hit me from there, etc. but hey this guy is invisible so he can flank me. And he has access to close and long range weapons. (NS smg is actually very good at 35 meters so he doesn't even have to get close. I know, I just played infiltrator myself with it. easy times.)
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  7. p10k56

    Now straight bolt mechanism this is pure win. Surely now anoyators number will go up.
    I wonder does it have any downside to have pump action bolt sniper:confused:
  8. Canno

    I am fed up royally with the game.

    This always happens:

    I spawn at a base, a enemies outside. I get my infiltrator and try to hack back our terminal/turrets, then retreat.
    Going to another position, trying to avoid a tank, DING. Tank blows me up.

    Respawn, this time the tank leaves, but point is flipped. I flank to the point but a ESF or Lib blows me up. Then the tank hits me a few times just for fun. Then someone pees on my corpse.

    This is really tiring and zero fun, just killed randomly. Seriously, I would prefer to be killed just for selecting infiltrator since that seem to be what everyone who gets killed by and infiltrator wants. At least I don't have to hone my skills, it is in fact a game, and I die anyway.

    I know I am partially visible when moving, my darts show on the map so I can't use them and let people know I'm there. I know my motion sensor can be heard, seen, and destroyed. I know there's a dozen ways to detect me when cloaked. I know there's less health for me to work with. I know in a straight up fight I'll probably lose, more so if you take away my cqc weapon the SMG.

    Basically I don't want anyone to have to deal with a class using the tools given in effective ways. It sucks. Really everyone but me should have a nerf gun, a real nerf gun, not a nerfed gun, wear a non-scary clown suit that glows like the sun and a neon sign above their head saying 'insert bullet here to win'. That way no one has to hunt for invisible guys (aside from the dozens of ways to find them) and no one has to actually move around and shoot things. In fact, if all the enemies could just like up and let folks walk down the line shooting them that would REALLY help. Then people can spend that 10 seconds dancing a jig instead of moving around while the enemies line up again.

    Tired of this complaining totally.
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  9. Canno

    If you're allowing this to go on that's poor play on your/your team/faction's part. Snipers are easy to spot, easy to counter, easy to hear when they cloak over and over.

    Get headphones.
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  10. LIKE A BOSS!

    If you think Infiltrators are invisible than thats a get a better PC issue or you just have bad situational awereness.
  11. Goden

    Turn on cloak. Stop moving. Crouch.

    Tada! You are now very difficult to see!

    And no, I just upgraded my rig a few days ago so don't pull that stupid card.
  12. LIKE A BOSS!

    Get flashlight. And still get situational awareness the cloak is so loud that you can currenty hear it 50m away. If you are still having trouble with infiltrators it's still a L2P issue.
  13. Baracuda

    Actually its 250m not 50m
  14. KnightCole

    Well, you do have to stop to aim at some point. And yeah...OP, i agree, the amount of infils is very damn annoying.
  15. LIKE A BOSS!

    lmfao thats even worse.
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  16. LIKE A BOSS!

    I see more heavy assualts than infiltrators ingame.
  17. -MJ12-

    There are still more Heavies than Infiltrators I think.

    Personally I find it more annoying to die from Infiltrators than from Heavies, because I feel more helpless. In bigger fights it is impossible to check every corner for a crouching Infiltrator (at least I try) and with gunshots, Air and explosions all around you you don't notice the cloaking sound. And then you try to be careful and plinkplinkplink one of those bastards pops up behind you and kills you in 0,5 seconds - the most annoying feeling.
    Same goes for Snipers - there are usually so many of them it doesn't matter if you run around at full speed, someone always hits your head. At least those ones can be taken out easily in CQC - or better most of the time. I sometimes encountered skilled snipers (no cheaters) who had an 100% headshot accuracy. I came close to them - decloak headshot cloak - running or strafing, there was simply no avoiding.

    After the Infiltrator update last year I made a thread about that - 50% of my deaths have been due to SMG-Infiltrators, Snipers and Minesduring that time. There I was sure there were more Infiltrators around than Heavies. Now it is back to normal (about 20-25% I think), but again, dying to them is annoying like hell.
  18. Amouris

    We can smell the weakness in the herd.
  19. iller

    Actually there is, but not because the class is "effective". (SMG's aside....)

    I watched like like 4 of them around me constantly being killed one time. I eventually stopped aiming at enemies entirely and became a lot more fascinated by how these guys literally yards from my position kept dying while contributing absolutely nothing towards capping this hex where we had like 60% pop.


    Eventually I started getting more kills just by killing the people who were flanking THEM. Then it dawned on me .... Infiltrators are only good as bait, kinda like an unstealthed Sundy with no Mineguard or Blockade. They don't have to actually kill anyone to bring a bunch of rage ponies out of their comfy Bases and into the wilderness
  20. Hiding in VR

    I don't know about that. My Underboss and Darklight seems to be earning its pay.