Too many infiltrators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bl4ckVoid, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. cruczi

    Medium settings (I believe it's just the Lighting setting that's relevant here) should have a very small performance cost, just enable that and you can see them fine. Someone correct me here if I'm talking out of my ***, I play on high/ultra.
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  2. MarkAntony

    I thinks you're right but I play on high/ultra too. And I don't even have to consciously look for infiltrators. They are that easy to see on high settings.
  3. cruczi

    1. Does that even matter? His point wasn't about what scope/sights he is using.
    2. Plenty of weapons that are capable at long range can be used with 1x scope, e.g. Battle Rifles. So no it doesn't mean he's using the wrong weapon
    3. Iron sights can be used effectively at any range that 6x scopes can. 200m is not too long, I've sniped people with T5 AMC iron sights from that distance.
  4. Vinakis

    1. It only matters because you singled it out in my reply to the OP? If you say it's not relevant, why are we even having this discussion?
    2. It's fine and good that you can shoot people at long range with battle rifles and long range oriented carbines. But it's neither easy, nor as effective as those weapons would be closer in, or in the case of a Battle Rifle, with a proper scope. I'm suggesting that if you're using a weapon with no zoom, you should move in closer to kill that sniper who can take you out in one shot from range. Is that wrong? I've killed plenty of snipers at decent distances with my LMG and 2x reflex, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have better chances if I had been closer in, and the OP is in obvious need of some advice.
    3. See number 2.
  5. Nyscha

    The relevant part is in bold.

    And thats what I enjoy doing to mere footsoldier peasants.
    Sit still and you are dead.
    If you are moving its only a matter of time until you are dead anyway..
    You are always in my sights.
    You are my prey.
    And I will feed.
  6. MorganM

    I keep seeing all these threads about "OMG TOO MANY MAXES THEY SO OP NERF NOW!!1111" and I just find it to be totally unfounded by my experience in game.

    Now an infiltrator thread... and I have to agree... I see to many infiltrators out there. Especially from the VS. There's a point of diminishing returns here guys; you need adapt to the situation at hand... not just pull your fav class all the time and hope it helps. It's pretty annoying even from the otherside when you spawn in, see a bunch of vehicles around to deal with, a couple points that need to be retaken, and there's just a bunch of guys sniping. Hey... guys... news flash: you aren't going to save the base by camping from your perch sniping random people. You gotta actually go and re-take the point, destroy the vehicles, nuke their sunderer.

    Frankly I don't think most of them care. They will just redeploy to the next base, find a good camping spot, and keep on sniping. Not sure what to do about it really... if anything. That's just how some people want to play. I find it boring, tedious, and very little help to their team... but apparently they love it.
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  7. Bl4ckVoid

    Maybe I want to fight normally, infiltrator tries to shoot me, I notice him and have the skill to headshot him with 1x scope at 200 meters, then he should drop. (Fat chance, I know, but still).
  8. cruczi

    You had misread what Bl4ckVoid said, and I corrected you. That's it. Don't make a habit of failing at reading comprehension

    Sure. But as I alluded to, even iron sights can be used effectively at 200 meters with the exact same trigger control as with magnification, thus it doesn't necessarily mean it's doing it wrong.
  9. cruczi

    It would be hugely unfair to infiltrators to give all classes the ability to OHK with headshots, not to mention it'd make the game ultra boring. Why would infiltrators bother with sniping at all if it means they still die just as easily as anybody else?
  10. Dis

    Roughly 98% of the infils in this game play with a 1 for 1 mentality. That is, they spawn and say to themselves "if I can get one kill this life it's all good".

    Most are free easy kills, but when you do get ganked by one only to watch him or her get executed by 10 people one second later, you do have to wonder why me.
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  11. Vinakis

    1. Point taken, my bad, **** happens :p

    2. It is doing it wrong if you try to out-snipe a sniper at 200m with a weapon not meant to be effective at that range, and then come to the forums saying that snipers are unbalanced and need to be nerfed because of it, which appears to be exactly the case with the OP.

    You're more than welcome to fight normally, but if you're getting sniped often it's a good sign you're not moving around enough, as others have said. You're either going to have to avoid them, or counter them, like any other enemy. My favorite (aside from counter sniping) is to break out of the area they're sniping in, then sneak up on them from behind or from the side and give them a silenced pistol shot and a knife to the back of the head. There's usually other snipers in the same area as well, so making that stealthy kill on the ranged ninjas means you'll get the opportunity to kill more than just one too.

    Cert a Blacklight flashlight, check your corners and when going around corners. Don't just storm into a room. Always expect infiltrators. The amount of times I get killed by infiltrators in a base I can count on one hand.. Awareness is key in PS2
  13. ajma

    Sir, you have all the signs of l2pitis.
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  14. Ghosty11

    To be honest I find the Darklight Flashlight to be a waste of certs. If I suspect an infiltrator is in the room I'm in I'll walk the edges of the room and shoot a single round into areas I think they may be hiding. If I get a hit marker then hold down the LMB. I've gotten plenty this way. Nearly every time I use the flashlight the infiltrator sees the flashlight and uncloaks, then it's about 50/50 whether I kill them or they kill me, depends if I was facing them or not. Without the flash light they think they can get away and sit there motionless unless I shoot them, in which case I beat them every time since I got the drop on them.
  15. John_Aitc

    I primarily play Infiltrator and I have definitely noticed an increase of our class around. I dismissed it as people trying out the new fun items and abilities that we received in the class refresh.

    I'll bet that once the novelty wears off, people will return to their most played class. The stalker cloak is less fun than it sounds and the new beacon is useful, but not as much as the darts are. Give it time and the Infiltrator infestation will fade away. Until then, enjoy all the extra squishy targets around!
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  16. Nyscha

    Yeah there has been a big increase of infiltrators but they are pretty terrible players.. I've been enjoying hunting them with my infiltrator main they are so careless with their stealth sounds etc.

    Just bandwagoners trying out new things.

    I've actually had the exact opposite experience.. I've only bought darklights for my NC toon. As that's my main infantry character. And I've surprised many stalker cloakers. Maybe they just daft but they just sit there and not move. But today on my TR , as you I too fire rounds of in suspicious places and corners to detect infils. I can across a infil and he was a little too quick for me. Lol..
  18. IamnotAmazing

  19. KoS-1

    I do the same thing, no matter were I am at. Sometimes even behind spawn shields! The habit is so ingrained into me.

    I get made fun of as well. But I usually get the last laugh, when they are dead next to me. :)
  20. Juho

    Infltrators (SMG and stalkers) usually avoid HAs and MAXes. When you hear cloaking just run! They do try very hard to sneak behind of you and when you just run forward you'll ruin their chances to kill you

    And to avoid of getting sniped just move. Even a little movement is annoying for the one who tries to snipe you...

    I play often as infil so I know how to defend myself against them as well when playing HA, medic or engineer